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Everything posted by apache

  1. Can't you find a venue to do the course sooner?
  2. Very sensible thing to think of! Few people do. There is very little you need specifically for the dog, but a pair of curved blunt ended scissors and a non-streachy bandage are useful additions. Get yourself a decent little kit and make sure there is one large dressing in there. You can use it on either of you.
  3. I joined BASC because when I applied for my certs it was the only shooting organisation I was familiar with. I also used their website extensively at the time. The more I hear the happier I am with them. I have done a number of courses with them and they have been good value and well run. I am currently enroled with them for my DSC2. When we had the recent shooting tragedies the ONLY people defending our sport were the BASC. You had them commenting on every news story. I really do think their rapid responce quelled the fire and prevented any daft knee jerk reactions. So that's why I chose them and that's why I stick with them. (also a member of CA and BDS)
  4. I have better experience with NYP than the chap above. My coterminous FAC/SGC grant took basically 2 months. My wife recently put in for her FAC and had it in her hand in pretty much the same time (she was already a SGC holder). I have just done a 1 for 1 variation and got the paperwork back in a fortnight despite the licencing manager being off one of those two weeks. I really couldn't be happier with how the department performs. They are quick, friendly and havn't said no to anything. Girls in the office are great. If they gave you a SGC and you have land you'll get the .22RF no bother. I was actually told by one of the FEO's that I NEED a rimfire. It is very addictice.......
  5. If there is a non healing tip injury then docking can be clinically justified.
  6. You need to be under the 'supervision' of the FAC holder. That is generally taken to mean within earshot - so that they can speak to you.
  7. There is no requirement in law for the gun to be covered. There is no difference in law whether a section one firearm is loaded or not. You can walk down the street with one up the spout and the safety on if you want. None of this bunkum about bolt out and unloaded magazine. I regularly walk out my front door with an uncovered rifle or shotgun. I have places I can shoot a few hundred yards from my door.
  8. Do mention it, and having the cert might look good. Shows a good attitude.
  9. Just go on and start shooting. Possibly the fastest way of finding out............
  10. Yes, I hate them. That said I have a FAC semi in plastic and am in the process of swapping a nice piece of walnut for a stainless/synthetic .308. It makes me sad when I scratch a nice piece of wood. I do my best to take care of my guns, but they are tools to use. If you are climbing walls in the dark things will get knocked or scraped. I prefer wood but plastic has its plus points.
  11. Not to mention barrel harmonics! Suppose if you zero with it on then it must be ok
  12. It's a viscous circle. You can't exactly knock on farmers doors offering to shoot there bunnies, but hang on and I'll apply for my FAC and get round to that in 3-6 months time. Even if this chap has to get land cleared it is much faster. I can see exactly how the situation could arise. Not everyone knows other FAC holders to mentor them.
  13. is the puppy kennel club registered? If so there may be 4 weeks free insurance with it
  14. I'd go for surgery every time. Casts can be very problematic to manage and can hide all sorts of sins. If they have no money and putting the dog to sleep is the only other option go with the cast. If he can afford it surgery every single time.
  15. Thanks for the pics. Good luck with your sale
  16. Never seen a Beretta OU with a double trigger. You have any pictures?
  17. It would be unlikely that if the police were seizing your guns that they would allow you to strip accessories from it. Whilst in their possession they have a duty of care over your property. If they lost or damaged your property then you would be entitled to compensation. Assuming you legally own the guns and they were taken and for some reason you couldn't have them back - they remain your property. The police would release them to a nominated RFD and they would be sold. You'd get the money as they are your property.
  18. There is no requirement anywhere in law to have written permission. (I have nothing in writing). Any police officer can seize firearms if he believes you do not have authority to possess them, the only way of proving that is an original FAC/SGC. If they believe you are using them illegally they could take them (ie shooting where no permission). If you were out with guns and no FAC/SGC you could get into a lot of trouble obstructing an officer from seizing your guns. This is why I have my FAC/SGC either with me or in the car when I take my guns out.
  19. How do you know they didn't have permission? I wouldn't be especially worried.
  20. This is good value and a pretty gun: http://www.gunwatch.co.uk/guns/2838-Rizzini-E-m-c-for-sale or http://www.gunwatch.co.uk/guns/3332-Lanber-Sporter-2097-3-m-c-for-sale or http://www.gunwatch.co.uk/guns/3873-Lincoln-No-2-for-sale
  21. Handguns and dart guns, but you can hold them on a standard FAC
  22. Maybe consult your vet and find out what is actually wrong?
  23. When in your position a few years ago I bought a Silver Pig III sporter, was second hand but like new. Best wood I have seen on one. Had ADDED various guns, and sold some but still have the Silver Pig and it is my 'go to' gun for clays. Buy the Beretta*! *assuming it fits
  24. Have you measured the choke or are you going by the barrel markings? Old guns are often more open then you'd think.
  25. It all comes down to satisfying good reason. I nominate a farm where I have permission to shoot so that box is ticked. Then with an open ticket I can shoot anywhere I have permission. If your good reason is based on a need for work then that is satisfied, whatever the calibre. If you then want the weapon conditioning for 'personal' use I expect they would want you to have nominated land, or booking for a paid stalk etc. That's why
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