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Everything posted by SilentKill

  1. Apologies, it was a quick reaction post, should have said "Most people haven't" Also are people not aware that there is a compulsory fitness test for all officers every year?
  2. None of you have ever tried chasing people with 2 stone of kit on you either, you catch some, you lose some.... but you always catch them in the end!
  3. sliver with Sharon Stone......
  4. How much you looking to pay fella?
  5. 8x56 S&B on my 455, Had no issues with it so far although i'm starting to wonder about wanting more mag! Good glass is a must, my S&B will work perfectly under moonlight without a lamp needed!
  6. Hey, I'm over in Corsham... What are you looking at shooting?
  7. Ive got a year old Ranger, Mint condition, not even had a tins worth of pellets through it.... was not actively looking to sell it but i might be persuaded for the right offer. PM if you want to chat further.
  8. What are you looking at spending on one?
  9. Ive Just rehomed a 18month old Sprocker and he's great! Very Clever dog, and loves the attention. Very trainable in the two weeks ive had him...
  10. Sirroco per chance? Mine gets shredded!
  11. Just slightly looking forward to picking him up!
  12. Don't think so, their new website shop page is HERE though!
  13. Edgar Brothers are a top company, had many dealings with them over the last couple of years! worth following on Twitter as well @EdgarBrosShop i recently entered a comp on there and won a surefire G2 pro, complete with a box of batteries, pack of playing cards, Tshirt and of course a free pen! just for answering a simple question!
  14. If it was near perfect you'd expect to get £400. id say £300-£350
  15. Um if its a private sale there is no recourse, i would simply tell him to jog on.... always get a signed receipt from the buyer even if it just says sold as seen!
  16. Heads up boys, make sure you remove the tags before boiling Herts Cray Fish Linky
  17. well my advice would be to get as many witnesses as you can, hope the chap is not one who is already playing the benefit system.... Good luck
  18. mmmm without being sceptical, i'm assuming someone dialled 999 for an ambulance, if it was a serious assault they would have requested police regardless if not just for the paramedics safety. if its as serious as suggested it sounds like GBH with intent.
  19. Why on earth were the police not called at the time? hopefully you have enough witnesses that the CPS can bring a case against him. As for compensation to loss of earning etc just hope he's not unemployed otherwise you may not see a penny.
  20. SilentKill

    What TV

    To be honest its such a minefield, My Sony LCD has just developed a green line so i'll be on the lookout for a new TV at some stage. (for reference my sony lasted 6 years but was extortionate at the time of purchase) I will be looking for a panasonic or higher end samsung next i think....
  21. I guessed that would be needed anyway, and as always i guess it depends on your force your with? do some forces require you to have DSC? I'll make it clear that i intend to do my DSC anyway as a matter of course and i have a few friends who are level 2 to learn from.
  22. SilentKill

    What TV

    going to state the obvious but whats your budget? ive found over the years that othe factors also come into play. Size of room? How Far you sit from the TV? If it will be used for Games? are you happy with 720P HD? or full 1080P? how many HD inputs you need?
  23. Whilst i am aware of the caliber restrictions and seasons on the various deer. What are the stipulations on actually shooting deer? Do you have to have a DSC 1/2? Does it have to be specified on FAC? obviously this is assuming you have permission on land with deer causing damage to crops etc and meat for personal consumption not selling on.
  24. mmmmm don't think you can get them over here but the Eotech MPIII are awesome!
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