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Everything posted by Hammergun

  1. Hammergun


    I saw a review of the book, which was not very complimentary. Apparently the text itself is full of bad grammar, often contrary to what the book is trying to get across!! There are better books on the market.
  2. How pointless! As if those criminally-minded are going to give a toss about carrying it in a public place if they are doing so in order to be able to subsequently carry out a criminal act! :<
  3. At the moment, I am hanging pheasants for 2 weeks. After 4 days they will probably still be tough. I think it definitely needs more than a week. The meat gets more tender the longer you hang (due to enzyme action) after 2 weeks they get stronger and they are easier to pluck. You can safely hang for several weeks provided the weather is cold enough. Don't gut game until you are ready to use it or it will go off. Rabbits are best gutted within minutes of being killed as they soon spoil (and its easier before rigor mortis sets in). Be careful not to split their guts or your job will be unnecessarily messy. After skinning, soak in salted water for at least 1 hour or overnight. This gets the blood out and makes them moister. Pigeons must be gutted and used as soon as possible after being shot
  4. Also known as "beaver bashing", "***** binge" etc. You will have to watch the "just girls" type of videos to answer that one. Seriously, when you do get permission, you should get it in writing from the landowner, even if you draft the letter yourself for them to sign (make sure it has their name and address on it). Saves hassle if you get stopped by the police, you can show it to them.
  5. Here is a good recipe I posted earlier. Perhaps one of the moderators can move it into this section. http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...?showtopic=2104
  6. I am looking for a new restoration project, but I would like something a little different this time. Has anyone got, or does anyone know someone with a 30" barrel hammergun for sale? Ideally, I am looking for a damascus barrel, preferably underlever, but not necessarily. Does not have to be Nitro Proof (but if it's only Black Powder Proof, it must be in decent nick with good enough barrels to be sent for re-proof) Barrels free from excessive dents, bulges and bad pitting. Most things considered.
  7. If you can find any, have a look in Polish, Austrian, or Czech cookbooks as they are particularly fond of goose! The French have some good recipes too.
  8. Here's one I came across recently. A mediterranean method. Joint a rabbit into hind legs and saddle, and boil in lightly salted water for 1/2 an hour. Remove from water, pat dry , rub with herbs / spices of your choice (you can use mediterranean herb, cajun spices or arabian spice mix, or anything else which takes your fancy). Dip in egg and then roll in spiced breadcrumbs (crush a few slices of dried stale wholemeal bread and ix in spices) and deep fry for a few minutes. Serve with salsa and / or maynnaise and salad. Delicious!
  9. Not sure. Assuming you are a member, ask BASC.
  10. I worked near Uttoxeter once. We used to go to a curry house at the top of the town square! (and the races of course).
  11. It might have been slugs or something else other than worms. It was so long ago when I read the article I can't remember.
  12. Probably answers your question then!
  13. For me, it's got to be woodcock!! PS has anyone ever eaten fox? I remember reading a book some time agoo which described a Victorian eccentric who set about eating just aboout every animal native to the UK. I seem to remember that he said that most were edible, except moles and flies which had an unpleaseant bitter taste!!
  14. It is out of focus. Check the program you have it set on. There are usually different modes. "Portrait" or "Close-up" may be what you should use for this type of photo. If in doubt, take several shots of the same using different modes and see which one works best. There's also an old saying: "If all else fails, read the instructions"
  15. Venison steak with a splash of Worcester sauce is excellent! Bay goes well with Venison. Salting bacon is a no-no as it's already loaded with salt. Spices with bacon are also a no-no. If you must use anything, stick to herbs.
  16. Ever heard of the expression "Rats with wings"? This is why flocks of feral pigeons in towns constitute a serious environmental health issue and it is a criminal offence to feed or otherwise encourage them. I have had it confirmed today that feral pigeons CAN carry leptospirosis (which causes Weil's Disease). (see link in precious posting). Wear a boiler suit when you are doing your feral pigeon session, and launder it as soon as you get home. This will keep your clothing clean.
  17. Robb0 - it's no laughing matter, Chlamydia can be quite serious and can lead to sterility. Berettaboy- You are quite correct that Chlamydia is also a sexually transmitted disease. It can also be caught from working with certain animals. Workers in kennels are also at risk. It usually enters the body through cuts or the mucous membranes of the eye or mouth etc. It can hence, of course as everyone knows be transferred through sexual contact. Chlamydia is known to be carried by other bird species, including corvids. There is concern that West Nile Virus is appearing in corvids, especially on the continent. You should exercise good hygiene when handling all wild birds (and domesticated ones too for that matter). Wookie - yes you can get Psiticosis from them - I was speaking to a professional pest controller who works for a large international pest control company who confirmed this and also said that feral pigeons can carry as many nasty diseases as rats.
  18. 5's, but I have shot them with powerful 6's and never had a runner.
  19. That's because ferals are scavengers, whilst woodies are not. You could, (as with all poultry) of course get salmonella and similar diseases from woodies if you are careless with hygiene or there is any cross-contamination between raw and cooked meat.
  20. My guess is that as feral pigeons share the same lodgings as rats, then Leptospirosis is the nasty one to be careful of, even if it's not from the pigeons themselves. http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg84.pdf Feral pigeons are also known to carry E-COLI 0157, Chlamydia and Salmonella The following link gives you some information: http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/infection.pdf In any case, you need to exercise good personal hygiene - Wear protective imperveous gloves (I use disposable vinyl gloves when gathering up rats and throw them in the bag when I've finished). Wash hands with soap and water, disinfect boots and wipe down your gun if it has been in contact with anything. Be careful to cover cuts.
  21. The one I used to have would find pellets in shot pheasants and rabbits. I think I got it from RS components. You could adjust the sensitivity right up if you needed.
  22. A hand held metal detector (the sort of thing you get from B and Q) will find pellets in shot birds.
  23. The spurs are for dress - I hardly ever need to use them!! Here's a pic of my other, and it's just as tempremental.
  24. Hammergun

    favorite ammo

    Hawk Best Fibre Pigeon Load (32g) for pigeons Eley Grand Prix for game Express 28g fibre for clays 28g Magnasonic at night for rabbits (they're a bit quieter) Was using Gamebore Super Game 30g fibre until gun shop stopped getting them.
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