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Everything posted by Richard.Hosgood

  1. As has been said, don't wake the baby to feed it, it will let you know when its time and be loud enough to wake you. The less night feeds the better IMO, am sure it sets them into a more desirable feeeding and sleep pattern better. Congrats on the new arrival
  2. Farmer I shoot for says he used to enjoy rooks, they need to be young though he reckons! Just try it, if you don't try things, you never know!
  3. Just enjoyed a few of these, nice kick to them indeed (for 'mainstream' food) and would defo liven up a fry up, or give an interesting twist to other sausage based recipes! http://www.tesco.com/groceries/Product/Details/?id=272694078
  4. Brilliant and defo to be proud of My wife, in adult education, got a B in human science and physiology which means she is in her access course to get in to uni for midwifery - so I feel your joy! Hope your back gets better soon!
  5. I regularly use a 12b pump with a silencer on the end - heavy, awful sight picture until you get used to it, and with sub sonic carts not even that quiet!
  6. Human centapede - some warped minds at work there!
  7. Got a sil pig also, and a few coats of tru-oil works wonders and really brings the wood out and improves the standard finish.
  8. What hot weather? Muggy yes, hot no, wet very - go away rain!
  9. Bring wellies and a brolly, weather has been poor since tuesday and not expected to get better!
  10. Give the farmer what he wants, breast out the rest and freeze. Then sit down with a beer
  11. Oh, and fishing wise, saw a few but noone fishing for them, so couldn't tell you!
  12. Yup,2 years ago this month for my honeymoon. Fantastic is all I have to say. The sea food resturaunt on resort I would avoid as service and food is average (many a review suggested the same at the time, but it may be better now), but otherwise you will struggle to find reason to hit the mainland! Also hurricane season iirc, we had a visit from Earl which provided some interesting weather! Am very jealous, enjoy!!
  13. Making sure you have a good solid background behind you is important in my (limited) experience, so as they don't pick out "human" - also I like to have the hide, coloured to match background of it, in front high and kinda peer over the top to see what's about, and start to mount the gun as they get in to range, then pop up and let em have it! Am guessing with a field hide, surrounding yourself as much as possible is the trick!
  14. My second was by c section, I didn't peek over the shield, don't fancy seeing the bloody internals of my wife, but it was very stress free and relaxed. Wife said it just 'felt odd' - result. Good programme on bbc2 at 9pm on Tuesday's about midwifes, last weeks had a c section, I expect you can watch it on iplayer if you wanted to see one in all it's glory
  15. I've one of these, very nice and comfy to wear, not too blingy nor heavy. Can be fiddly to set up but once done, wear and forget http://www.amazon.co.uk/Citizen-Eco-Drive-Perpetual-Calendar-BL8000-54L/dp/B00074HDAO
  16. Think it is a Little Owl, a quick Google for images of young little owls provided this, which could be the same bird! http://www.wildaboutbritain.co.uk/pictures/showphoto.php/photo/18461 It was only about 8" tall.
  17. After a few too many on saturday night, an early start on sunday was out of the question, but I got to the farm for about 2, chat with farmer and headed off to a corn stubble field. When I got there about 50 crows and 20 pigeons lifted, so got excited. I was set up by 3 and whilst waiting for the birds to return, this little fellow was taking an interest in me - can anyone tell me what species of owl this is, I think its a juvenile Tawny Owl? Back to the shooting, the crows didnt return in any numbers, I only managed 1 crow and 1 jackdaw, but the pigeons were flighting about and I did draw a few to the pattern, enough to have an enjoyable few hours, and get some much needed fresh air, finishing with 13 woodies and 2 ferels. I always offer the farmer some of the quarry, and have the rest of the woodies breasted out ready for tea tonight - nom!
  18. Got a 28" armi sabbati 12b o/u, stne, good nick, shorter in the stock (14" iirc) and nicely light in weight. Its lovely and tight on its face and has immaculate bores. Fixed choke at 1/4 and 1/2. Just had a service and given clean bill of health. A little wear under foreend to the blueing and a few little knocks to the stock, but as your after a hide gun, probably not of importance? Am in Exeter so not too far from you either PM me if of interest, send me your email address and can send photos. Cheers, Richard.
  19. Have added a message to your wanted post, I see from a previous wanted you have posted that your in Kent, so would need to rfd it which is £20 my end.

  20. Got a nice STNE Armi Sabatti 12g o/u available if that's of interest to you? Can send photos if your interested, pm me your email address.
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