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Everything posted by Maidment78

  1. Maidment78


    Dogs bite, Children play, bit like drinking and driving really, you can try it and might lucky to get home with nothing bad happening, then again you might not. Best not to take the risk,
  2. Sorry to read this, you have my sympathies. We have only had ours 6 months and it would be a real blow to lose her even now.
  3. Afternoon all, Right, I have an issue in the form that the wife is about to push out a small person and as my estate is bigger than the polo she wants it. No worries there as it is only fair but then I got to thinking that now might be a good time to get a new toy before the baby drains all funds for the next 30 years. I have a linited budgedt like most people these days and I am not after a water painting just a solid reliable unit that I can fix if needed. £3-4k is the amount I can scrape together. I have a dog that needs to sit in the back with all the kit and the land I shoot over is moderate in its terrain, the pulling of a horse box would be a bonus. Any ideas?
  4. Totally agree with the above, my pointer is 6 months, she is doing brilliantly for a 6 month old. She will walk to heel for a bit, collect for a bit and flush for a bit,,, I praise her well for this, but when she gets bored we move on. 4 weeks ago the idea of walking to heel meant legging it, now she will do this for 20 meters and sit when we stop, my friend has an adult springer and she was the same at this age so just enjoy the fact that your pup is a pup as they do grow fast. Just got to stop mine from chasing things and she will be perfect,,, Good luck with it all,
  5. Morning, I currently use an old and reliable Lanber but the time has come where the wife has allowed me to by a new toy and I want to get fitted. Anyone know anywhere near Newbury that they would recomend for this? I want to buy a gun that will last a long long long time so want to get it right. Thanks, Paul.
  6. GWP's, well you have to start with the easy ones first and then move to the propper GSP when you get the hang of them,,,,,,,
  7. Only ones I have found that do not deform on there way out and fly true.
  8. The Pigeon Shooter: The Complete Guide to Modern Pigeon Shooting - Good for the basics and not bad to read Art of Good Shooting - J. E. M. Ruffer - Classic! old but good to read, shotguns still work the same way as they always have,,,,
  9. I personally feel that farming is a way of life and as such can not be compared to a normal job, the hours are very long and the chance of a day off are few and far between. (I looked after farm for 6 months when I was a bit younger than I am today and have never worked as hard since,,,) Plus side is you spend all your time isolated from muppets that live in towns that the normal person has to deal with day in day out. I run a manufacturing company with 50 employees and have to say there is an amount of rose coloured glasses feel about the life of a farmer but all in all I can not say it is a bad life, hard maybe but not a bad one. Everyone is underpaid and over worked, ask my staff, they are the most hard done by people in the world. Just my thoughts,,,
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