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Everything posted by Hammergun

  1. There is no age restriction on getting a FAC, but I think you must be 15 before you can use a firearm without being accompanied by an adult over 21. Why bother with a FAC airgun? If you go for a FAC you might as well get a .22 rimfire. You can get a reasonable second hand .22 rimfire rifle for under £100.
  2. For hunting rabbits with an air rifle, you need the patience of Job!! I lie up in a hedge back downwind from where they come out. Don't use hides as they spook at any change in surroundings. Just wear clothing which will blend in with the environment. Bait doesn't work unless you regularly place it out (such as when using cage traps).
  3. So they are. Arent also black backed gulls? or am I getting them mixed up with another species?
  4. You need a Firearms Certificate for all self-contained gas cartridge type air weapons, and for any air weapons over 12lbf. No license for other air weapons but there are laws and age restrictions.
  5. Whoever you are "Anonymous" - two can play that game. I am a God-fearing man and have no issues when it comes to Hunting. I'm not one for Bible quotes generally, but as the circumstances dictate; here goes: The often misinterpreted verses of Ecclesiastes 3:19 - "For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity." This means that man is mortal as are the animals. It does not imply anywhere that man should not hunt However, there is the following quote 1 Corinthians 15:39 - "All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds." And Remember, whoever you are - Luke 6:37 - "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:" Regarding hunting - Genesis 27:5 - "And Rebekah heard when Isaac spake to Esau his son. And Esau went to the field to hunt for venison, and to bring it." Leviticus 17:13 - "And whatsoever man there be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, which hunteth and catcheth any beast or fowl that may be eaten; he shall even pour out the blood thereof, and cover it with dust." Proverbs 12:27 - "The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious." In biblical times, it was customary to offer a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons, one as a sin offering and one as a burnt offering.
  6. Thats only 'cos he's your dad. Keeper gives 50p for a magpie, but usually I just get drinks bought for me at the pub. One heavy session at the rats usually gets me a couple of pints down the pub, and if I keep it up all year, a bottle of malt at Christmas.
  7. Aled, You cannot have your own means of access to your gun until you are 15, and you cannot go out unsupervised until then.
  8. What about white rabbits? Does anyone remember what happened in Monty Python and the Holy Grail?
  9. Browing - Persuade your wife to get a FAC - it's cheaper and easier than another cabinet!
  10. Wishing you every success and happiness as you step into adulthood. May your sport be good, your pheasants fly well, your aim be straight and true, and the pigeons be fast and plentiful! Have a good day!
  11. I got my charger from here: http://www.ssejim.co.uk/slacharger.htm
  12. You are probably hitting them in the fleshy part of the neck. You need to aim at the skull just behind the eye.
  13. Much depends on what is behind when your pellets hit. If for example a hardwood fence post is in the way, it can cause the shot to bounce back. As for other objects, I would expect that the momentum of the shot will put them into motion.
  14. Think of the lamp more as a way of enabling you to spot them rather than as a way of making them freeze. As dim as possible is best, with an orange filter or red.
  15. Hammergun

    Gun rack

    Make yourself one!! They are easy enough to do.
  16. Have you considered longnetting? This can be very effective if the land lends itself to doing so, and unshot rabbits get a higher price. There are several members on the forum who are experts. Otherwise, is the land suitable for rimfire?
  17. Too True! I couldn't have put it better myself! PS no lager - he is talking on the radio!
  18. I was told this info by a member of my shoot. Just goes to show how archaic and what a mess these laws are.
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