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Everything posted by lordofthewings

  1. This time of year, when it can be hot for some time, and at the same time alot of pigeons are feeding squabs it can be worth while keeping an eye on any dew ponds or other water on your land. During the evening can be good. LOTW
  2. I,ve noticed since the weekend that there are more pigeons dropping in on the wheat than on the barley, I,m out every day checking my traps and just like to watch what the birds are doing LOTW
  3. Try horn, there are some sites used by stick makers and it comes in different thicknesses! I believe it,s fairly pliant when heated LOTW
  4. Baldrick it was a genuine apology, honest, it,s the type of spelling error that makes me gag, and it will haunt me for a long time. I look forward to the time I can write pigeon without feeling embarresed about my stupidity LOTW
  5. Surely it,s we spoilt their fun He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone LOTW
  6. I will apologise to Baldrick, But it was just that, a spelling mistake, I think this was the first time I,ve used this spelling in the forty years I,ve been shooting them. If every post on here were to be pulled apart because of the spelling, on the evidence of those I,ve read, the forum would not have lasted as long as it has LOTW
  7. I really am indebted to Stokie for his ridicule and humiliation. It is just the way to make someone new to the forum feel at home. A real confidence booster. The next time I see a heap of empties I shall not grumble, but feel proud that the exellent affable person who left them probably knows how to spell pidjin! or pidgin or what ever it is . The same goes for those who shoot peasents and partriges LOTW
  8. Now that I have joined this forum ( which I enjoy immensly, ) my wife has suggested that if I must continualy moan about the same things over and over again would I please do it on the forum and give her a rest. So here goes. Moan No1. I went to go pidgeon shooting yesterday, walking along the headland I came to where someone had obviously beaten me to it, there was a neat pile of empty cases. If the shooter had time to make a nice tidy heap why the hell did,nt he put them in his bag and take them away. It seems to be the same with formal shoots, piles of empties all over the place, no one seems prepared to clean up after themselves, I feel that my day has been spoiled when I come across this. The worst I came across was when I picked up 229 empties. If I was an anti I would consider this a stick, and I would use it. LOTW. I will get round to the other moans sooner or later. To the moderator I hope this in the correct section lotw
  9. Do,nt you just wish there was some way you could honour these men LOTW
  10. To add hight to their Decoys LOTW
  11. I read a little while ago some one wanting to add hight to their to lift them over standing crops. There were several idea,s put forword, but I have attempted to overcome this by getting some old steel shafted golf clubs, cut off the blade, strip the handle,now you have a staggered tube. By using clubs of different lengths you get different diameters, a bit of tape round it, followed by a coat of poster paint and you have a very versatile tube. You can even put one inside another. Clubs can be picked up at any carboot sale for pennies. I,ve actually used these tubes when making a magnet. Have fun LOTW
  12. I would only offer two suggestions from the above. Try, whenever possible, to fish alone, and never practice casting on grass, it will rip your line to shreds
  13. I only ever asked for was some peace and quiet. Never got it LOTW
  14. Shot skeet using a fixed choke skeet gun for years, as it was the only gun I had , it was used for every other shooting , mainly decoying. I just used different cartridge loads to suit different quarry. Stopped using it now, at 7 1/2 lbs it is just to heavy to haul around. But with an ounce load of sixes you cpuld shoot all day and not feel a thing. LOTW
  15. If I pay my community charge, part of which goes to pay for policing, but still have to contribute toward my S/G, am I entitled to ask how much those charged with offences contribute to the paper work required? LOTW.
  16. There,s not much credit in anything that comes from Australia exept my two granddaughters and Blackbutt honey LOTW
  17. Cannot see the point of doing this, most lefthanded guns carry a premium (ask anyone looking for a L/H gun) Just get ride of it and replace it with the same make and model and probably make a profit. It,s worth while looking at trader sites to see just how small a percentage of left hand guns there are about. Does,nt really answer your question but it is a solution LOTW.
  18. Hello, Although I,ve been visiting this forum for some time before actualy registering, and I have in fact posted once or twice I thought it high time I posted myself formally as it were. I,m not really very good with the computer, but I shall post a profile as soon as I find out how to do it LOTW.
  19. I,ve been reading this thread and I feel like I,ve been eavesdroping on a group of friends having a bit of a chin wag and it has been a real pleasure, but I would like, if I may, to butt in as it were to say that although my personal contact with Americans has been limmited to a few military personnel they were usually affable. But to answer your question, I like your sense of humour, I know that you have more than your fair share of bright people, but you gave us what must be the most hideous item this side of the gates of hell THE BASEBALL CAP. Add to that that a people who ditch dentist in favour of orthidontist really must be suspect LOTW
  20. I bet it has not escaped your notice that Barcelona used the tactics that the spanish press, and their own management, casticated Chelsea for useing against then, Well imitation is the best form of flattery LOTW
  21. Leaseone, you can,nt have a better defence than a freindly referee LOTW
  22. To reduce the problem of recoil try putting on a couple of stones, it worked for me LOTW
  23. Thank you all for your input and interest, I,ve decided to withdraw all the traps for the moment. The shoot will be drilling the maize within the next fortnight so I.ll have a couple of days decoying, then put the traps out again when the maize starts to sprout by then some of the birds will have become terratorial. LOTW
  24. Huntinglas. Thanks for that, yes I was baiting them with eggs like you say ,and with pigeons, but I think that you,re advice on moving them completely is best. I,ll probably bring them in for a week or two then see what happens
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