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sussex lad

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Everything posted by sussex lad

  1. Had much spent on her in the last 20yrs? Its about 75% new Na not really , it's actually very original Shes only done 70,000 and all i have done other than the usual consumable bits is the timing belt and clutch which i don't think is too bad for the age B)
  2. Totaly with LB on this, you may well have hydrolocked it Flooded my landy a few times pre snorkel luckily never damaged it ......
  3. Currantly running the 90 in my avitar Economy is poo about 20 mpg on a good day.. But how many 20 year old Jap motors can do that
  4. Matt holds the dirt, the little bit of extra sheen from satin will make it easier to clean
  5. Are you sure thats not jumbo on final approach to Gatwick :lol:
  6. Firstly i have to say a truly massive thank you to Jerry for taking me as his guest for the day As Jerry said it was my first day shooting on a "formal" pheasant shoot, so to say i was nervous would have been an understatement . Unfortunatly the birds didn't want play ball, but i still managed to bag a few I didn't manage to many pic's either but as Jerry kindly put up some rather flattering pics up of me, so i'll return the favor This is Jerry waiting patiently for birds that never came Once again thank you Jerry for the fantastic day and great company Brian..
  7. Me thinks all us southeast landy owners should meet for a little session at a pay and play site sometime
  8. Good stuff my landys about 75% bearmach
  9. Took these 2 last night not a mile apart. The colour variation is huge, with the one on the left being proper fox colour and the right being very dark. Its the second dark one i've had this week, is it a winter coat? don't remember seeing them this dark before!!
  10. Looks good for the money Might want get a new jack, i don't think that little bottle jack would even reach the bottom of your landy, especially with a 3" lift Highlift jacks are very good and a handy bit of kit to have . Also the bulkhead removal bar that's been fitted might warrant a look at, not sure its up to the job!! And landys leak, its a fact of life
  11. Can anyone tell me why you can only use factory ammo when doing your shooting test?
  12. sussex lad

    sun roof

    Firstly its easier to shoot from up top than through a open window. Secondly much better view. Thirdly its much safer due to the angle of shot, much reduced chance of ricochet. Fourthly I'm to bloody lazy to walk.
  13. sussex lad

    sun roof

    Works a treat m8 Just finished it off with driver to shooter 2way intercom
  14. sussex lad

    sun roof

    It was me http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...st&p=275469
  15. Tell me about it, got caught out lat night, ran low on juice and ended up paying £108.9 ltr.......
  16. Ive got about 2k in it at the moment. Its fairly standard at the moment, but i,m off the the states next month for a trade fair so i,m going to be bringing home a case full of bits for it
  17. Loverly job m8 Just the way i like to take em :yp: Cant beat a good Marty :unsure: :blink:
  18. Not quite the Quintessential English Winter Feast but i'm munching my way through a huge bowl of roast chestnuts Lovely!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I was going to put "discoteques" but couldnt spell it
  20. A couple of fine condition foxes there m8 Good Shootin
  21. Stuart, When was the last time you were in a night club ?? Sometime in the 80's i rekon Probably still called Disco's too This one does it for me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0wUCa-IwJc And this one for very different reasons B) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjZ0plrFIE4 Remember being somewhere on a Greek island and some beer women and sun
  22. Thats one hell of an exit wound there Lazza Job done
  23. After enduring many hours of toilet TV last night. About 10.30 i made a desperate phone call to my brother to see if he wanted to go play :twisted: The first few trips around estate produced the bunnies. Not until we had decided to go home, Rob spotted a pair of eyes on a pile of hay bales So we headed off in the general direction ,not sure if was going to hang around as we made our way through a series of gates Once through the last gate we were about 200 yards away, so we moved around to get ourselves down wind and get a safe shot. With the lights out we slowly crept forwards at a snails pace. So with a quick scan of the lamp to check it was still on the bales we stopped to laser old charlie 159 yards on the "nose " . Lamp off i got my self comfortable through the roof hatch, then light on and ******!! its gone.... But no, there it was at the base of the bails looking very nervous so i let him look away one more time, then as he turned back to me i squeaked to hold his attention and BANG!! its down.. I instantly re cocked in case a follow up shot was needed, but its going nowhere So made safe and drove to the bails to find out, it was a she and quite old by the looks of her coat and very skinny. I turned her over and the reason for the poor condition became clear. At some point the right rear leg had been quite severely damaged and completely healed :shock: . Not sure if she would have survived the winter so i was quite glad i had taken her. So in all it was a good few hours out, certanly better thae the drivel on TV lastnite
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