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Everything posted by Scully

  1. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/gemma-finnigans-killer-daniel-johnson-8106360 Try this one.
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-30044036 Another convicted murderer released to do it again. If murdering someone isn't reason enough to jail them for life, just how much more serious can a crime be before life means life? These cases simply infuriate me, they really do.
  3. I honestly can't recall, sorry, but if you ring Ian at Lakeland Guns I'm sure he can tell you. Thanks for that. Good to know.
  4. Scully

    Dumped Game

    Can you tell us which shoot that is?
  5. You may well be right, a bit of a quandary really. I always feel guilty when I buy another gun; buying two could push me over the edge. Wouldn't mind seeing that. This is the first example I've seen in the flesh so to speak. You're right, the quality is impressive.
  6. I'm not really that interested in space 'stuff', but the technology involved to do such a thing is impressive beyond comprehension. Well, beyond mine anyhow.
  7. Mate and me went over to Lakeland Guns the other evening as he fancies a 20 bore for a change. He eventually bought a very very nice Browning 525 G4 and I almost bought a HW100 in .177 with a shrouded barrel, so handy for waving about from a vehicle ( I may go back for it yet) but what caught my eye was a Ruger o/u shotgun in 20 bore. I think it was a Red Label model but I was so impressed at the quality of the gun, its balance and how nice it came up to the shoulder. The sound it made on closing brought a smile to mate and me, superb. A really very nice plain, black actioned gun. Everything about it just oozed quality. I know from experience Ruger make quality firearms but had always dismissed their o/u shotguns as probably not much to write home about in comparison to the better known brands, but had never seen nor handled one before. Very impressed.
  8. We are way off topic here, but English or Scottish game dealers? Do we know?
  9. Why are people who want UKIP thought of as regressive dinosaurs? Just exactly what was so bloody good about the 'good old days'?The power cuts? The strikes that led to them? Unbridled racism? Unchallenged sexism? The Cold War? British Leyland? I want UKIP because I am sick and tired of being legislated against by a totally unelected body. I don't give a fig about the colour of anyones skin nor their ethnic origin; if they want to come here to work then fair enough; so long as they're working and contributing I don't care. And they aren't taking British jobs from British people because many British people wont get off their backsides to earn less money than they can get from the state for doing **** all, and who is to blame for that ? If some immigrants do in fact want to come here merely for the state benefits (and there are some who do) then whose fault is that? Is immigration to blame for that or Government policy? I just want control of a British destiny put back in the hands of the British electorate, and not dictated to by some unelected non-answerable faceless European bureaucrats. UKIP may get it wrong, but what is the alternative? More of the same?
  10. Hacksaw? Local metal fabricator, scrap merchant or agricultural engineers? Either will bend, crush or cut it beyond all practical use while you watch. They will then recycle the metal.
  11. I can assure you I don't underestimate the value of an individuals personality, and if BASC should indeed get a Farrage type figurehead who will rock a few boats then I'll rejoin and willingly double my subscriptions. BASC would carp themselves at the thought of a figurehead who actively seeked confrontation in the fight against injustice and a biased agenda. They have lost sight of what is important to many shooters and if our shooting organisations had any real influence or were indeed taken seriously by government agencies then they would surely have been consulted prior to the 'latest initiative'. They weren't. They weren't even given a thought, which simply highlights the regard with which us and our representatives are held. I am under no illusions about how much influence our organisations have, but my money is better off at the moment with an organisation that even though slight in numbers when compared to BASC will at least get up off its aris and confront unwarranted and oft underhanded practice on a day to day basis.
  12. Exactly. And the same logic dictates that if I feel let down by one particular party, then rather than try and join that party and influence policy from within (which is akin to emptying lake Windermere with a bucket) I give my support elsewhere.
  13. My apologies.....I totally forgot all about this thread while away.
  14. It's entirely up to you of course, but knackered air gun or not, it will be counted as a 'surrendered firearm' and entered into HO figures as such.
  15. My Grand European is POW stocked and I wouldn't have bought it if it hadn't been. Could have bought one many times over but was waiting for a good example with a POW stock as I think the look is stylish and elegant. It is used mostly for game as it's a game gun, but have shot clays recently and it doesn't feel any different to me.
  16. Mind you, they did charge children a tenner a head to attend their sons end of term party a couple of years ago, so they obviously need the money, and four quid is four quid.
  17. It would be nice if our shooting organisations could get hold of a detailed and itemised list of all those 'firearms' surrendered to each relevant county when the amnesty is over, just to see what percentage really were firearms. Will enquire of my organisation.
  18. It is not legislation, nor even part of HO guidance. You are under no obligation to comply. NGO advice is that if you are told you must comply, or that it may hinder the progress of your application, then you should ask for the name and rank (if applicable) of the person responsible and the licensing authority, and they will take it from there with the view that a non statutory demand has been made on an applicant. Or words to that effect; it's a while since I was told.
  19. You have nothing to worry about, believe me; with or without a shooting organisation. But it is wise to be insured in some way. Enjoy your shooting.
  20. Scully

    Dumped Game

    The emphasis and wording of the text displays an obvious bias against game shooting. Study the birds in all three pic's closely. The same three birds are present in around the centre of all three pics, but some have been added to the third pic, which are present at the bottom. It is obvious all three pic's are taken from more or less the same location, but some of the birds have been moved and some of the bracken has also. I'm very cynical as to the validity of them to be honest, but real or posed, the damage is now done. In all my years of shooting driven game I have never known birds to be dumped; even at 25p each our game dealers would jump at the chance as in the quantities they are shot, even at 25p each they have a value, even if its game pie. I have heard of antis buying birds to deliberately dump, and there was such an incident some years ago given high profile coverage by the Daily Mail if I recall. It was ultimately exposed as anti propaganda, but not with the same high profile coverage obviously. Edited to add that after reading some of the comments following the article there is much defence of the photographers reluctance to 'name and shame', citing their own protection as reason, which is ludicrous.If they want to add validity to their claims then there is no reason why they can't report this incident to many bodies, but choose not to. 'A Scottish Estate'.......that's narrowed it down eh! Pathetic.
  21. Firearms amnesty launched by police Now Cumbria have launched theirs.
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