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About hoTshoT-16

  • Birthday 16/01/1995

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  • Gender
  • From
    Somerset (compton dundon)
  • Interests
    clay / game shooting, pest control, farming, bodging, engines

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  1. pm sent about the AYA Yeoman, if its till for sale?

    cheers Louis

  2. your ferrets must be pretty fat now, seeing the amount of rabbits you shot lately well done, good shooting
  3. daystate air ranger 80, in .25 with a nighteater scope, harris bipod hw 45, in .177
  4. i would say, shorteneing the barrel by a mile
  5. BSA barrels tend to prefer the bigger skirt pellets, try AA fields in 4.52
  6. lazy shooters and people with no respect for quarry
  7. very nice scope, what rifle where you using??
  8. WELCOME TO PW bsa r10 mk2. is very good
  9. but you need FAC you put a .177 gas ram in a .22 rifle to increade the power to around 18ft/lb
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