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Everything posted by markbjones01

  1. after a long stalk on a local farm/shoot where id been asked to cull a few problematic Roe I managed this young doe, I used my 6.5 x 55 with home loaded 140g spear sp's (my first ever deer with my own home loads)
  2. I have a 3 bed bungalow central heating and hot water is oil hot water for shower is electric, I use about 850 litres a year but burn about 6-7 ton of wood on the fire to heat the lounge and dinning rooms
  3. was suggesting she bought a 4x4 and said there was one for sale on pigeon watch and she said 'the one in Norfolk ? ive already looked at it' - gutted !!
  4. as per title- just found out today that 'her in doors' has been a member of this site for over a year !!! is nothing sacred ??
  5. that's a deffinate 2 for camping both nights and the clays plus me for rifles both days ------ cant wait
  6. Hi Martyn il be travelling up from right down south and wouldn't be able to leave them at home. theyre well trained gun dogs and would be totally under control the whole time would appreciate if we could
  7. LMAO !!! put us down for camping both nights, plus rifles for me and clays for both please
  8. is it ok to bring the missus as a non shooting guest ? and a couple of dogs (well behaved) ?
  9. Hiya this my gun for sale please message me if your interested
  10. I think it is going to be very close, I do predict my sleep pattern being disrupted over the next few months !!
  11. anyone else read the article in todays sunday telegraph ? I was pleasantly surprised to find and read a well written article in support of hunting / management in a mainstream paper, makes a change from the dross perpetrated by the antis :-)
  12. simple solution 1st time offenders dig the grave of a 2nd time offender should let the message sink in !!!
  13. blimmin eck that is quite an infestation !!! nice shooting
  14. for free so long as he can keep the carcass's and then sell them
  15. haha you still remember that !!!!! that was funny as **** !!!!
  16. Yeh that be cool mate id like to get back out there when its nice and cold and the widgeon are whistling by like exocets
  17. all good (apart from recent injury to leg) been busy dog training, keepering and shooting foxes soon as the season finishes come up for a day on the rape with me if ya like I love watching you hit them ultra high birds id neva dream of having a pop at :-)
  18. well done chris bout time we met up again how ya keeping ?
  19. sloe picking it is then this weekend then
  20. tis a good year for sloes down south millions where I live. HOWEVER I have always been told never to pick them until the frosts have started as that is when their taste developes. is that correct ? or just an old wives tale ?
  21. Im afraid I cant help you with any of your questions but I just wanted to complement you on your right up , reading that felt like I was on the stalk with you
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