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Everything posted by mag-man

  1. Guys..........I know what they did to the grieving is the worst thing a human can do.........but think of the bad name they are making for themselves.........shows the scum they trully are to the outside world...... .....also any antis reading this.........may your ball bag be blessed with the fleas of a thousand camels!!!!!!!
  2. Herewith photo's.........excuse them, but to give you an idea. The shells are pretty much the same as the full bodied, the full bodied are in two body positions......head down i.e pecking, and head up i.e looking around. they also have a pair of legs or the pegs. sorry but the shells net and poles are packed away,I did not realise but the roatary has quite a long lead on it, so you can run it from your hide
  3. Pin...........will do tommorrow
  4. Got for sale a complete decoying setup.......... Brand new rotary ( paid £150) 10 full bodied (nice detailed one's.....aint the dull one's) 5 half shells 5 cradles Hide net and two poles........... Everything you need to get you going, am thinking of offers around £160......... I wont post as will be to expensive, can meet on Jct 15, 15A of the M1, or Milton Keynes......... Give me offers!!!!!!!!
  5. I came in with a rabbit just before easter, said to my 5 year old son "Look I just shot the easter bunny"...................he looks up and say's "Wicked dad, can we eat him and nick all the other kids easter eggs". Now I don't know if he is going be a country boy, or a *****!!!!!!!!
  6. I have always been a trap shooter (O/T and U/t), even shooting at international level, now I always loved sporting, but could never get on with sporting cause I shoot like a trap shottist. Now you can say I hung up my trap gun, to have fun, and enjoy my shooting. Yesterday I thought I would get some practice in before a comp today, was really depressed, probably hit 12/30. Today.............I straighted and won the pool shoot, and tied with the other high gun on the sporting (dropped my last bird!!!!!!) Can't believe it..............was well happy, especially with all the scotch!!!!!
  7. Is it a springer..................from a pointer fanatic!!!!!!)
  8. had a mate with a jack russell, thing would pick up his pigeons and then bury them at his feet.
  9. For field casting comp's your main line must be .35 (about 15lb) and your shock .75 (about 80lb) (for 150gms), must be fluro line, Stuart, you can't use braid in a multi reel, is fine for a fixed spool though, unless on a boat where you aint casting. The field rods are a lot heavier, when I use mine on the beach for fishing, and am retrieving, It kills my fore arms. Also the tips are too stiff to give any bite indication. Don't get me wrong, you can still use it 100% for beach and field
  10. Field and beach casting is one of my other passions, 100 meters with a carp rod is good, remember casters though use upto 175 gms of lead, first thing I do with my reels is chuck out the bearings and replace them with sports bearings, throw away the brake blocks, lube the bearings with rocket fuel, even the cast.........did you see him casting a pendulumn? you can throw your bait as far as you want, but somtimes you throwing over the fish's head, in the summer i put a macky in the surf or 30 yds out, only in the winter for cod would i really chuck it out about 180-200m's.
  11. I got a LM choke for my DT 10, it's a yank choke (3/8) between 1/4 and 1/2, and really am happy with it, best choke I ever used.......
  12. What do you want.......a trap gun or a sporting gun. If you want a trap gun, get the MX200 or MX8, perazzi make trap guns, end of story. If you want a sporting gun get the Beretta DT 10 trident. If you want a gun for looks then upgrade the two, the Perazzi goes upto the SCO gold sideplate, and the beretta to the SO6. If you want, maybe get the DT 10 as a sporter, then get an adjustable stock for it, as the premium guns come with removable stocks. But remember it's the person behind the gun that makes it worth what is, otherwise it's a waste of money.
  13. mag-man

