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Everything posted by Hammergun

  1. OK, here's an old recipe for you, Ollie "The fox provides a strongly flavoured, coarse meat which if not suitably prepared can barely be described as palatable. Only the young foxes are worth eating, and the only parts of any value are the saddle and the hind legs. The liver must not be used as this is of a a most disagreeable flavour. An acceptable dish may be prepared thus: Take one young fox and fillet the saddle and hind quarters. Cut into fair size pieces approximately one inch in size, and wash in several waters. Allow the to lie in a quart of ale or stout overnight, the action of which will serve to tenderise the meat. Romove the meat from the stout, roll in coarse flour and fry briefly until it is nicely browned. Place the meat in a suitable sized dish with a pint of water, bay leaves, onion and carrot. Season with salt, pepper and sage, then cover the dish with a sutiable suet crust. Set in a moderate oven. Time taken to cook 2 1/2 hours. Serves 4 persons. Approximate cost unknown as foxes rarely being sold"
  2. Aha, BA, that explains the reason behind everything we have been wondering about you! :( Yes, Ollie, but I bet he didn't just sit behind a desk all day!!!
  3. Ratty, Sorry, but I don't really know anything about Revolvers. Looking at it there, and at the size, I guess it is the sort of thing a lady or a gent may have carried discreetly on their person or in a handbag in early Victorian times to protect against attackers. Value - that depends on condition, scarceity and collectability. I wouldn't begin to guess. Could be worth anywhere from £50 to......... well, no idea! Assuming you are a member of BASC (if you aren't, you **** well should be!) email your photos to Bill Harriman, who will (ususally) be able to help you. Ask me anything about shotguns, but not these!
  4. It's here: http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...?showtopic=2021
  5. Young rooks, but not crows or adult rooks.
  6. Gentlemen, Let's not forget, the article is in "The Independent". Need I say more.
  7. The piano. Trouble is it's not portable! I played the piano accordeon once, but some b***ard nicked it and I never got round to getting another one. My grandad used to be an amazing harmonica player. Jazz and blues, and all sorts. Harmonica is great as you can just carry it around in your pocket. It's quite tricky to play proficiently.
  8. I agree completely, Big Dave. Location and DOB helps give an idea of from what angle that person is coming from. Come on everyone, It's not as if it is asking for your credit card details and home addresses! I also agree that there should be a clearout of members who have not posted for a long time, or those who have never posted at all.
  9. You don't have to, but its easier if they are still warm. Its better to gut them as quicly as possible as they keep better. I usually gut them out in the field and use the guts for crow bait. I skin them back at my car (makes less mess than in the kitchen).
  10. what makes your PC crash is called "Windows" :yp:
  11. Follow the link on the homepage: http://www.pigeonwatch.co.uk
  12. I did a huge bunny curry for a curry supper last year. It had the meat of 20 rabbits in it!! Went down amazingly.
  13. Basically, you can't shoot them when they are sat on you roof as the pellet could likely keep on travelling. The only way is to shoot them from above from an upstairs window where a pellet can only ever hit the ground within your property.
  14. Amount of kick has more to do with the fit and weight of the gun. A poorly fitting gun will hurt, and a heavier gun will absorb much of the recoil.
  15. Your money would be better spent elsewhere. If you want something cheap and reliable, look at Baikal.
  16. Anyone about for a quiet pint tonight?
  17. Don't even pick up rats by the tip of the tail - use a shovel or disposable gloves. Beware alse where rats and ferals have been - Leptospirosis bacteria are present wherever rats live, and particularly where they urinate.
  18. You have to be patient - it's a large document
  19. Here's one I was told by a New Zealander (need the accent for it to sound right, and need lots of beer for people to laugh at it)- they have a sort of rivalry with the Auzzies. This New Zealander was visiting Australia, and he went climbing one day. Hearing a scuffle inside a shed, he went to investigate. On entering the shed, he saw a big Australian bloke giving a big yowe the old heave-ho. "Bladdy Hell, what are you doing with that sheep, mate?" - "Can't you see? Dont you do this in Springtime in New Zealand" "Naw mate, we usually shear them!" - "Baggar off mate, I'm not shearing this one with anybody!"
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