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Everything posted by mag-man

  1. [ Mag-man – Quote = as a matter of fact, that warthog is one of the biggest I have ever seen, hence it was advertised on a safari companies website. which warthog was that mate ? The one you claimed was from your mates farm, or the friend of a friends family of a friends family of a friends friend etc................the one I thought you found on the net this one http://www.dinaka.co.za/images/trophy-gall...-Warthog-x2.jpg
  2. A big cat (leopard puma etc), would be the same length of that gun, from it's nose, to it's chutney pot (base of tail), people where talking earlier about shooting em with a shotgun, understand that it should only be used as protection i.e. from 10 yards, 3 shots is not safe enough (as is the law here I believe), you can't use a .357 or 44 mag, so don't think of it unless you got it in a bait, you sitting in a hide, and you got a clear shot (with a rifle) Mimic, nice try with the photo's, but the biggest give away is the the bottom pad's shape is wrong, depth between the paws,..................nice try though, bet you fooled some
  3. mag-man


    Some one should LB can't mention names or M15 would be knocking
  4. wife had a few cats..........used to love bathing them, wifey would say "are you sure you have to bath cats" and I would say "yes love, or they get mange"........you had to make sure you had long sleeves though
  5. mag-man


    don't know why you guys thought of this.............he's leaving within a year.............just wait.....you don't have to do it....
  6. LB,.................... tough one............
  7. Bebo is an online site where you can make your own homepages and view other peoples. I recieve a hell of a lot of abuse from antis that don't like my views and large amount of dead animal content on my site. I've already been deleted on there once, apparently it was because of hunting content but they refused to say what so I have just set my account up again with more dead things and anti bashing content than ever before. My Bebo: HERE FM ferret master, bebo looks cool site shame about the abuse you get from antis, I would love to show every anti a rabbit with mixxi then ask them how they would rather die if they was the poor rabit , suffer for weeks with a disese like mixxie or 1 shot and its all over, I now how I would rather go m8. also if they could see the damage rabbits cause to hedge rows and trees undermining there roots untill they get blown down or the dyke banks they burrow in untill the dyke becomes blocked, or the live stock foxer kill just for the sake of it. if a fox had broken into there duck-chicken rabbit pen and killed them all dont get me wrong I love to be out in the country side seing wildlife, foxes-rabbits -hares- squirrels- pigeons, etc but what the antis fail to understand is they need controlling in sertain areas at sertain times. I wonder what reaction they would have to a bill for dredging a dyke out - replacing a hedge row - replacing live stick- or waking up to find there pets killed by a fox- or never seing a red squirrel again. most of them are hipacrits them selfs they will walk in dead animals on there feet(foot wear) they will eat dead animals( but dont see what there eating as animals), there are animal products extracts in all sorts of things - make up- lipstick- foods and drinks. I could go on but I wont boor you any more, kipper They think meat only comes from tesco's.............
  8. Magman..............nice move, teach the ol' coffin dodgers some new tricks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Hence Helice was invented, is excactly like live pigeons comps, but with a plastic clay
  10. The burchalls is a species of zebra, the reticulted is actually the southern african giraffe, nice guess about the python though, (pythons correct name is African rock python) as a matter of fact, that warthog is one of the biggest I have ever seen, hence it was advertised on a safari companies website, as an advert to attract new clients. Next time you try and add fuel to the fire, make sure it's combustable
  11. mag-man

