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Everything posted by wymberley

  1. wymberley


    MC, hi, Public footpaths are a County Council thing. I serve on my local town council "public rights of way committee" but what I tell you may well not apply in your area. Unless the county publishes what is known as the "definitive map" for paths on their web-site, you'll probably need to eyeball it. This is not likely as they cover each town or parish so they'd have to publish loads of them. Colchester Council should have a copy for it's area at their offices. However if that fails, the council (Colchester) should have a sub-committee as described above, have a chat to one of the councillors who is on it; thats what they're there for. You did not say who owns the playing fields, so it may also have what is known as "permissive" paths over it. Finally, unlike Devon, paths are not a high priority for many councils, so you may just find that other paths are there but not on the map. The council will know about them but obviously in the current financial climate, has to prioritise it's workload and will only act if there becomes a possibility of them being lost for whatever reason. Hope that helps.
  2. Hi, Beautiful and I share your and everyone else's enthusiasm. However and I'm really sorry to be ****, but on an English gun wouldn't that be IC and 1/2? Sorry again, mate.
  3. Of course, all this is supposition, but you missed the point. I think we all know about brock's eyesight. However,if you have to dig a hole, why not use it or are you going to start digging with the evidence if full view to be caught by Sapper at some ungodly hour on a Sunday morning.
  4. Hi, Although I use 223, my shooting oppo has an Anschutz. It's a cracking bit of kit and providing you shoot within 200 yards, its superb for fox. You are a bit restricted with home-loads but shop bought rounds are not too expensive. It (well, his is) is deadly accurate and long range rabbit is no problem. Cheers
  5. Relax, be yourself and answer truthfully. Good luck. Cheers Edit: See above, a duet, we both can't be wrong!
  6. what happens if badger baiting is not the case? Dig hole, hide in it, shoot badger(s), bury what you don't want and leg it. Of course, from that range it's easy to miss with a shotgun and a fatally wounded brock could well make the few yards home. A while back there was some hoo haa about skinned foxes being found at a location I can't remember. They'd been shot which is not illegal unlike brock, where disposing of the evidence is advisable. This scenario begs the question: Which skin is the most profitable?
  7. Hi, Slit trench as a "hide" to ambush badgers? Cheers
  8. Doggone, Thanks, Andy, will have a shufti. Phil
  9. Doggone, Thanks for that, Andy, Could you tell me, please, to which rifle (or both) did the poi change that you mentioned refer? Again, many thanks, Phil
  10. Hi, All, Has anyone tried the Subject scope from nvscopes, model SM-3S2 DN 6 HG? Bumph sounds good, but......? Thanks in advance. Cheers
  11. Hi, Often for no good reason except Murphy and Sod but sometimes on switching on. I now use an anti surge fuse. Hope that helps.
  12. For ten years I was a chief range warden on a military range where countless thousands of 5.56 were put down which we know aren't supposed to ricochet but THEY were a regular daily occurance.
  13. Hi' Went to the Dutch war museum at Overloon - it's on the site of one of the last tank battles of WW11. Some of the tanks on display are exactly where they stopped during the battle. There's one in perfect condition except for a hole "drilled" by an anti tank round. I could just get my little finger in right up to my hand and still couldn't move the first joint. Not only did it pierce at least 2.5" of armour plate but it then ricocheted around the inside and killed the whole crew. So, yep, should be OK for munjac! Cheers
  14. babka, Confirm sent, hopefully will be clearer, please note, that was an example and not necessarily my choice. Cheers
  15. Babka, You're welcome. Computor sorted now, so if you wish, I can sent you the graph by e-mail. It covers other quarry species that require hits other than the three in the example. Cheers
  16. Rob, With the exception of improved cylinder which is about 3 to 5 thous (gunsmiths call them "points"), choke goes up (or down in the barrel dia.) in 10 thous increments. 1/4 is10, 1/2 is 20, 3/4 is 30 and full is 40. Assuming your barrel is nominally bored .729, you have I.C. Cheers
  17. Njc, hi, Repair is a no go. The metal would be a mere sliver and if the adhesive let go it could well end up in the chamber or down the barrel. You're right, I may just rattle somebody's cage on monday. Cheers
  18. Thanks, everybody, To be fair, they arrived at the shop that I mentioned earlier exactly when they said they would and phoned to tell me. I think I'll by the Mk2 version; that'll be the one that comes out after they've realised that the tang (clearly visible at the bottom of Jaspers top photo) and which fits into a corresponding slot (2 off) is too short and they've made them somewhat longer. Cheers
  19. njc, hi, Re your first point, don't think I'd get far, to be fair the rifle is now over 3 years old. Secondly, I'm going to have a go but I didn't want to until I had a replacement just in case. What is really annoying is in the manual it says not to separate the two halves (top and bottom). I did, dead easy, no damage, you wouldn't know it had been done. Not possible on the smaller capacity mags but the varmint model comes with the larger version so why can't you get just the top half which wears for a lot less than I had to pay for the whole mag. cheers
  20. Lister1, hi, Yes all fixed, sort of, going to cost the lad a few beers. Would you kindly let me know what you think when you've had time to take it all on board? Cheers
  21. Chrisv. hi, Yep, new one has no flare and cost £69 so I won't be fully loading it so that the spring pressure is less. £69!!!!!, bit something or other steep I thought. Cheers
  22. Lister, hi, Have a look at the BASC Ballistic Research thread. You have a PM. Cheers
  23. Mini Colibri Callmaster with the single cr*w call - earlier chips had a mass roosting call.
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