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About sodit

  • Birthday 28/11/1956

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  • From
    Somme, France,
  • Interests
    Clay pigeon shooting. Bashing bunnies and pigeons in the garden

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  1. These are very popular in France. Seem to be seing them every where in this crappy weather
  2. I’m with Welsh lamb. Further thoughts. With so many people coming forward I think this should be properly investigated to prove things one way or the other. Yes he is dead but who else was involved either with the actual alleged acts and, or in suppressing the information afterwards! Not a witch hunt but making people pay for their actions or inaction. And if proven he was a pervert it may help his victims recover. I never liked him that much but did and do admire his efforts for various charitys but now!?
  3. pulling triggers at targets I can't even see Situation normal for me then Sodit
  4. Hello Spelling and grammer police are out again Sodit
  5. Have a look at http://www.noisebreaker.com/hearing-protection-for-shooters I am in the same position trying to make up my mind
  6. With a lot of fixed choke .410's they are over choked as in super full to try and gain a little more distance. I have a little Falco .410 and that is full+ and full+ choked and I have broken clays out to about 25, 26 meters. Please note I have also hit them and knocked them off course but not broken them Read "Because its there! Climbing the North Face of the .410" by Tim Woodhouse Great book tells you all you ever wanted to know (and stuff you didnt) about the .410 and loads of reloading information. Sodit (missed again)
  7. "Also Hawke have BRC which is like Chairgun, but easier to understand!" Much easier
  8. First off read first line of signature. As for the question it all depends on the circumstances of the shot. I mean even firing straight up could be dangerous if you had a low flying microlite etc passing over head :blink: I personally would be very dubious about firing my 22lr up into a tree but people do shooting squirrels and as far as they are concerned it's safe. Well I hope they think its safe otherwise they are stupid. If in doubt dont! As for the low flying microlite "If it can happen it will happen" Neil
  9. Dont even have to lock up shotguns in France just large calibre centre fire rifles. But you do have to keep the cartridges in another room to the guns. Sodit :yp:
  10. Try driving up the M40 my wife counted over 20 of the things very pretty things at that. Sodit
  11. Is that moment or movement as in Bowel cos thats what he is talking. ****
  12. Howard Leight head set very good very good price
  13. Both great for different reasons The Sandbaggers, (high waist band trousers and S Cowell was probably still in shorts.) Sodit
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