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Everything posted by Dave-G

  1. I know it's a pain to to ring Deben just for that but a flip down is well worth it's cost in terms of usefullness - and it's always there ready for use. If you have a tactical model now might be a good time to get a spare battery pack, the new ones have more capacity (2000mah) or they'll make you up a spare cable to a custom length for about a fiver to use on a larger home/commercial made battery pack. They also supply spare butt pouches - that's a darn good idea if you use it on more than one rifle.
  2. Good for you mate - yup the weather no doubt saved many a wabbit this evening given light reflects off snowflakes
  3. Nice one Reed - sorry to be the bearer of bad news mate. Get yerself a proper set of studs fitted mate, I'm a recent convert to using a sling after fleabags persistent tutting when it was his turn to carry. Glad I got it now too.
  4. I think his first post stated he has a small piece of permission
  5. I'm thinking you change the harmonics by squeezing the barrel towards the bottle if it HAS got a barrel band. Even worse - altering the zero by drawing the barrel closer to the bottle if not. I'd also be expecting an ongoing unstable zero regardless of how carefull you think you are in the field, at the very least a nagging doubt as to whether the pellet is going to do the job on live quarry mate.
  6. 50 yards for me. Most of my LR shots are + or - 10 yards of that. It's also near enough the secondary zero of my 17HMR too, so I dont need to shift location when I swap barrels and check zero.
  7. In my experience the police don't tell you what it's cleared "up to" They indicate that it is or is not cleared for the caliber that the caller is enquiring about.
  8. My (trainee) FEO quoted the fifty feet rule to me about 10 days ago.
  9. I would'nt fancy using a sling that lets a floating barrel bear the weight of a rifle. Does your rifle have a barrel band Reed?
  10. Thanks chaps. One particular piece of land I'm thinking of shooting out the car window has an access lane to the farmers field, another smallholding and a footpath. The owners of each would happily see the other fried in oil and I would'nt want to be caught in the middle.
  11. Had to edit it cos the thing was too bad - sorry
  12. Just do a little door knocking when you get there with a decent card printed up with your mobile number on it mate. Rumour has it that the Lizard pennisula is overflowing with bunnies. The fact that you may only be there once a year could well appeal to some people, and every time you visit there will be loads there that ain't got lampshy.
  13. That fifty feet rule - does it apply to adults and all firearms? It's the law bit I'm seeking rather than best practice or recommendations please chaps. I ask because I occasionally feel the "optimum" place to shoot from is alongside a road or lane, and I'm sure many other shooters must find themselves in a similar location occasionally. What say you guys?
  14. Dave-G


    I'm quite surprised this hasn't been taken up yet - unless it's been done by PM. Common now chaps - he'll rope me into it if no-one else offers, but I already drive 600~800 miles a week and don't fancy more of the same on my days off. The guy that does it will get some serious vermin control in. All our shooting down there has been on foot. Whilst some will still be on foot Chris has a new toy to play in so most of the shots you take will be to bunnies who have no reason to worry about a vehicle. Much of it will be very comfortable lamping out the window. All you need is a spare long weekend and you'll even get a chance to stock up on some real Cornish pasty's for the freezer. Din't know that LG, thanks EDIT: DOH - dunno how I missed your post SS
  15. Dave-G


    I'm thinking the candidate needs to be comprehensively insured for their own car to drive yours third party only Chris.
  16. Dave-G

    odd farmer

    I reckon he wants to use the bunnies as additional fox bait for the shooter who protects the chickens that laid the eggs he kindly gives you. Those eggs seem to be his way of saying he has chickens to protect that are more important to him than the rabbit damage which will keep the fox shooter keen enough to keep coming back. Farmers can be old fashioned enough to consider that his egg gifts may help you or your farmer draw some sustenance from the land that bunnies are damaging as a compensation thing.
  17. Dave-G


    Good point cubix - I think Chris is having is on forum blob at the moment He says he spends too much time here so I'll pass it on thanks. (He don't like 'puters much)
  18. Dave-G


    My permissions state "ME" and anyone accompaning me because sometime I take one of my brothers, grandson or another forum member for example. This also allows for mentors and protégé’s without troubling the farmer after dark to ask if "so and so can come on this occasion". I explain it's generally only one other person. It's reasonable to assume the farmer felt the bloke was agreeable and of sound judgement regarding his companions - as are most FAC holders. 80 acres aint much in the grand scheme of things, and it sounds like you have worked hard at that special relationship with someone who allows you to roam there land with a gun. Keep it for yourself in my opinion.
  19. Dave-G


    ERE TIS One portable hide, Tonight we play
  20. "necessary because of a small area in which a large number of crimes were taking place: "The whole purpose of visiting with this number of officers is to make sure the people you are trying to arrest do not feel they can fight their way out." I'm thinking of the shame it's been allowed to sink so low for it to take that amount of force. Had the country stood firm against more crime instead of letting little things slide this would have been nipped in the bud. I firmly believe it all started with Esther Rantzen and her ilk.
  21. Best leave the door so it CAN be opened rather than have them destroy the cage mate. I know someone who occasionally has to leave a helicopter in a field. If someone is determined enough to tamper with it they will get in anyway doing more damage to get what they were after. This suggests the person targeting you has prepared for - or gone away and come back with the equipment to release your bird. If you have the time why not lay up and watch/record what happens next?
  22. Nice to see it's not just us humans that have a gawk at someone else's misfortune
  23. Consider dropping into your local RC model shop to see if there are any local RC flying sites. If not, and the area you refer to is truly remote... with few trees around one of the fields or local residents to complain about noise, and has reasonably close cropped grass you could well be sorted. As long as livestock could be cleared away from the area being used there would be little need for any other input apart from ensuring there is an area of short grass. Different fields could be used as required throughout the season. It does'nt neccessarily have to have large flat area's for landing but that would be a distinct advantage. RC helicopters do it almost anywhere. http://www.northeasternbmfa.co.uk/4559.html EDIT: It should be noted that the club and the members would be insured through the BMFA
  24. Dave-G


    Chris is getting some good natured ribbing about Rambo and such from the guys who are doing the spray job. They shoot a bit too. He's now having second thoughts about whether to spray it nato green or possibly matte black instead. I'm saying stick with the plan. What say you guys?
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