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Everything posted by apache

  1. I actually think all these issues (guns, foxhunting, whatever) there's a small percentage strongly in favour, small percentage strongly against and then more than 90% in the middle who don't really give a damn, but could be swayed either way.
  2. The worst possible thing the dog can do is lick wounds - it delays heeling and causes infection. Their mouth's are teeming with nasty bacteria. If it gapes it needs stitching or stapling. Nature is good at gluing things back together but it can take a lot longer to get better that having it stitched. If in doubt get it checked. A fresh wound in a good dog can often be stapled and avoid a need for sedation/anaesthetic.
  3. I could raise a lot of issues about the RSPCA and let's leave it that we don't always see eye to eye, BUT the country would be worse off without them. Crazy as it is a charity brings private prosecutions against people for animal cruelty because no-one else can be bothered. Shouldn't be up to them, but it seems to be.
  4. apache

    single malt

    Or you're about to get date raped by a Scottish gentleman..........
  5. Usually these progress to the dog being unable to urinate and then it is very obvious. Some blood in the urine is not a problem in itself and I don't believe the condition is painful (the meloxicam is there in the belief that that particular anti-inflammatory action may slow the growth of some cancer cells). Once the dog is not able to have a decent quality of life I suspect you will 'know' when it is the right time. The most important thing is to do what is right by the dog and not keep the old girl going for people's sake.
  6. I'm not offended in any way, I was just illustrating the point that by adding an extra party into the mix (an internet pharmacy) it will cost people more in the long run. Unless you have an awfully big dog, the syringes are graduated in kg bodyweight rather than millilitres. A 15ml dose would treat a dog weighing about 120kg! I wish you all the best with your dog, and would not want it to suffer in any way. I did make suggestions of how you may save money and continue the treatment in the same vein. (and BTW what do you expect for £150! )
  7. You can do a freedom of information request and the police have to show you all records they keep on you. http://www.ico.gov.uk/for_the_public/topic_specific_guides/crime.aspx
  8. There is an increased risk of spayed female ferrets suffering from an increase in steroid hormones (HAC/'Cushings disease') so many no longer recommend it. A vasectomy should be 100% successful! These small furies do have an increased anaesthetic risk, but it has never been safer. The 'Jill Jabs' have got a whole lot more expensive. Once a bottle is opened it needs to be used up the same day. The drug cost has gone from ~£4.50 for 1ml to £88.50 for the full bottle! We used to do a handful per year but it is no longer economically viable. There is an implant that can be used and lasts many years (possibly the life of the ferret) but that is also expensive and needs a sedative/anaesthetic to implant it. That does last for life.
  9. A 100ml bottle will last you 50 days at the 15kg dose, so £1/day. It's simple economics - vets are businesses that have to make money. If everyone bought medicines elsewhere then the consulting fees would rise a lot. Obviously your vet will charge a reasonable fee for writing a prescription and by the time you have paid VAT, P&P and had the hassle I suspect you won't be much better off and it will have cost you a lot of time and effort. Maybe ask your vet if there is a cheaper (generic) copy they can source for you. It's very easy to get into a habit and just replace like for like on the shelf. If your dog has a transitional cell carcinoma you won't be worrying about the money for that long anyway............
  10. It was June 2009. Not the ideal method, but perfectly humane. Can't see why they couldn't look to re-home the dogs? Since this incident the RSPCA has changed a number of their policies regarding euthanasia and for a time the 'inspectors' didn't carry out the act themselves under any circumstances. I have mixed feelings on the RSPCA, but the world would be a worse place without them.
  11. Or find out what is wrong with the dog! Loose stools are usually related to parasitic or bacterial infections in these young dogs.
  12. Do we have the name of a town or village so we can get an idea of how far away you are?
  13. But they are not yet in your possession! Just make this very clear when filling in forms and have your interview. That is another one interpreted differently by different forces. I share a shotgun cabinet with my wife and North Yorks see no reason to list the shotguns twice. They say I can borrow any gun for 72 hours without notification anyway. We share some firearms and they are listed on both certs.
  14. TBH all sounds good. 1. You have none in your possession! 2. Yes again. 'Vermin' for the .22 and 'Fox and vermin' for the .243 simple. If your father has moderators (silencers) then make you you ask for slots for them too. 3. Yes you should, just a very simple explanation that he gives permission for you to share his guns and have them listed on both certificates. 4. Referees sound fine. 5. The ammo sounds sensible. If you are sharing storage with your father then I suggest that you put whatever ammo allowance he has! Good luck
  15. Easy option is a short bipod/tripod rest http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MINI-STALKER-HUNTING-SHOOTING-TRIPOD-EXTENDING-GUN-RIFLE-REST-STICKS-FOX-DEER-/180781059399?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET&hash=item2a17640d47
  16. There's a Sako 85 listed over on the Stalking Directory with scope and mod
  17. Depending on when and I'd be interested
  18. Depends how fussed you are about head shots. I usually chest shoot them at this range and the HMR kills well. Don't worry about range.
  19. I've shot a rabbit at 130m standing off sticks. Further with a dead steady rest. If you go to mildots and holdover you'll push it a lot further. I bought a wood stock, but for the bashing about in the car and in the dark I may have gone synthetic if I did it all over again. Doesn't really matter. I'm zero'd @30m and then dead on again @100m. Just easier to re-check zero @ 30m. (my .22 is now zero'd at 60 yards)
  20. That may be the worst website in the world to send someone to who can't decide which knife they want! So many I find it overwhelming.
  21. CZ is reliable and accurate. If I won £100,000,000 on the Euro lottery I'd keep my .17HMR/.22RF from CZ.
  22. I'd say that the blade would be a bit too wide for things like the rectum of small deer. Looks nice
  23. Do you NEED to sell one? You will regret it.
  24. Any parents or friends with a FAC? Easy if your father had a ticket, gets him to add slots and 'share' or 'lend' them to him.
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