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Everything posted by aister

  1. Thanks for the comments guys. Hi Robbie, here is the pic from last year.
  2. Thanks guys. First thing he said to me this morning, "can we go shooting today".
  3. My oldest son has been shooting the .410 in the garden for a while now and today I thought I would take him out to try for a rabbit. I shot first and put 5 in the bag then he had a shot and bagged his first rabbit quickly followed by his second and third. He was delighted to say the least which is a shame because I think I have just lost my .410 ha ha.
  4. My friend has a pair of sierra 10x50's and I was very impressed with how clear and bright they are, I was thinking they would make a good xmas prezzie...................for me
  5. My friend Robbie was down this morning for a bang at some geese and today he brought me a double 8 to try instead of the double 4. The 8 I was using is a Boneham hammer gun with beautiful damascus barrels made sometime in the 1880's and Robbie was using his double hammerless Tolley. Both of us were using his own shells, some loaded with BB and some with BBB lead. The geese was late leaving this morning, possibly been feeding under the moon, but we had good cover and probably the thick end of 8-900 geese came over us in dribs and drabs to begin with then one big lump of 450-500 hundred. It was blowing a gale force 8, gusting 10 this morning so the geese were fairly low coming head to wind over us so some of the shots were way out infront. I managed to bag 6 greylags, 4 single birds and a right and a left which I was chuffed with as they were the furthest out at about 60 yards. Robbie bagged 3 greylags, he might of had more but he was stuck in a bog to begin with and couldn't get the gun moved around very well. When the biggest lump came there was some birds 20 yards up and some 100 yards up and everywhere in between, I had the gun up three or four times then gave up, I couldn't seem to pick a bird and was happy to watch the whole lot heading to their feeding ground, a sight and sound that really gets the heart going, I had six and was happy with that. I was sat waiting at first light looking at the gun wishing it could speak, I bet it could tell a story or two. Not many pictures this morning with the weather but here is Robbie with his Tolley.
  6. Going on all that shells being 28gr or 1oz thats nearly 20,000 tons of lead :o. I would love to go to the scrappy with 20,000 tons of lead
  7. Ha ha. My thoughts exactly.
  8. It goes on up here too. I am by no means perfect and have taken long shots too but I have never emptied my belt shooting at geese 80-100 yards up like the guy I watched a couple of years ago. He spoke to me after his shocking performance and was so mad that he had fired 25 shots and not bagged one, he couldn't understand what had gone wrong then said that this 32gram number 5 bismuth might not be as good as he thought, I was totally speechless :o . This is a man who has shot for years and I still see him out regularly and he still has no idea of range, you would think the penny would drop eventually, unfortunately he is not alone.
  9. I am trying to find some reloader 22, does anyone know of any gunshops that would have some in stock?
  10. My mates huglu 3 shot semi on his shotgun cert which had a restrictor that could be taken out in seconds which left it holding 4 shots in the mag.
  11. I have a 30-06 rem 700 BDL and have shot roe with it using 180gr PPU soft points and there was hardly any meat damage at all, you could eat right up to the hole. My main reason for going for a 30-06 was its versatility with a huge range of bullet weights.
  12. I had one years ago and didn't like it, it was a horrible thing to carry open over your forearm.
  13. This is what I use for carrying ammo, I have it on a belt and its padded so it is silent. It keeps the ammo clean, especially the .22's with the waxy bullets. http://www.webtogs.co.uk/Lifeventure_Accessory_Case__Small__103286.html
  14. It improved things for me with both the .223 and the hornet, the hornet especially.
  15. My last dog was a collie and she was fantastic when it came to rabbits, she would point and stay on point however long I took and never moved until the rabbit either bolted or was shot even if I missed with the first shot.
  16. We went out last night to more or less the same place I was in the morning. The wind had grown on steadily the whole day so that when we went out it was blowing a force 8-9 and it never stopped raining the whole day. There was a lot of birds that came in but very spread out, we saw a lot but only had 4 chances and I managed to bag a wigeon and a mallard, and my mate bagged a mallard and a greylag. Proper fowling weather yesterday, really wish I had gone out through the day and made the most of it but as they say "the birds will stay fresher on the wing".
  17. I was out again tonight, Gale 8-9 and chucking it down, my upper half was dry with the new jacket but my lower half was soaked through, that was the pro logic salopettes.
  18. I have had the new deerhunter jacket for a couple of weeks now and no complaints. It is not a thick jacket but like you say you can layer up which is what I do. I was out this morning in the p*****g rain and came home dry. It was to replace a prologic jacket which I liked but the zip gave up on me. http://www.montrosegunsandtackle.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=135&product_id=3318
  19. I had a fantastic flight this morning. Force 6-7 wind with rain equals birds. It took a while to decide where to go but I managed to hit it right. The geese started coming off the loch in dribs and drabs but mostly wide of me, my first chance was at a pair of greylags coming tail to wind going like a train, I timed it right and bagged the pair with 2 shots. Not long after the birds started coming off in bigger lumps, one group of about 80 came my way with the tail enders nicely in range, my first shot connected, second missed and the third shot took down the last in the line which fell a good 80 to 100 yards behind me, a good retrieve for the hound. Max had just come back when another lot came tail to wind only giving me time for one shot which connected and again the bird fell way behind me, another good retrieve for max. Every thing went quiet so I poured a cup of coffee, half way through the cup I had to ditch it for a single goose coming from behind, this one was easy, just hanging in the sky 30 yards up and I missed clean with 2 shots . I was not expecting to see ducks so all I had was goose shot which was a shame because a good flight of ducks started up after the geese had gone. I have a feeling I might go back there tonight for a night flight and see if the ducks will come back. Hope those of you that were out had a good morning . Aister.
  20. Thanks chaps. The wood was pitch pine that I bought from a church that was being torn down, original wood from when the church was built just over 100 years ago.
  21. I got the shield made the other day at work (don't tell the foreman) and the Skull bleached a couple of nights ago and tonight I got it up on the wall. My misses keeps looking at it funny, hope it doesn't disappear tomorrow when I am at work .
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