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  1. 32.The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively. This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunisation failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals. so what is wrong with this?
  2. Anti vaxer? For providing a link to a government website document showing what the original post was about. You'll need to explain that one!
  3. It says what the original post is referring to, read more.
  4. So we agree that we shouldn't believe everything that is on the government website.
  5. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/spi-m-o-summary-of-further-modelling-of-easing-restrictions-roadmap-step-2-31-march-2021
  6. So what's on the government website is claptrap? Where do you get your info from then?
  7. Better get in touch with Boris quickly, the document they are referring to, from which the piece I posted above is from, is from the government website!
  8. The resurgence is a result of some people (mostly children) being ineligible for vaccination; others choosing not to receive thevaccine; and others being vaccinated but not perfectly protected(including those who have only received one dose, rather than two).This means population immunity –which is the reason the waves modelled here start to shrink–is not achieved from vaccination without further infections. 32.The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively. This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunisation failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals. Is this the 'tripe' you are refering to?
  9. It's not safe? So stay at home, problem sorted!!
  10. You can't have one person distancing and one not, you're either 2m apart or you're not, sanitize hands upon entering and leaving the shop, not forgetting to sanitize everything you have bought and you're safe aren't you? Some won't be wearing masks because they are exempt. If you don't think it's safe then you should stay at home and let those that do get on with life.
  11. How would they be taking chances with others lives? The others will be isolating if they think it necesary, or if going out will be distancing, sanitizing and wearing masks.
  12. I think you'll find it involves continuing trials and collection of data.
  13. The risks are not low enough for the UK medicenes regulator to give full approval are they? They will wait until they have more information to base their decision on. Unless you know more than they do.
  14. Maybe 'trialling', the ones you have had they are still trialling. Why would would you put your child forward for testing anything until it's been fully approved for adults? It's possible risks of long term problems that are the issue.
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