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Everything posted by Hammergun

  1. I think that most of these were made in the first half of the 20th Century. You will probably be able to tell better from the proof marks. Yes, a .410 may probably suit a 12 year old, but remember that it takes far more skill to be able to shoot the same as with a 12 bore. Much depends on his physical build, but at that age, I was shooting a light 12 bore with light load cartridges.
  2. Provided the land is suitable and that you don't have a criminal record, you should have no problem.
  3. Red, that is terrible. My thoughts are with you.
  4. See the post re hanging and cooking under the recipes section.
  5. I'm in now. Anyone about?
  6. Live catch traps are best. I have used them to great effect on greys.
  7. Yes, there is. Air weapons must be stored in such a way as so they cannot be accessed by unauthorised persons such as young children.
  8. Can you please post the link, Digger?
  9. There is now no legal way you can get one. Such weapons may now no longer be legally sold or transferred. Go for a PCP rifle.
  10. I am sorry to hear about this, Pieman. My prayers will be with you all.
  11. YP - am I right in thinking you are proposing another pigeon shooting excursion? All the best, HG
  12. Suggest you read earlier posts for the answer to your question.
  13. Hammergun

    Duck Eggs

    No, it is not true. All eggs contain cholesterol. Red, you are quite right that the method of cooking makes a lot of difference.
  14. I seem to remember reading a column in the archive section of "The Field" giving a badger recipe, but I may be mistaken.
  15. If thats the title, its not very good as a starter -- it should be "La Grande Chasse Equipage au Renard" PS there's a wealth of French websites on it - check out Societe de Venerie And this forum is mainly concerned with "le petit gibier"
  16. Aled, I am disappointed. No true sportsman would ever shoot like that.
  17. This farmer I know had problems with squirrels stealing walnuts from his trees last year and asked me to do something. I lent him two traps which he positioned on the walls, loaded with walnuts. Virtually every time he checked them, there was one squirrel in each trap. I shot a squirrel perched in the top of a walnut tree later that month. It came crashing to the ground, then got up and ran off. I shot it again and it carried on. Only after reloading and shooting it practically point blank did it finally stop.
  18. YP - Collies can move very fast, but only over fairly short distances - they do not have the stamina. I wouldn't ditch the lurcher yet!
  19. Back in AA.....whoops I mean the PWA lol
  20. No relatives or firerms dealers can act as references. Get hold of an application form. I suggest you do a bit of research. Most police authorities have a website with details.
  21. That is the way it is on the continent. However the powers that be are often more pragmatic than dogmatic when it comes to country sports.
  22. Never rely on safety catches - the gun is still cocked even though the safety catch is on. All you have to do is drop or knock it.
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