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About Clint1

  • Birthday 17/06/1963

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  • Interests
    Bikes, bikes, anything that goes wizz bang or makes my toes curl.

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  1. Clint1


    There must be a lot of this happening atm. My 89 y.o. FiL has got a Matiz sat on his drive with ****** all miles on it.
  2. I am now interested in a Trigger kit of some sort for fast -firing practical mini rifle. Due to my phobia for buying anything new if I can avoid it, has anyone got a used unit to sell or swap? JARD, Geisselle, CMG etc
  3. It is interesting to see the tides of sympathy ebbing and flowing one way then the other after some news-worthy event, be it children being drowned or some new terrorist atrocity. I would imagine like me this is not the only forum PW-ers participate in. This forum doesn't let you use certain words but the sentiments/comments can be very very harsh (as long as you don't swear). On some other forums you can use whatever words you want but there is much condemnation of fascist views, racism, sexism ism ism et al. Strange world isn't it (compared to what, I don't know lol) Also I feel we have a very narrow view of world events in this country. Our media enjoy control and manipulation a little too much. Our news is a 'TV Show' with all that accompanies a good entertainment slot. Skateboarding dogs and fat schoolkids make better tv than far away murder and mayhem. Which is why I watch Al-Jazeera and RT with a bit of Sunrise thrown in for light relief.
  4. Clint1

    Buy or Swap

    Folding Back Up Sights preferably Metal as in MBUS for tactical use but well made polymer ones would be ok eg Magpul. I have for swap some Smith and Wesson fixed metal sights, very good quality. But I will be happy to pay outright if necessary.
  5. Has anyone got one of these lurking in their shed or garage that they don't want anymore? I know I can buy one off ebay for +- £45 but I'm on a tight budget.
  6. Clint1

    Laser pens

    You would think that some smart rs would come up with an anti-laser coating for aircraft windows.
  7. This is more of a question than a comment. Having just relisted I assumed it would be at the top but it's not. How do i get it to the top or can't I and that's 99p down the drain boo hoo.
  8. If it's a black aluminum wheel about 4" across I've got one. Send me a pm with email for pic.
  9. Clint1


    A lot of snotty attitude on here about people enjoying themselves. At least they are keeping fit unlike some of the bug-eyed 'gamers' sitting up all night murdering pixels. If you start dissecting any 'sport' or'special interest' you will find plenty to criticize. Personally I have never understood the fascination some have for sitting in a tent all day on the edge of a filthy canal dangling impaled maggots in the water. Can't quite believe the how realistic some of the airsoft 'ordnance' is, expensive too. You can buy an actual Mini-Gun which will fire 4000+ BB's a minute for £4-5K.
  10. Sorted now, thanks for all the offers
  11. What's your budget and purpose eg PSG or what?
  12. As above please. Tidy as it will be a present.
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