    Yet another poll

    Fine, you make the perfect getaway, no trace's left, how do you spend the loot...........say £300 000, how do you get it into a bank account, anything over £3000, I think would raise a suspicion. You can't buy a Ferarri or fancy car with say £50 000 cash...........that's the hardest bit..........
  12. I hope you don`t mean No.9`s Nope sorry dont know what you would call them - Its the term i know used for shot shells with heavy load and around 9 x 9mm balls in - Not number 9 shoot. Edit - Just looked it up its what the americans call Buckshot Judging by that bottom picture these bore are a lot smaller than what i am used to. That has just surprised me as I thought warthog were not large. O yes and its possible to shoot a elephant and kill it with a 22LR but its so wrong i wont even go there!! just use the best thing you have available as it leaves less margin for error. I have found to my detriment that fast rounds tend to blow up to much and dont always deliver the goods, especialy if you hit bone first. For reference this is of a friend of the familys gamefarm not a big one but is a good reference - http://www.dinaka.co.za/images/trophy-gall...-Warthog-x2.jpg - Just by the way that not me they run a game business so I guess this was one of his clients this year. Forgive me, I did not know that you too also had so much experiance in hunting dangerous game, since seeing you know so much, what do you think your mates warthog scored, and which warthog is it, the Reticulated warthog, or the Southern Burchalls Warthog, try not to ask him, or is just a photo you found on the net
  13. I remember blokes in the south used to hunt leopards with a breed called Boerboers, size and shape of a rotty, but looked more like a great dane, real nice dogs, they fed on any intruders, great family pets, but always hunted in large packs.
  14. Anyone that wounds one, or does not put it down with a 243, is an incompetant shot and should not be shooting, !!!! As I said in my earlier post, upto the forequarter had to be discarded, through the head, neck, into the shoulders. obviously an eland I would not shoot or encourage anybody to shoot with a 243 in the heart/lung,
  15. NTTF, thanks bud, do you see what I mean though that the leopards, panther and maybe the jaguar belong in the same group, same sub-species of cat, It makes sense to me now that the panther and jag do not have to tree feed, as they don't have the natural enimies they have to compete against like the leopard does, I always envisioned the panthers lurking in tree's..........unless I been watching too much jungle book
  16. how can I add a photo to this topic......... busgpig shot with a 243 at about 150yds, in the head, the whole forequarter was discarded because of the damage from the shatter..............I've seen Eland that weigh over a ton shot in the head with a 243...........
  17. Leopards eat 100% of their food in a tree, other cats like an individual lion (without the protection of a pride), will try to get their kill up a tree, away from the hyeana's, cheetah's lack the strength to get a kill up a tree, but will always eat the preys vitals first, heart, liver lungs, the meat that is richer in protein. As for the other cats like jaguars and pathers, I'm sure they are pretty close to a leopard, on the other hand, if a snow leopard had to try and find a tree to drag it's prey up, it would die of old age..... As for a leopards spoor, you will see the claw marks in the spoor, as the leopards cannot retract their claws like normal cats............ this is based on the african cats, I don't think there is much differance in nature and instinct between the leopard and a panther, and jaguar, which is pretty much the same kind of cat. The other cats, like your American one's are totally differant though, Lynx, puma cougar
  18. mag-man


    got one myself...........recommend to anyone
  19. I watched Ross Kemps Gangs...........he says the turks are the biggest gangs in london now.........if they go to prison, is the same as going home.......
  20. We used to boil up half a drum of maize for about 6hr's.................then let it sit a ferment for about two weeks.............till it smells nice and ripe, clear a patch of the growth away, and every day put a bucket down, once they feeding on a regular basis, sit up in a hide, use SG's, and tie a white handkerchief to the end of your barrells.............. ...........smokin!!!!!
  21. The way to get it would be to put a couple of sheep baits up in the tree's, everyday you check em and see which one has been nibbled on, when it's eating on it regulary, then put in a blind, and smoke it...........with a 375...........
  22. I grew up on a farm in africa, and have shot Kudu, used to cull cattle, cull impala all with a .22 I agree a .22 is not the right calibre, but it was the way it was done out there, everything was shot in the head using super high velocity rounds (CCI Stingers). A .22 will have no problem dropping a cat like a leopard or cheetah, not a lion, provided it is in the head .......but I must say, if you do not put that cat down.............good luck!!!!! He would stand more chance getting up close and personal with a 12g, auto, filled up with only SG................when we used to go up on wounded leopard we used to use either a 5 shot shotty filled up with SG, a .357 or a .44mag.............. but either way he must write his will before hand
  23. shotguns and fishing (beach), would get a MX bike if I had more time..........
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