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Everything posted by Maidment78

  1. I would not be expecting too long range as the land I shoot has wood and plenty of cover. There are some significant fields but they are very exposed and I have never seen any movement on them apart from pigeons, crows and roe.
  2. Green Finch (Bit small though from what you say) Chiffchaff (great name,,) The other being the green woodpecker has been mentioned and they do have darker fathers on the edge of the wing. But when they fly further thanabout 10 meters they have a swooping flight pattern that is unmistakeable That or someones pet parrot has escaped,,,,
  3. How did it fly? straight, looping? Might help.
  4. I had the same issue on a farm in Swindon, women would take her fat lab through the field as soon as she knew I was there just to get in the way, said she was protecting gods creatures. Farmer got wind and put a load of sheep in the field and when she next did it (no lead on dog and badly trained) he threatened to shoot the dog and called the police, she was cautioned and told to keep off or face charges so went well for me. Does your lady hang about or just walk through and back? Just wondering how much of a pain it is or is she doing it on purpose as this makes a difference. Very frustrating so good luck.
  5. Afternoon, I am thinking about getting a setup just for fox, I am really looking for a .243 cal but wondered if anyone has any ideas as to type and scope selection. Not really interested in NV as it is too heavy and I never have much call for it as see well enough with the moon up or lamp. Thanks for your help, Paul.
  6. I looked online for ages, saw some good offers, forgot to order them intime for a shoot at the weekend, went to my local and bought 4 box's that eneded up cheaper per cart then buying bulk online, Stick local, also the chap who owns the shop cracks me up and invited me on a shoot so not only cheap carts but shooting day,,,
  7. The thing that makes me worried about these posts is that the dealer took in a used gun, has a gunsmith on site yet did not have it checked over? then sold it on not knowing if it was safe? The gun looks nice do not get me wrong but I would rather have an ugly gun that is safe then have my face taken off when the chamber opens during the firing cycle,,,,,, Just my opinion but I would get rid myself.
  8. She sleeps,,,,,,, Just incase anyone was interested this is the story so far, Went to the vet as notice discharge and spotting and as she is 6 months now though the season might have begun but due to the infection I want to make sure. Vet checker her over which she was suprisingly happy about and confirmed she is not in season and the infection is still there so 7 more days of tablets. Last night set up her bed like a cave with blankets over the top, lots of covers inside and left the light on in the room. She was run out a lot too 2 hours before bed and was tired. Slept from 11pm to 5am before any wimpering then let out at 6am and it was a dry night so looks like we may be getting back to normal again,, Two things that I used that you might think are a bit odd but 6 days of no sleep and I was willing to try anything,,, I used a DAP plug in and it did seem to calm her down a tad so will see what tonight brings. Best bit was she did a 20 meter retrieve in water yesterday without running in. Great fun and look forward to more of the same.
  9. I have and yes I like it, used this guy before too and he is spot on with delivery. Did not work too well in a corn field though,,,,,,,
  10. That was a fun form to read and work out, or am I just stupid? Anyway, all done and statement sent.
  11. Maidment78


    7 complaints would warrent a full inquiry with the way things go these days! Infact we go to war for less. Best thing is to not have a point of veiw at all, and only use the freedom of speak act if it does not upset anyone,,,, Rule Britania! Now I am off to point at fat people, then fox hunting, make our cockrel crow to upset my townie neighbours, go fishing with real pointy hooks, and ask why my local KFC only has aisians working in it. Bye.
  12. cookoff013,, You mention the difference in price for the two types of cartridge and I being in purchasing for many years I totally understand but the one thing I am not familiar with is the performace difference, what is the practical difference with using a cheap cart with a top end one? can you really tell the difference? I have issues shoot the proverbial barn door as just started with the shotgun and am happy if I get 40-50% conversion rates at the moment but I have not tried the expensive carts so I have nothing to campare against. I use Gamebore at the moment and anything else I can get hold of to be honest. Just interested if people have had different experiances with this.
  13. And me, also tried the electric fence posts but too bendy and moved with the wind spooking the birds,,,, I hate spending money on anything but Guns Beer and my Bike but sometimes you just need the right kit and have to put your hand in your pocket.
  14. Can you let me know what night you will be out with said hunting knife sitting in a dark hole ready to hack to death this beast, i would hate to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, this has got Darwin Awards written all over it! And remember Albino children are not monsters they are just different,,,,,,
  15. Update to tha dog, Settled her in the cage Sunday night after she did her business and radio was playing a debate about the coalition goverment so she will be very learnard by the end of this. She started playing up from the off so left her too it and she went on like this all night. Got down to her at 6am as normal and let her out and cleaned up the mess. As she did not sleep all night she was shattered during the day and did not move until about 2pm, Wife took her out and ran her out and we went to puppy class then bed, still played up but for 10 mins then quiet for 20 mins then 10mins playing up so big improvement, test will be tonight I guess. Seems to be a confidence things if I had to guess but with the training we are doing she should be better being away from me for longer periods as sit stay work is coming on nicely.
  16. Snow leopard, definitely, had one walk past my tent once when I was in kashmir and needed a new sleeping bag,,, Sounds like a local dog that has got out and having some fun, I love getting **** scared out lamping as the shadows come alive. Cracks me up that others have the same issue, how does it go, Beware of the moon, stick to the path,, Was a full moon last night too so could actually BE a local resident,,,,,,,
  17. Both round me, lul during lunch 12-2 though. Must be spanish pigeons near me.
  18. She starts as soon as the door is closed straight after her last toilet session. We have just redone her bedroom to include radio and cage so will try with this for a few nights with the door open then fingers crossed. Failing this there are always the passive ear protection I was bought last year,,,
  19. Are you saying not required as you can leave the gun with the hammers cocked and the springs not being weakend or are you saying you can dry fire the gun without snap caps? I have an old gun so use them but this has me intrieged (like the wife will ever let me get a new toy,,,)
  20. That is good to hear as she is such a great little dog, training brilliant, and for a pointer she is flushing well even now with virtually no training apart from leaving cheese in places for her to look for. I will give both the radio and a little more room to move about and see how she goes. Thanks guys.
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