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About blackthorn

  • Birthday 04/06/1952

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  • Interests
    countryside, shooting, ferreting.

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  1. All sold post them out tomorrow All the best mick
  2. All 22 mags sold just waiting to here from another about 17hmr mags post everything out monday
  3. Sort it tonight when I get back gents
  4. 4 X 452 22 rf mag 10 shot 3 X 455 17 hmr mag 10 shot £20 each posted
  5. I have some altbergs grade one can't fault them
  6. The last squirrel the little gun put an end to was cursing like a good un as he tried to avoid what was coming his way, actually made it to a third tree
  7. Got the 28g cofs great little gun for a walk round, it comes squirrel aggravating as well
  8. ended up getting the certus in 17 hmr, can't fault it nice stock, good trigger straight out of the box, good grouping at 100 yds and they only charged me £399
  9. croohur how you finding the trigger straight out of the box
  10. Eldest daughter and her feller live on one, water jipoes, they more at Sutton stop every now and then very nice??
  11. Sounding good so far, will be going with a cz looking more like the cogswell and Harrison one, still be good if some one has one to give there opinion
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