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Everything posted by Vectra26

  1. Wow what a bargain for 17 quid! Glad it works for you. You could get an IR torch, Yukon do them. But since you got it for a bargain, why not keep it that way and get an IR filter for a normal torch?
  2. I've always been pretty clued up on guns, but have to admit that I'd never heard of Stirling bolt actions until looking through this site. I've seen a few pics of them in the Picture forum, but can't find nothing about them by Googling. They seem to be pretty popular and well liked by those who have them. Does any one have any info on them? Who makes them? Manufacturers website? I've heard they are equivalent to Norinco? All info much appreciated
  3. I know this thread is old now, but thought I'd chime in. Thunderbolts have given me the least stoppages in my 10/22. However they definately are inconsistent in powder charge, at first I thought it was my suppressor, then I realised what it was. Obviously they have a good crack on them being HV, but some sounded almost subsonic! Anyway, it happens to be the cheapest .22 I can get my hands on, groups acceptable for me, and cycles my 10/22 better than any other ammo I've tried so far, so I'll continue buying it until I get a pay rise lol.
  4. Is this a 2 3/4 chamber? Where in North Wales are you?
  5. 17 quid? A pic would help to identify it.
  6. Good grief no, lol! I meant that's why you don't need to worry, because no one eats them.
  7. Not half as posh as the above, but I find a bottle of Old Speckled Hen goes down well with game.
  8. +1 on using BB's. A shotty is fine for foxes, just make sure you're within range, no meat damage to worry about either.
  9. I guess the only way to do it would be to go custom, would cost a few £££ though. Can you imagine a 452 with the current Anschutz thumbhole stock?!
  10. Cheers, I'll pop to Smiths soon, lol. I'm guilty of buying these magazines too, even though an article in Sporting Gun is in GunMart the next month! At least ones colour
  11. One of the best cars I ever had was a Vectra 2.6 V6 SRI.
  12. So when do you find is the best time to bag rabbits? I hear mixed thoughts, some like dawn, some night. Just wondering what yours is?
  13. God those are some plump rats!
  14. Funny you should mention that. I was thinking of that article last week and looking through old magazines trying to find it, but I didn't have it. I thought it was a good article and wanted to read it again.
  15. Mine is zeroed at 50 yards. I've yet to find a reticle that I'm happy with for other aiming points at different distances, so I just do it in my head for now, works OK.
  16. How does that NV scope perform for you?
  17. Too right, I'm in North Wales, would have liked these.
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