    Top Gear

    I thought it was funny when he reversed the caravan into the other awning.........then they ended up burning it down............must say my guts are sore from laughing!!!!
  14. Quoted from their forum CHECK LIST FOR GROCERY CHAIN STORES 1. Does the chain refrain from selling live lobsters 2. Are its meat fish and egg sources not factory farmed 3. Does it refrain from advertising animal products over the air 4. Does it use recycled paper in its junk mailing 5. What are the prices of its vegan options 6. What is the variety of its vegan options 7. Is it fighting against the food conspiracy by giving fruits with seeds as well as seedless 8. Does it sell hunting magazines? 9. Is it honoring unions? 10. Does it sell your info to data miners? 11. Does it refrain from having armed guards 12. Does it allow animal rights information in the store? 8.......that is pure discrimination to hunters!!!!!!!
  15. To be honest, I joined one of their forums, my name was Pigeon Potter, was gonna have my say, but am a bit scared if they hack my computer, never know, they could come knocking them cowards, especially with the wife and kids in the house. Here's their link........http://animalsuffering.com/forum/index Blimin clowns, some of them only eat fruit, call themselves fruities, vegans etc........."meat is meat and a man must eat" I say
  16. Any anti's reading this...............I wish the fleas of a camels ballbag upon you, and may you be blessed with herpes and all those nice disease's and pass it onto all those others that support your ****** cause.
  17. Hiya guys..........besides a whirly, what would you guys say are the next best decoys, dead birds in a cradle, half shells, or full bodied, Thanks......
  18. Pigeon watch quiz................answer these questions, pm your answers to me and on thursday night will post the answers.......please don't post your answers.......all question are shooting, fishing, gun or outdoor related, total of 50 points, with a bonus question of 8 points. Winner will receive a parcel () Q1. Name 4 crops that pigeons are shot over in the UK. (4 pts) Q2. Who holds the record for most pigeons shot in an outing, and how many did they shoot. (2 pts) Q3. Name 5 differant breeds of gundogs (5 pts) Q4. What is a baby eel called. (1 pt) Q5. What do you call a collection of crows (1 pt) Q6. What is a male rabbit called. (1 pt) Q7. Name 3 types of carp caught in uk waters (3 pts) Q8. Where/whom introduced the first catfish into the country (1 pt) Q9. Which gun making company is one of the oldest companies in the world, and where is it based (2 pts) Q10. Which 2 other gun manufacturing names does Browning own (2 pts) Q11. Name 4 kinds of firearms/make's/model's that come in the 7.62 calibre (4 pts) Q12. What calibre is the Colt Python, and what is it's bigger brother called, and it's calibre too (3 pts) Q14. What do the following stand for UT, ODT, ABT, ATA, ESK (5 pts) Q15. What are the world records for skeet and olympic trap (2 pts) Q16. Name 4 types of bear (4 pts) Q17. What is the largest deer/buck/antelope in the world (1 pt) Q18. What is the world's fastest land mammal (1 pt) Q19. What is the worlds largest land mammal (1 pt) Q20. What animals made up the traditional Big Five, and what other animal has been added to make the Big Six (6 pts) Q21. What is the minimum calibre to hunt all African dangerous game with (1 pt) Q22. What is an insurance shot (1 pt) Q23. What two guns/firarms are the most commonly used in the recovery of leopards (2 pts) Q24. What does SCI stand for (1 pt) Q25. Why does your PH advise you to load/chamber a soft nose as your first cartridge when hunting buffalo (1 pt) Q26. What is a flat dog (1 pt) (-10 pts if you answer road kill) Good luck......Q27. Why do you find dead giraffes on the Etosha salt flats (8 bonus pts)
  19. Bud.......don't buy plastic one's, instead use some dead one's in the best condition that you can, when you finish shooting, look through the dead one's again and keep the best pair. Spread their wings and choose the one's that have the most white on, but obviously not if it's missing it's head, or covered in blood, guts etc.
  20. Photo is poor, was from camera phone, but the bird was pure white, hanging out with the black ones
  21. Check this out, an albino blackbird in our neighbours garden
  22. Grab your d"*% and double click........luvved that bit
  23. Tried shooting a laughing dove in the head with a 505 gibbs..................bullet is the size of Tysons thumb!!!!
  24. Pin.........I had one of em Easy Hit ones on my Perazzi for trap for about the last 4 years, very popular in South Africa amonsgst the trap shooters over there. The site/bead is made from fibre optics, and picks up any light that is around, even in almost dark conditions you can see it amazingly well. I find it being so bright, points real well which will help with your focusing during your pre shot routine.
  25. As mike says. is more natural, more from excitment than actually having a ****.
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