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Everything posted by Maidment78

  1. Saturday shoot 12 pigeons, many many more carts,,,, not my finest hour,,, 16640
  2. I swat the plastic with the shot birds then go for a maximum of 15 birds, couple of bouncers and a flapper, more than this either makes my kill zone crowded or the area is too big and does not focus the birds in. Thats just me though and other people/areas might find different approaches work. Try going shooting without the gun, set the hide and decoys and then use different patterns every hour and see what happens, o this a few times and you will know what works and also what does not. If you take te gun you will be too tempted to use it and not watch properly.
  3. Maidment78


    Just gone to bed and found a load in my bedroom, now not normally worried by most things the sting of a hornet makes me a little worried as they are rather large,,,, I have seen the flying about the house for the last few days but as the are quite relaxed little fellas thought nothing of it, now they have come inside I am not so relaxed about it,,,, Anyone have experiance in 1. finding the nest and 2. they best way to remove? i did have a few wasp nests in the loft last year and removed them as they were small and easy to bag and tag but I am not so confident about the big beasts,,,,
  4. Mine just eat a load of fox, vomited it up in the garden, rolled in it and then eat it again,,, Then wife came in and she licked her face so on the plus side,,,
  5. Go to champdogs really good, some rubbish on it like every site but generally 100%, full kennel club and family tree and the hip score as standard so it is a start.
  6. I use the pigeon wing on a fishing line tied to fishing rod, she points really well but no idea how this will pass to real life hunting but she is only 6 months now so slow and steady, most of what we do is for fun with a hunting undertow but I am not expecting anything from her at the moment, start getting her ready for the gun in two months so the long process of starting gun and games will begin soon. I bought a GSP for the challenge and it is that, would not change her for the world. She did catch me a mouse the other day so no matter what she has done something!
  7. I would say that you should use anything! even cheap foam ones as to fire off 125 shots near another person IS going to damage to your hearing. Try cheap foam ons then Bisley do a passive set for about £6-7 that stop noise over about 85dbl or something like that then if you have access to a clay ground someone will let you try a pair of the more expensive electronic ones to see if you like them. Just use something though
  8. I would be rather worried if my wife was allowed to carry a concealed weapon,, Wife - 'Hello dear, whats that,,' Me - 'Oh it is the new shotgun I just bought with the kids college fund,,,' nope, just not worth the risk if you ask me.....
  9. Took the pup out for her evening wonder last night in the paddocks and she did her first perfect point, froze, not a movement, froont foot raised and tail straight, could not work out why though so wondered over to get a closer look and there in the long grass was a Roe fawn, 50 yards further on was a rather worried looking mother so I praised the pup and took her away. Just wish I had a camera as she was within 2 feet,,,,,,,, I would like to say I trained her for this but that would be a lie.
  10. My pointer hates it, chews for a bit then spits it out and looks at me like I have just tried to poisen her.
  11. Bought one last week and used it for the first time with really good results, couple of bouncers and the flapper with a further 20 on the deck brought them riht into the pattern, did find though I needed to take it down late in the day as a few birds were spooked but I would not go out without it now. Also make me chuckle watching it when there is a slow few mins,,,
  12. Read that and had to laugh, it is exactly what I have been doing for the past month,,,,,, Everyday is a school day! Well done on the write up though, good to read.
  13. I get loads in my paddoxs and went on a removal spree, flee bay traps are very cheap and as long as you do not leave your scent on them vey effective too, I have taken out 9 moles this year and I believe there are only one or two left in the far edges now. Persistance and constant checking and moving, make sure you possition the trap in a used run and never too near a hill as the soil they push sets the trap first not the mole, I use a garden cane to locate the run, sharp spade to open in, possition the trap and cover as they will flee fron any light let in thinking it has been dug. I have worked out in 15 years I will have a enough to make some shorts,,,,,,,
  14. I had thought about using my head cam for my MTB 'helmet hero' as it comes with a strap that you wear to get the view through your eyes but though better of it as I would look a propper **** if the farmer came over,,,,,,
  15. Personally I never use them, I can see at short range on a rat might not be a bad choice as you will get beeter enegy trasfer and at close range overpenatration is sometimes an issue. Longer ranges though 25 yrds plus I would not be confident that they will fly true and I have never had an issue with using a dome head on all prey.
  16. OK daft question time,,,, How wide does the pattern usually need to be? At the widest point in yards please as I work in old money.....
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