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cant hit rabbits 123

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Everything posted by cant hit rabbits 123

  1. I'm hardly using it as much as you chaps do, so I wouldn't expect to have mine wear too much. I'd just never heard of it happening.
  2. Only ever had the DPM jackets, and I can't say any of them have worn that badly. In fact, I wasn't aware that they had a habit of wearing badly at all!
  3. I have a soldier 95 jacket that's about 1000 sizes too big for me but it works well enough! No point wasting money on expensive new patterns when the Army stuff is just as good. (I dare say though, that MPT does look rather good! Sadly I know no one who could get me any.)
  4. If you have a fully functioning idea, make (or have made) a prototype that you can test at your own discretion. If you have a workable idea and a demonstrating piece, you may be able to get a free lance designer on board (place adverts in design publications) to further develop your product. When you have a refined and working design, preferably with several models, then you can start thinking about approaching a company.
  5. I must agree with you to a degree that some do bring it upon themselves by acting without applying common sense or acting in an irresponsible manner, and I must also agree that some do take the easy way out (blaming the police) rather than facing the issues that they are themselves the cause of. I must, however, hold my ground on informing the police on when and where we go shooting. We already inform them what guns we own, how many we own and where they are stored as well as having ammunition restrictions* and restrictions on the locations we can use them* (*for FAC rated guns), I would rather not start having to tell them exactly when and where I wish to take my shotgun and shoot.
  6. Its been said by so many others before, and usually I agree; we're partaking in a legal activity so why do we need to inform the police? Its like saying inform the police every time you go out and use your car, or go to the pub. Why not take it to Orwell levels and submit a weekly plan of your movements and activities to the Police? If people are voluntarily calling the police to try to avoid them coming out in force (and many on here will testify to calling and being visited anyway) how long will it be until its a condition on our SGC's and FAC's? And then how long will it be until it moves from informing the police to calling to ask for their permission?
  7. I get up each morning for 4 hours of lectures and 6 hours of practical. I simply remind myself that if I don't, my student loan does a vanishing act!
  8. Had quite bad snow in central Sheffield a short while ago, yes.
  9. You don't have to be giving a a mighty walloping, just a tap with something of more substance than your hand.
  10. Looks more like a Browning, tall action, no cut outs in the action walls.
  11. They've been about for a while I think, but I've never seen them vent smoke like that before. He does look uncomfortable though, like he's having lessons but is low on experience.
  12. Because if the bolt is locked (which it would be if its in the forward position) a cleaning rod would not help. If you could force the bolt back with a cleaning rod down the barrel, whats stopping the bolt flying open far too quickly and under massive pressure, causing serious harm to the user? Bolt assemblies are usually two part, the part the is gripping the cartridge and the carrier. When the gun fires, the carrier moves first which unlocks the upper section from the barrel and allows both parts to move to the rear. To move the carrier without firing a live round, you must operate the bolt handle.
  13. I expect that from the title, the cartridge is fired. I had this problem with my Browning, not sure what caused it. Rubber mallet with considered force to the bolt handle unlocked the bolt and it's been fine ever since.
  14. Dictionary definition of racism; Noun The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as... Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief. Common use of the word racist; To describe anyone that states a negative point of view against a member or members of another race (even if that view point does not actually fit the dictionary definition of racism as see above). This is exactly what we are seeing in this thread, and this thread is a mirror of society. Sadly, the the group that call use the lower definition are drawing further away from the group they use that definition to describe, which will see radicals develop on both sides. Someone said this thread belongs on an EDL forum, sadly more and more people will be pushed to join the EDL and BNP etc etc and as a result will adopt more extreme views.
  15. Well spotted, I'm going to stop drinking and go to bed now.
  16. I have a corridor on one side and a fairly quite girl on the other, although the girls from the flat over from me is always locking her self out at 3 AM. Noisy neighbours are part of student life I suppose so I cant complain.
  17. Do you know why Labour argue? Because they're not in power. There is no other reason. Their aim is to be in power, thus they argue with those in power to make them look bad, to increase Labours own chances of getting elected. Its almost just a big game for them.
  18. Is it on any free view channels?
  19. Its a sad demonstration of how the actions of a small group can ruin the reputation of a larger community. This is a small gang operating in one area who have been decried by their peers, and look at the generalised comments already sweeping through PW. Its only a matter of time until they pick on some local lads fresh from the pub and get a jolly good beating, probably resulting in another wave of riots.
  20. I've got a number 7, with a green handle! Its fantastic and will last me many more years I'm sure.
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