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Everything posted by aister

  1. As no one on the island here stocks bullets I will be putting in an order for some bullets before too long and was wondering what bullets you guys and gals would suggest trying through my new tikka when it arrives. I have a trip booked down in England this coming August and all going to plan I will be shooting muntjac, roe and fallow. I was thinking hornady 140gr interlock SP or nosler 140gr partition or accubond. Any suggestions welcome
  2. Good write up, good pics an a great bag, well done
  3. Just thought I would share a couple of pics I took out the kitchen window today. A flock of 48 greylags have been out in front of the house all day and among them I spotted 3 birds with rings. There is a good chance that the bird with the neck collar was ringed down at the loch below the house but I am not sure about the other two. There is also a couple of pics of them in the wildfowling section.
  4. Here is a pic of all three together, sorry again about quality but you can just see in the first pic the one with the neck collar and the other two with leg rings.
  5. There is a flock of 48 greylags all within 100 yards of my front door (they know the season is finished ha ha) one of them has a neck collar and a leg ring. Bright orange colour with the letters DNJ on it, and there is also another two greylags with two leg rings each. Both have the usual metal ring on one leg and on the other leg they both have orange leg rings one with the letters UZ and the other YB. I couldn't get pics of the leg rings as the grass covered them up. Sorry the pics are not great as the birds are about 80 yards away and I don't have a great camera.
  6. I have had a few pocket knives but this is my favourite so far, takes and holds a good edge and IMO easy to sharpen. It sits in the hand fine and its not to bulky in your pocket. http://www.google.co...ved=0CFAQ8wIwAQ
  7. I bought a CZ 527 second hand and I am delighted with it, not had a real chance to do some reloading with it due to the winter weather and the lack of daylight etc but I am looking forward to the summer months. I got this sent to me by a PW member when I was deciding which hornet to buy, have a look, I found it interesting. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/paul.tvg/Selectingariflein.22%20Hornet.pdf
  8. My shooting buddy bagged a greylag with a neck collar and leg ring tonight on our last shoot of the season . Little ****** also got a right and a left of mallard and I never got a shot :mad: not that it matters
  9. aister

    Up Helly Aa

    This might explain some of whats going better than I can http://uphellyaa.com/index-low.htm
  10. aister

