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cant hit rabbits 123

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Everything posted by cant hit rabbits 123

  1. Well, Cambridge isn't that far from Leicestershire really, relative to the rest of the UK. Thanks very much though!
  2. If you have a spare green net, throw that out and stick a couple of decoys on it and a few around it?
  3. I cant remember my Mossberg having a magazine stop mechanism. When you opened the action another shell was fed onto the feed tray so you would have to remove the one from the chamber, get the next one off the feed tray and the load your new cartridge which would be very fiddly and by the time you're ready whatever it is that warranted a different cartridge would have cleared off.
  4. I use a game gun for clay shooting because I'm small and I get on better with lighter guns.
  5. Its hard to believe that a real person not only thought this up, but thought it would be a good idea to publish it.
  6. I now avoid Barbour for this very reason, I have le Cha'ms instead of hunters and various other makes for clothes.
  7. Once upon a time, farmers paid shooters to do pest control, then it moved to farmers having people on to shoot at their own expense for the enjoyment of shooting, and now the enterprising few who have established a foot hold are taking up the shooting land and renting out days (with payment for farmer Fred, Dave and Whatsisname of course) to those who cannot get permission (probably as a result of party A already having exclusive permission). Where is it headed to next? Large companies with readily available funds buying up shooting rights and renting out days, with more farmers succumbing to ready money. Future looks great.
  8. A Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all!
  9. Second hand Browning Fusion. I have one and its fantastic, very light, reliable, fast cycling and a speed load feature. You can get one for less than half the cost of your silver pigeon.
  10. I take it from the rant about gypsy camps that you dont know what colour the sky is as per my last reply to you.
  11. Again, you have totally failed to address any questions put to you. Who is 'we'? The self appointed Illuminati of shooting? I'm not a serious shooter, its a hobby for me which I enjoy doing safely. So do you want to see me kicked out of the sport? For someone who claims incredible business success, your business sense is pretty awful going on what you said about BASCs reply to my thread. You can't even answer a basic question. Tell me, what colour is the sky? For a business man who runs a successful business I would hope you can get that right. Boasting about how much money you are making is nothing short of childish. You strike me somewhat like Donald Trump but with less brain and brawn.
  12. You did, earlier in the thread. Are you saying that an organisation that only exists because of its members, one which relies on members subs to stay afloat, just lied to its membership base? For saying you see yourself as a businessman, you don't seem to understand business very well. Its got to the point where I honestly think you are making it up. I do try to believe most things people say if they are believable but you have back tracked on most things you've said, you've suddenly forgotten all you said about a parliamenty working group, you cant pin anything down, provide a single shred of evidence or even answer basic questions. If you, as an upstanding member of this sport, will stand up and say that BASC has lied through its teeth, go right on ahead. If you wanted to see a better future for this sport, you would warn your fellow shooters of what you know, not suggest it then try and hide it.
  13. I don't believe it has worked. I think we just 'work' in a different way to US society.
  14. I'd like to direct Dennis to the thread where a representative of BASC has just denied that BASC is involved in any changes to shooting legislation, or that there are plans before parliament or a working party set up on the matter. I'm sure you have some explaination which you have been asked not to discuss, but the rest of us will believe BASC, I'm sure.
  15. Well, that about clears the whole thing up I'd say. I direct representative of BASC has categorically denied that BASC is involved in any changes to gun laws, and that there is a working party set up to change gun laws. Many thanks to David for clearing this up.
  16. Welcome to the mind of Dennis Webb, I am merely trying to decipher what he was talking about in another thread.
  17. A Mr Dennis Webb, esteemed clay shooter and suthsayer has proclaimed that the shooting organisations are involved in what I can only surmise as a plot with the government and the police to make major changes shooting sports in this country. After being asked, Mr Webb told us to contact you directly about the issue, as he cannot talk about it. Well, here it is for all to see, are there or are there not plans a foot to radically change shooting in this country in any way?
  18. Wails of impending doom, refuses to talk about what the impending doom involves. Claims pump actions are dangerous and should be banned, refuses to answer why and changes subject randomly. Claims the CPSA banned pump actions, goes on to claim he doesn't know what the CPSA banned. Talks of conspiracy between the government, police and shooting organisations, is the only one who knows anything about it. Dennis, you have been hilarious, you can certainly come again seeing as no one actually listens to you anymore. Most entertaining.
  19. I've got oxy acetylene and a chisel, I'm faster AND cheaper. Ona serious note, I have no doubt that a good machine shop could do it, but a gunsmith will know much better what he is doing and you won't have any legal issues if you leave it with a gunsmith to do.
  20. It seemed that he had a list of tag words that he was instructed to stick to. He ignored or failed to properly acknowledged the usage of furs from sources other than farmed animals. Over all, he didn't really come across very well.
  21. I'm going to ask you two (2) questions only. That may I may get a straight answer. Number one (1); You admit you have no real experience with pump actions and you have only seen them in a cut down (already illegal) state. With this limited experience, why do you feel you have the knowledge to claim pump actions are unsafe and should be banned? Number two (2); What are these mysterious changes that you keep mentioning but never explaining? You call for solidarity among shooters, it would help if we all knew what changes we face, not just the chosen few (ie; you).
  22. This is completely non-constructive drivel that fails to address any of the points put to you. Do you even read anyone else's replies?
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