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Everything posted by Hammergun

  1. Last year we went on the Saturday 10th August, which happened to be the hottest day on record! It was funny seeing lots of people shooting wearing shorts, sunglasses and flip-flops! Afterwards, we all jumped into the river to cool off. Thank goodness I took the car and not the landy, so we had the air conditioning. I remember having to clean lots of tar splats from my car the day afterwards as some of the road surfaces had melted.
  2. Anyone going to Lowther this year? 6th, 7th and 8th August
  3. Don't be tempted to start plucking them when you are sat in your hide, as the sight of feathers blowing about will put off any pigeons from dropping down to the decoys!!
  4. Great picture, Lurcherboy. Nice composition and effective use of monochrome and contrast. Have you though of entering it into a competition? I'm sure it would be good enough. Pity you missed the feet off.
  5. Hammergun


    AK47 - As has been repeatedly discussed previously, can members fill in their profiles so we know a little about what age, location and background they are coming from, and as such can respond accordingly. It's not as if we are asking for names, addresses and credit card details! :blink:
  6. Sure you can all work out the reason behind mine. :blink: (Hey, Red, I'm waiting for Brain_Dead to give us the reason behind his ??? )
  7. Hammergun


    Welcome on board. Barrie - I took me 18 days from sending off my application to getting my certificate. 3 months is unacceptable and if I were you, I would complain. Yours, HG
  8. Hammergun


    When you zero your scope do you fire at least 8 pellets in succession before making adjustments? You need this to be able to work out the average grouping, else you will just end up "chasing your tail". Zero your scope at about the same distance you will be normally shooting at. Is a BSA Spitfire a spring-loaded gun? If so, if it is loose, each recoil may displace the hairline inside the scope, causing duff shightings each time (that happened to me with my last spring-gun). When the sight is correctly zeroed, you should be able to put pellet after pellet in more or less the same place on the target.
  9. Oh dear........ That was more worthy of YP :blink:
  10. Firstly, you need to enquire about an international firearms pass. Your local force will tell you about how you can use your Sewdish license over here. Without proper certification, it will be illegal for you to shoot, so you must sort that issue out first. If you buy the "Sporting Gun" magazine, there are advertisements for guided pigeon shooting.
  11. Go to the "how to upload" topic.
  12. Am I the only one who writes my text messages unabbreviated and with punctuation marks?
  13. This round's on me. That should get them in (or maybe not) :blink:
  14. I know someone who went out there a few years ago. They took their business with them and have done well. One drawback is that if you want to do that, it is much more complicated and expensive to set up a limited company ("SGDG" I think its called) than it is in Britain. Cost of living and housing is much cheaper. Yes, you need to be a fluent French speaker for it to work, and you need to throw yourself behind making friends. However, If you get into hunting and shooting circles, you will probably find that will not be too hard as they all speak a universal hunting language!
  15. Ermmmm You forgot to mention the French Mistress, YP
  16. Official statistics estimate that one rabbit, if it lives 2 years, will consume on average £6 worth of crops.
  17. Hammergun

    my site

    The others have paid to advertise on this site so why should you get it for free?
  18. Hammergun


    Have a good one!
  19. racing pigeons are usually rubber-stamped in red ink on the underside of the wing. If this isnt there, it usually means that the bird has gone wild and it has worn off.
  20. Just makes me wonder how long it will be before someone makes some computer controlled simulated pigeon decoys, and how long before someone is foolish enough part with a few grand to buy one!
  21. Anyone on for a beer or three?
  22. If you want to do it properly, you can buy the blueing salts from Peter Dyson on the net. Remember, preparation is everything.
  23. If you can rub the barrels down to the bare metal with fine emery cloth, you can often get the job cheaper as the most expensive part is the preparation.
  24. Read the previous posts again - heavy or oversize loads were never mentioned anywhere. I suggest you read the posts fully before you start to criticise. I am quite aware that this shooter is new. :< It is a well known fact that if the gun stock is too short for the individual, it will be uncomfortable when shooting. You do not have to get a gun "fitted", just make sure the stock is of a suitable length. It is also an acknowledged fact that if shooting the same load through each, a heavier gun will kick less than a lighter one.
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