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Everything posted by Maidment78

  1. I had one of these, so funny, took forever then it just worked, had to put it on its side push it flat, then fold in half the twist the ring to make a figure of eight and bring the end together, simples!
  2. First sorry to hear about your loss, 6 is very young. All I would say is do not rush into anything. Good luck.
  3. I have seen some good quotes recently about a particular store that only sells cartridges and how they are expensive,,, Anyone got a good alternative. Really after a good alround #6 30 or 32r load really and being a newbie and just getting to the end of the 400 carts that the nice man at the gun shot gave me when I got my gun I am going to have to pay for some now.... Oh, fiber wad only.....
  4. What did you buy out of inerest? I find I agree with some but the fact that I know every time I pull the trigger I will more often then not hit what I am aiming at makes me more relaxed about clean kills. I do find myself stalking much closer than I actually need too these days just to see if I still can.....
  5. Thanks for the help guys. Hairofthedog, Glad to hear it! My wife is ecpecting a little girl in Oct and I fully intend to have her out in the fields with myself and the dog from the offset. Paul.
  6. Small bag,,,, I long for a small bag like that,,, might try shooting with my eays shut, might help.
  7. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Clay grounds are a really bad idea! The amount of gunfire is totally overwelming and should be avoided at all costs! Seriously some dogs can take it but the risk is really high.
  8. I stated bashing the food bowls together to make a loud noise, she knew food was coming and so was happy about it, then when I could not get any louder I moved to the shotgun at 200 meters, wife had the dog and was playing with her and giving her treats, fired the gun, no reaction so moved to 150 and fired again, still nothing. I did not move closed until the next day then started again at 200 meters and repeated the execise. over about 10 days I got to being 50 yards from her with nothing then moved close and she is fine but every dog is different and it is really easy to mess this up and get a gun shy dog (my dad did it wrong and his is now virtually useless) so take it slow and if in doubt stop and start again tomorrow. I used blanks on the gun to start with as they were softer, I find a starter pistol and .22 make a loud crack and this is more high pitched and can scare some dogs. Saying that my brothers lab could be sat on a bomb and would sleep through it so it really is down to the dog and you will know what there charecter is better than anyone.
  9. After my shocking day the other day I decided to go back to the farm with a note pad pen and watch. Was hard at first sitting there watching a stream of birds coming in with no gun but I carried on and it turned out to be really interesting. I have managed to identify 2 clear flight lines that had a constant steam of birds for the 4 hours I was there and did not let up, I have marked these on my map with some good areas for the hide and also marked the wind possition for that day so when I am next there I can see if it has changed. Now after realising I was getting slightly obsessed with this I packed up and went home for a rest. The question that has been bugging me is are the flight lines going to be the same tomorrow or do they change? I will find out over time but I thought I would ask and see what you all thought as if they are mainly fixed then this would be a huge bonus but I do not think I am that lucky,,,,,,,
  10. 3 over the last month, the hazel nuts are coming on well so hope to increase this over the rest of the year,, 732
  11. Best to end a name with 'ie' as they find this easier to recognise,
  12. Know it makes sense, .22 FAC air then, I would look for around 40ft. with a fairly large air resivoir like the airwolf or something similar. Sounds like a nice shoot though, Paul.
  13. Clova and set aside, this is all that they were feeding on on the farm as he has large amounts of corn and barely and they are not touching this yet.
  14. Agreed, I love my FAC air but for these sort or ranges I would ask why are you not looking for an .17 HMR as this would be better suited and to get this sort of caliber on your ticket is really no harder thn getting it in the first place. The only time I ever found the question got interesting was for the .243. I use my AIR FACs up to the 50 yrd mark, I know they are accurate further out than this but with so many variables the risk of not getting a clean kill is too high for me and if you can not stalk a bunny to 50 yards something is wrong,,,
  15. Went out for a shoot yestreday afternoon, arrived at the farm and there was nothin in the sky, walked round the main fields and nothing. Thought I ould set up anyway and just have a sit and wait and see if anything turned up but not a thing, saw about 10 birds over 4 hours at long distances flying very high. This normal? I had a good shoot there last week but I am quite sure i did not get all the birds in Wiltshire,,,,,
  16. Sorry for late reply, it was a yes I got permission from 2 people, one a member and one a farmer that heard I was looking through a member of the site so this has been a very sucessful as I now have over 2,000 arces of land to shoot over.
  17. Cracking debate. I like the comment that we need to stick together. I think that is very true as it is the only way a community of hunting enthusiasts will make it through the overly liberal way of thinking that all animals are cute and should be cuddled. I personally have no issues with the shooting of Hares or any animal at all as long as the overall population of the animal is at a level where breeding is not affected or at a point where human intervention is required to continue their ongoing existence. I actually think the over population of Buzzards is causing an issue and a licence should be issued for the thinning of numbers but that is a whole new argument in the making. I think it is also a point to note that it is really nice to read that people here are as passionate about the welfare of the wildlife we hunt as well as the actual sport of shooting itself. Long may it continue!
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