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old man

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  1. It's taking that long that all involved will have passed on, except the legal eagles of course?
  2. That's a proper growler?
  3. No doubt the idiots responsible for their release don't give a fig anyway? Someone must know who they are? Shame they don't have the spirit to reveal?
  4. This seems to go for politicos generally, good for very little which is why they are politicos?
  5. Councils also make it plain they don't want you to park anyway?
  6. Studs would give revereseability, JB not so?
  7. Di is champing at the bit!
  8. Officialdom still trying to hope for memory fade?
  9. Good to know thank you. I was thinking of the way illegal release seems never mentioned main stream alongside the mink situation?
  10. Possibly this attitude starts from the top too and spreads down?
  11. Seemingly not now about saving money, just retribution for some unfathomable reason. Most pensioners could afford £1 per item but the cost and nightmare of collection rule that out? I think that all mp's deserve a raise to compensate in some small way for their care and compassion towards society?
  12. There must/hope is more to this than reported? If not, it needs some serious sorting?
  13. And that gives the true reflection of the intelligence of UK politicians since a clown dreamed up net zero? They would bankrupt the economy to achieve nothing other than their names in the spotlight?
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