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Everything posted by The_Craws

  1. Oh right, I wasn't aware of all the specifics of the case. It isn't publicised that the gun was empty, I guess that would make the story boring and hence less profitable for the media machine. Yeh, I dont agree with what she done either regardless if the gun was empty or not. This sort of stuff gives loads of ammunition for the antis who wish to ban airguns.
  2. I dont see any justification in shooting at people with a gun.
  3. There can never be a good reason to fire a weapon of any kind at anyone. Bearing that statement in mind: this teacher, who was initially jailed has now been set free for firing an air gun at youths - who for all we know might not have done anything wrong. I think this case demonstrates fairly well how the law is not used to punish people who misuse air guns. This case sets an example to people that they can go and use air guns to intimidate people which is totally wrong. Nothing happened this time but she could have seriously hurt someone. Am I the only one who feels this?
  4. What I heard was: There are two types of semi-auto loading mechanism, the gas powered and the recoiled powered. Gas powered semi-autos have less recoil but they have small parts that when cleaning are footery and semi-autos need cleaning more than your standard break action shotguns. They also have o'rings that need replacing now and again. You then have the recoil operated design that is more reliable because it is simpler. I think Franchi make them with this recoil design which is supposed to be the most reliable. Browning, I think switched to gas operated?
  5. Whats the easiest option?
  6. Imagine the receipt went "missing in the post".
  7. They should try pouring money from the speed cameras into clearing spilled diesel, oil and gravel from our beat up, pot hole ridden road network. Whats with the record amounts of paint going down on the roads as well, as if there wasnt enough.
  8. Maybe it was already broken and your blaming the poor old royal mail.
  9. No matter, the parties need to know that there are people who support shooting as well as antis. Or wait until after the election then send one to the local MP. Should try sending a letter to the MEPs as well since the EU "parliament" represent as well now.
  10. I'm going through the whole bike test rigmarole just now. It seems to me that the government think biking is too dangerous and want to stamp it out so they make the test procedure so complicated that it puts a lot of people off and those, like me, that are going through it are made sure that they are seriously out of pocket by the time they get it over and done with. I must have spent £350 just to do the CBT, theory and have 13 lessons with the test. I realise that biking is insanely dangerous and that is reflected in the test () but it really is getting beyond a joke. Anyone that has went through the current procedure will know what I'm talking about; Just about any mistake is a failure in a motorbike test. There is so much of a difference between the car test and the motorbike test its unreal. The car test is so easy compared with it, they don't teach you how to look out for motorbikes or check blind spots and I think this has to be a contributing factor in the number of motorbike deaths. So what does the government do, they make the motorbike test harder instead of making car drivers aware of hazards. I've got my test this Friday and after all that I can only ride a 125 cc or something restricted to 33 bhp which some might say is still too powerful: well tell me this, why when I pass my car test can I go and drive a Ferrari without experience and without being aware of hazards? The bike test is a bureaucratic nonsense.
  11. Yeh, everyone should write to their local MP asking them how they stand on gun ownership. Get the details of your local MP here: TheyWorkForYou I'm considering writing to my local MP as well.
  12. Its not fair brain washing them into liking shooting at that age. Read the comments to that video. Some come from classic antis. I'm pretty sure thats a single barrel, single shot shotgun? Wonder how many complaints they'd get if they sent that into You've been framed?
  13. That was stupid. I wasnt even allowed loose with an air gun at that age.
  14. lurch, but the liberal democrats rave about how they hate government telling the subject how to live all the time. At every TV opportunity they say, oh we dont like it when the government try to excercise even more control on the british subject.
  15. In Scotland its like there isnt an election even happening. Its really weird. The only parties that have any signs up are Labour, tory and SNP but even then only a few here and there. Labour only put their signs up in labour looking areas, nowhere else if you know what I mean.
  16. Our labour MP voted for a ban as well. Thats a really good link coney.
  17. The_Craws


    The age old question: is darts a game or a sport? I got myself a darts board a few months back and I've got to tell you: its bloody difficult! I still cant hit the 20's three times in a row never mind three trebbles in a row. How do those folk on the television do it?
  18. Read all about it: Liberal Democrat leader defends shooting! He is quoted as saying: Not that I would be caught reading the mirror, the BASC website drew my attention to this. What do people think of this?
  19. I've heard that story so I presume it to be true. That last bit about side winders has been added on cause I never heard anything about that.
  20. The_Craws


    Oh well I must have heard wrong then.
  21. You can eat squirrel? Its full of greys up here as everywhere in the UK. More people should try and get them.
  22. Am I correct in thinking you need a FAC to reload?
  23. The_Craws


    I found it strange that a Chinese company would want to move to Birmingham when the trend is for companies to move to China.
  24. The_Craws


    Theyre now at rock bottom prices. Build quality is terrible so I heard so you need a warranty.
  25. Stupid question: can you still load your own cartridges? Would there be much of a saving in doing it?
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