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Everything posted by markbjones01

  1. haha you still remember that !!!!! that was funny as **** !!!!
  2. Yeh that be cool mate id like to get back out there when its nice and cold and the widgeon are whistling by like exocets
  3. all good (apart from recent injury to leg) been busy dog training, keepering and shooting foxes soon as the season finishes come up for a day on the rape with me if ya like I love watching you hit them ultra high birds id neva dream of having a pop at :-)
  4. well done chris bout time we met up again how ya keeping ?
  5. sloe picking it is then this weekend then
  6. tis a good year for sloes down south millions where I live. HOWEVER I have always been told never to pick them until the frosts have started as that is when their taste developes. is that correct ? or just an old wives tale ?
  7. Im afraid I cant help you with any of your questions but I just wanted to complement you on your right up , reading that felt like I was on the stalk with you
  8. after loads of deliberating and watching loads of videos on the subject and because times are hard I decided to do a diy trigger job on my 10 22 as was not happy with the trigger pull. I polished the hammer and sear engagement and mindful of all the things that could go wrong just did a little at a time I was really chuffed I managed to get a sweet 3lb pull safety still working and put the gun together and went outside to test it, the first shot fired, shell ejected new round chambered pulled trigger but the hammer hadn't been charged, so I repeated several times and all still the same. when the trigger unit was out and I pulled the hammer back there was a very positive engagement so im at a loss as to whats gone wrong. as im off work sick I really cant afford to be buying a drop in unit so I was hoping if anyone on here who knows what they are on about please can you offer some advice thankyou mark
  9. Plus one to the above. weve walked ours daily 200 of them following a bucket of corn, and then scaring them so they fly back, building up the distance daily to about 300 yds now their over the top of the oaks
  10. Fantastic write up sounds like you had an awesome holiday
  11. re mirage; thanks lads guess ive never fired enough shots at same time to come across this , nice to learn something new
  12. interesting topic this, please don't knock me gents for asking a question, but what do you mean by the mirage effect ?
  13. not an exact science but by process of elimination of your proof marks you should narrow it down a bit heres a link to try http://www.shotguns.se/html/london_marks_in_context.html
  14. ive spent 20 years working in prisons and seen countless lives ruined by drugs, young lads that have started smoking a bit of pot because of peer pressure thinking its cool to being gnarled disease ridden walking ghosts if they are still alive that is by their mid twenties whilst he is still young there is a real good chance he could turn himself round and lead a normal decent life if you get on well with his parents/him have a chat with your concerns if not speak anonymously to crime stoppers if you don't want to go to the old bill direct that would be my advice
  15. hey discodog which kit did you buy ? I see they got two a £35 or a £70 ish ?
  16. nope ! I just checked out their website doesn't look like they do :-( has anyone tried a trigger kit from rimfire magic ?
  17. I only use it for vermin, but I find the pull very harsh when im off sticks not to bad when on a sack when checking zero, budget is minimal as off work on the sick at the mo, just sort of wanted a project to do whilst unable to walk how much was it ? did you need any specialist tools to do it ? thanks for the replies btw
  18. Hi Guys after a bit of advice, has anyone on here tried to improve their trigger pull on a 10 22 themselves, if so how hard is it, or is their accost effective trigger kit on the market ? appologies if this post has already been covered mark
  19. Kick him off ! then plant the land in Norway spruce ( about 4000 an acre ) @ about 65 pence each then sell them as xmas trees in 4 or 5 years for about £20 - £30 pound each plus have some great shooting and no grass to mow
  20. thanks guys now im well cheered up !!!! back to the hospital tomorrow for an appointment, well that's my 1st week of inactivity done and dusted been the longest of my life, the season is fast looming and im really starting to get stressed now :-(
  21. hi malik doctor said 2 to 6 weeks of rest initially but also said people heal at different speeds depending on their age (that's me doomed then) he also said that the physio would be able to give a better estimate ! ive never been laid up like this before and finding it quite hard :-(
  22. Received with thanks ..... cant believe it got here so quick
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