    Up Helly Aa

    Some of you asked me a while ago about Up Helly Aa, well its all happening tonight, which is a shame because it is blowing a gale and chucking it down. Very few of you will probably know what is going so here is a link to the live link if any of you are interested. The lighting of the torches is at half 7. http://uphellyaa.com/index-low.htm
  11. I would have shot him again but something came over my very well trained and very obedient gun dog and he ran in blocking my shot.
  12. Last night I noticed that my favourite bit of floodwater had filled up and there was around 40 mallard on it, so as soon as I got home I phoned work and got today off. When I arrived there this morning the place seemed alive with duck of course everything left on my arrival but I was hopeful they would return and be lured in to my decoys. The first to arrive was a drake teal which dropped to the shot but unfortunately the bird dived just as the dog got to it and it seemed to vanish, after a good look around we had to give up. The next to pass over was 20-25 greylags plenty low enough to have a shot at, the first bird folded but my second shot went astray. After about an hour of seeing nothing and being a bit despondent about loosing the teal I was tempted to pack up but my patience paid off and in came a pair of mallard which dropped to a nice right and left. Shortly after that I fluffed a couple of shots at another pair of mallard. Again it seemed to go dead with no birds to be seen so I thought I would have another look for the teal. With the lea side of the water being a mass of rocks and boulders that the sea had thrown up I didn't hold much hope but we hadn't gone far when the dog raced ahead and picked up the teal from the waters edge. After getting back to my hidey hole and having a cup of coffee another pair of mallard came in, the drake fell to the first shot and the hen to the third. Really chuffed with my bag so far and ready to head home I got a surprise visitor. I could see a duck heading my way, as it got closer I was thinking mallard, nope. Wigeon,nope. Gadwall, yup, so I swung up ahead and she fell to the shot, a nice bonus to the bag as we don't see many gadwall up here. Looked at the watch and it was 11.30, time to pack up. It was good to walk back to the car with a few ducks as this season has not been great for duck, the usual places I would pick up a duck or two has been dead and the few duck I have seen I have mostly missed, but that's wildfowling I suppose.
  13. "COUPLE OF DAYS LEFT FOR WILDFOWLING" the title of YOUR topic. Terry P is right, we have no foreshore shooting here in Shetland, unless we get some serious frost to force the birds to the sea. Now, I am off out for a crack at some duck on a new piece of flood water, I have the next couple of days off for some shooting, told you I was busy
  14. Just in case you are really keen, after reading the above posts I have just remembered that I am busy right up till midnight on thursday
  15. It is huge, the forend is like the arm from a resting chair ha ha
  16. Thanks for all your comments. I am not sure if the 4 has an articulated front trigger pole star, it was the front trigger I was pulling and I think my whole finger ended up between the trigger and the guard and as it went up and back it bent my poor digit back around. My finger is good now but my shoulder is sore and stiff, like the worst dead arm ever ha ha. Here is some pics of the double 4 as requested. She aint a pretty gun by any means but she packs a punch, at both ends. My right and left from yesterday. A 4 bore shell next to a 12 bore shell. After a morning out last year.
  17. My friend Robbie finally made it down with his big guns this morning and we found ourselves under a flight line at dawn. Robbie was using his Tolley double 8 and he gave me his Baker double 4 again. Robbie was just a bit too far off to the side of the flight line but he he made good use of the one and only chance he had and bagged a single greylag. I was in a good position under the bulk of the geese that we saw but most was too high for a shot. The first 5 greylags that came to me was fairly low so I had to take the shot well out in front, I swung the huge gun on to the leading bird and down he came about 60 yards in front, the remaining 4 split and I swung on to the 2 on the left and to my delight I dropped one of them, a right and a left with the double 4. I had a couple more bangs but failed to connect, the next bang had quite a surprise in store. A group of 8 geese peeled away from a skein to investigate my calls, I swung the gun up onto the leading bird, pulled the trigger and the next I knew I was on my back flat out and unsure as to what had just happened. Out the corner of my eye I saw the bird falling so I sent the Max out and regained my feet, the gun was laying about 5 feet behind me thankfully on muddy grass and not stones. I thought something about Robbies reloading had gone seriously wrong but when I opened the gun I found it had been a double discharge. I would never describe his 27lb double 4 as lively but by god she seemed quite lively as she disappeared over my shoulder with my trigger finger buckled in the trigger guard after 8oz of AAA left the muzzle, but on the bright side the dog came back with a greylag. There was more geese in the air but after that carry on we called it a day with 4 birds in the bag. I think the big gun might need a trip to the gun doctor for a check up to make sure that doesn't happen again.
  18. It was down in the south end at Sumburgh, I cant give anymore info than that what with having to kill you and all that carry on HA HA
  19. There are so many I would like if money were no object! If I could choose out of guns I have shot with it would have to be the purdey 10 bore my friend has that I shot with last year. It was a bit heavier than a normal game gun but it handled so well, it was an absolute pleasure to use.
  20. Mostly the SX3 but for a walk about I take my AYA yeoman
  21. I had planned a morning out with my friend Robbie who has a great collection of big bores but he was not well so hopefully we will get out next saturday and I will have another crack with his double 4, if we get out I will keep you all posted. Anyhow me and my usual shooting buddy went bellow my house with a few sillosocks hoping to have a crack at the geese that had been destroying the re-seed. We both shot like a pair of numptys but thankfully we had plenty chances and we bagged 5 Greylags each. I wont tell you the kill/cartridge ratio but the geese seem to have moved on.
  22. I always think that Jack Snipe have a weaker flight than a Common Snipe if you know what I mean. A Common Snipe is up and off but a Jack is like a hankey blowing in the wind and goes no distance before landing in again.
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