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About thebosun

  • Birthday 29/06/1956

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  • From
    chatham kent

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  1. Have recently purchased the above pard and brilliant in the dark but finding the daylight sun to bright to see much. have tried putting a longer timing on but no different. Any ideas? Ta
  2. Clear vision night sight. Never used was unwanted gift. Spare battery’s and charger.
  3. Thanks for that,and contact number at all.Steve
  4. It is unfortunate that the neighbouring shoots birds wander but thats the nature of the beast,my birds rarly return but we still get roughly 50% tally at the end of the season. Maybe there isn't enough room or cover for his own pen. Sounds a great little place he has.
  5. Hi There, Been thinking of possibly getting into stalking but wondered if there is anyone out there willing to take me along on a couple of stalks (minus gun). I am in Kent so south would be handy. Have my own small phesant /rough shoot and do a ot of vermin with rimfire. Have used full bore during my time in the Navy. Cheers lads. Steve
  6. Good day on the geese by the look it. Any reccommendations for goose shooting on the Solway. Have been to Davie Campbell in the past. Steve
  7. I have 3 rimfires all with different scopes on but all are not that brilliant. They seem to go off for no reason (no its not the user) as i have bench tested before shooting and on my return. I want to purchase a good reliable scope so expect to have to pay a bit more. Only shooting to to 50/60mtrs Any ideas would be handy.
  8. Hi There. My other non shooting dog walker has informed the RSPCA and police but no feedback as yet. These are urban/semi rural fox's and are always seen in gardens and roads around the area i am talking about so would be a easy kill for someone who knows where to place them. I have actually seen a fox being chased through his garden by his dog so he is more than likely a bit hacked off. Its the lack of a backstop on the hill that would concern me. Thanks for your comments.
  9. Thats about it charlie. Thanks for your comment. Us shooting people do not need that kind of bad press. I think the chap is not from these parts and may not be aware of the law in this country.
  10. He is shooting from his garden that is on the top of the bank so shooting blind downhill towards the private houses and dog walkers. Sorry its difficult to give you all the details,just thought that the ranges he is using would be about 60/70 mtrs from highseat to where the carcases and walkers walk. He does have neighbours either side and a main road on the front. Its in the middle of Walderslade kent if anyone knows it.
  11. Thanks for the comments everyone. The wood is divided up between the housing estate where we live and private houses the other side of the wood,some fenced some not. The dog walkers have always been allowed to walk on the unfenced area as it is on quite a slope. One of my problems is the fact that we can well do without bad press and i know the police and RSPCA have been informed. The other is the disregard for the resulting travel of the bullets (whatever he is using). I and my wife both walk our dog and seeing i own 3 rifles myself i know hor rounds can travel without a backstop.
  12. I believe a neibour of mine has been shooting fox's from his high seat in his garden. He is backing onto woods where there is a path for dog walkers. I run my own shoot and shoot the odd fox and do not think he can shoot and kill these fox's (5 so far) without at least a .22 rimfire if close enough. Is it legal to use a rifle this close to houses and dog walkers. He is also throwing the carcases into the headgrow next to the dog walkers path.
  13. thebosun


    Hi again,could you post some pictures as well,alsowould you post to chatham if i pay postage,cheers again steve
  14. thebosun


    Hi There,have you still got the decoys,,,,,cheers steve
  15. May be going stalking in scotland during the next month,anyone any hints on what type of clothing i should wear. Have my normal barbour and cammo gear i use shooting but think i may need something better.
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