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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. Dougy


    Hi will, dont be put off by the replies about should have got this one or should have got that one there is nothing wrong with the 80 it is and was intended to be a work horse, one thing for sure is it will last you a life time. Accuracy is supperb but you must take time practicing, get used to the feel, the way you hold the rifle will make differences. When i bought mine it cost me £89 i sold it some years ago and regret it. so yes i have experience with them. HW80..HW77..HW35e As for puting a mod on yes ok it may make a bit of difference, but in my opinion not that much oh sorrry forgot pellets i used eley wasps.. they were the dogs danglies years ago
  2. sorry miffy just that chaps in the local call them 222's B) look forward to that. Ive should have little beast by then.
  3. Hey well done ive for posting pickies. B) didnt think you would dare do it after last time While i'm on have got to say "Ive" made one for my rapid and its exellent. nice bit of work
  4. hi catamung, if you shot a 84 at doveridge you have got to be, or should be well pleased with yourself. its a hard ground to do well at as most of the birds are on the limit of your range, ,if you shoot well here then you will do well anywere else in the area. They are difficult targets quite a few at about 40 + yds and fast but they are all possible kills. Its a challange thats what its all about. as said earlier 84 out of 100 is bloody good.. That is unless your in the England team B)
  5. Iworked at one of the large well known supermarkets for a short while and i sold a punter a rabbit it cost her £12.98 :unsure:...worst still they were FRENCH I could have cryed ............all the ones ive sold,, gutted and oven ready for only £1.50 :blink:
  6. nice going Miffy. was well worth going out then. Hows the 222, got it sorted yet ? Must say i enjoyed sat :unsure:
  7. Eley seem do be a more popular choice. In the past i have just gone for the cheapest fibre available. bought some eley HBs the other week they seem ok but a bit fierce in the shoulder region... not complaining to much tho.. The price jump was on the cards anyway. still, not an expensive day out really pigeon shooting. if you think that if you go out all day i cant see many spending any more than about £20 on cartridges. :o costs more than that if you take the Mrs out for a pint and crisps :(
  8. :< :< This seems to be a wind up :( Not the kind of question you ask......... Like asking how much your kids have cost........................................... Just a bit personal i think... Nice dogs roe doe well behaved dogs... must be hard sitting in all that wet mud :o
  9. Just interested in the preference of cartridges that people use. and why.. shot pattern.......... price ..........confidence ect. i have looked back through the past few posts and not noticed any prefference to any 1 make or size... does price of shells have a part or are people governed by the manufactures reccomendations .. or what ??
  10. light a big fire round it. that'll soon melt the snow :thumbs:
  11. i must say that i like the size of the field :blink: like the ones i shoot on 50yds long and 10yds across. nice easy birds Yes and i still miss a few :*) I did read the article the main thing is that it gives you more ideas, which i think is a good. If the first pattern doesnt seem to draw the birds in then its just another way to try. I did get a bit upset though when i turned the page :thumbs: for those that dont get the magazine it showed :- 1 pigeon to 1 cartridge =perfect 3 cartridges to 1 pigeon= acceptable 5 cartridges to 1 pigeon ACTION NEEDED well we cant all be perfect
  12. Oh must add... dont forget the lungs in the rib cage infront of the heart, they will give a bitter taste to the meat... dougy.
  13. Dougy

    .17 FMJ

    That was my first thought. Nick ......were's it goin to land? at least with the BTHP its going to break up if it contacts almost anything around a missed target axe I have considered trying HP in 20grain but prefer V-Max for its stopping power. there is allot of damage to the meat using BTHP i have yet to try the game point or hollow point.
  14. Dougy

    .17 FMJ

    just read on other forum that cci have come up with a HMR in FMJ 20grns. Good if your shooting for the table. But think it will definatly be head shots or they will just pass straight through. Just a thought to all with more experience.... wouldnt they be allot more prone to bounce all over the place Ric O'shay
  15. Yes i have done it. It gives you a rough estimate of the time that charlies about. i use a small alarm clock, obviously not using the alarm mode. I attached a line round the battery thread that through a tube secure the clock and the tube under a brick or simalar tie round your desired bait and go back 12-24 hrs after to see what time your bait was taken. I does take a few days though to get an average time of the visits but there will be a pattern of roughly 1/2 hour of when you are getting visitors. In the past i could have said within about 10 minutes when the visitors would arrive. Dougy
  16. Hi flytie, i should or would say welcome to the forum but as ive only been on for 2 days will stick to Hi. I have shot semis in the past but not for a while yes the Beretta will have less recoil than a normal over and under or a side by side. to reduce the recoil even more you can try different cartridges smaller shot loads, as in weight not size IE 24grms as against 52grms or even use subsonic. just an idea dougy
  17. Yes as the large mod goes it had been my thoughts also, just an idea i had and as you said a perfect day with no wind it makes a hell of allot of difference to how you group. will be going out later see if i can get any more rabbits.One thing they are devistating when they make contact
  18. Its a Ruger all weather, 77/17 no end of posts on other forums rip them apart but i find it pretty good, if not "now" very good. after floating the barrel. also got the trigger replaced......... my little diget couldnt manage the pull OK if your working out on your finger though its very iffy on the cleaning though. doesnt like it that much.....bit like the owner
  19. Thanks for replies. think i will stay with the sak then from your experience, after all £180 is a big jump from £29 if it does "nearly" the same job. "Axe" if i may ask, as you have a HMR what is your average group at about 100yds ? is 1inch an acceptable consistant group at that range. cheers Dougy
  20. hello all first post hope its not been asked too much before... BUT ??? at the mo i have a sak on my HMR and am wondering if a T4 or T8 would be of any benefit, would it bag me any more rabbits? thats the be all and end all. not does it look the dogs danglies or any thing like that but is it worth the £200? at the mo i have a sak on and it doesnt seem to bother the bunnies near that much i recently took 2 bunnies only 15yds apart from about 90yds. should i save my money and make do or invest in a T4 + ?? Are there any restrictions on posting pictures on head shot quarry. ?? MESSY ones ?
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