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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. they are cheaper than that here


    I have the leather lined ones and I like them. I was told to get them with the zip for ease of putting them on and off and leather lined so your feet dont sweat. The neoprene is supposed to be warmer but I always wear thick socks anyway.


    Just bought a pair of Le Chameau Chasseurs from Chris Potters at Tunbridge Wells for £170, first impression over the weekend is that they are so comfortable that my hardly worn Aigles, and studded Royal Hunters are now obsolete, you get what you pay for.


    I needed to go up a size so size 10,s need to be found a home.


    Rgds D2D

  2. Believe it or not, there is little added weight when loaded with the 8 cartridges. I found that it does not affect mounting the shotgun.


    I did have hearing protection, I use very small sonic valves. I bought these many years ago.



    I didnt realise that was actually you lol, I guessed there must be some sort of protection somewhere or it would be madness to subject your hearing to such a barrage, impressive though and a real adrenalin rush :good:


    Rgds D2D

  3. I tried eating a fruit pastille while shooting but nearly choked on it. The reason I extended the mag' to an 8 shot is because of the many hundreds of crows that I'm going to tackle in a few months.

    About three years ago, while using a flapper,decoys and Primos power crow caller, I shot a mix of 128 crows/jackdaws in about 2.5 hours. I used my Lanber O/U. If I had owned this shotgun then, the numbers would have almost doubled.

    The Escort is going to be used purely for crows/pigeons.


    I'd like to try it on clays, but the conditions imposed for its use, refrain me from using it.


    Thats interesting, both my multishots are allowed for clays,issued by Kent Police.


    Why not ask at next renewal, I enjoy the sideways glances when it becomes apparent Im not reloading :good:


    Rgds D2D


    Just looked at the clip again, noticed he,s not wearing any visible hearing protection.

  4. Does anyone have an idea how to make a suitable trap for catching some pheasants up?



    Find rsrjerry post in diy, follow link to "trap making step by step" book, hit other traps to make and 2nd trap down is a hazel pheasant catcher, very easy to make, cost nowt but time and does work.


    Hope this helps


    RGds D2D

  5. I would like to still use my rearview mirror, although I do have door mirrors ,so its not essential.


    The "nickable" stuff is loads of decoying equipment and as I am shooting about 5 days a week, I don't want to keep loading and unloading.


    I had actually thought of wallpaper, but I also need the window to open and I thought it might be too thick.



    After considerable thought and pondering the problem for most of the day, I believe I have come up with the solution AND it will not involve further expense,


    the answer is so simple, you just kennel your hound in the vehicle overnight. :good:


    The local lowlife would think thrice about going anywhere near the motor. :good:


    Rgds D2D

  6. Just to dispel the ugly rumours flying about, this is my reason for asking the question.


    My Hilux Surf Import came with all the windows from the back passengers to the rear as reflective one way glass.

    Ideal for security and complies with the law.

    Unfortunately, whilst helping out a friend and taking an old water cylinder to the Council Tip I braked suddenly and some protruding pipework went through the tailgate window.

    It cost over £200 to replace the glass and it was described as "tinted".

    However, you can easily see through this "tint" and I am unhappy that I sometimes leave things in the back that might tempt a toerag.

    As I don't want to empty the vehicle every day, I need an alternative solution.

    "Out of sight , out of mind" is my maxim.


    LB, I have put the kettle on and tied up the hound, you are welcome anytime. :yes:


    Hi Cranners


    I have seen somewhere an adhesive film that is a mirror finish, this I understand is commonly fitted to office windows, it would match your existing windows??


    Rgds D2D

  7. Now sorted thanks Shootingman. :innocent:


    This is what the forums all about helping out where we can.


    Rgds D2D



    CD,s and tapes received safely, thanks very much, the wife is very pleased and I now have an abundance of brownie points to cash in!! :blink:


    Good 5 star guy to deal with.


    :rolleyes: D2D

  8. Hi the wife has a particular cassette tape that she would very much like to have put on CD to preserve it and play in her car etc.

    Could someone with the equipment and knowledge do this for me, obviously I will pay all costs, postage etc.

    Please pm if you can help me earn a few brownie points. :innocent:


    Rgds D2D

  9. I would recommend 'The Sporting Rifle' by Robin Marshall-Ball. The book was revised in 2008.


    Nothing beats practical experience, if you can blag some time shadowing a mate who uses rifles regularly and competently.



    I have a copy of this book and read it from cover to cover, an excellent read, full of must know info.


    Rgds D2D

  10. This doenst apply to NTTF, as its quite cold, and I have been away for xmas with the dogs, they were sleeping in the same bedroom as me. Now that I have just got back home and it is -4 I have decieded to let them sleep int hte house till it warms up a bit.


    Am I being too soft or doing the right thing. They are 2 labs, one is 9 years and the other is 9 months. They have been kenneled outside most of the time when we are at home, but are just as happy indoors given the chance.


    PS whilst on holiday in Durham they were swimming and wading in the river most days even if they did have icilces forming on them before I could get them home to dry.




    Without going too deeply into various kenneling arrangements my view is that if the dogs are outside they should stay outside, just because you think its cold on a particular night what was so different about the previous couple of nights when they were left out, to bring them in on odd nights imo, just unsettles them, they grow thicker coats left out and provided they have decent bedding and a little exta grub are more than able to cope.


    Re the dogs with ice forming forming on their coats before they were taken home to dry them,imo they should have been towel dried as soon as they left the water, remember a dogs working life is short enough without encouraging premature rhumatism etc.


    My tenpence worth.


    Rgds D2D

  11. For observing our feathered friends, is the U caller or the Call master a better bet ?


    Is it only the one supplier that sells the Call master or do several outlets do them ? If more than one supplier can anyone recommend a good price ?





    If it helps to come to a decision, I recently played a callmaster with the crow call and within 5 mins of intermittant calling had about 30 rooks wheeling above my hide, I switched it off and was able to take several nice left and right photos, I dont have a U caller so cannot compare but the Callmaster with remote is imo the dogs...


    Rgds D2D

  12. I need a Vixen call to download to my i pod, basically she should be shouting her availability as red hot and up for it


    The dogs are no longer interested in distressed Rabbits and are currently tripping over a bone


    ta muchly



    Good seasonal post, the man knows his stuff......


    Rgds D2D

  13. was the lamp you are talking about a deben 1 as this isnt made buy deben and from what ive seen is a lot bigger than a deben 1 this has 100 watt halogen bulb



    Hi the pic he shows is a Mk 1 Deben 100w "remote"/ cable lamp as described in my post.


    Rgds D2D

  14. Hi just a word of caution, I ran one of these on the Landy fixed perm on a roofbar, it was ok for about 6 months (a winters lamping) then became very erratic and kept sticking which drove us nuts, the other prob we found from day one was it zoomed too fast, when it was working, and many times Bugs was "overshot" and by the time the lamp traversed back he was gone, so alot of shots missed.


    This older model is available at a good discount having been replaced by the new slightly smaller model which has a worklight on the back and comes with a red filter. I bought one to replace the old sticking one, big mistake and now sold on, it was underpowered, more so with the red filter which had cooling slots allowing white light to escape. I was less than impressed and used it twice before buying the present setup which imo cannot be beaten.


    We now use a Lightforce T handle/170 setup with a 100w inline dimmer, dogs danglies for every situation.


    Rgds and merry xmas to everyone



  15. im will be trying to pick a new owner this weekend or just after all being well ,as im waiting for some pics of the peoples homes ,gardens runs,ect that will help me pick one new owner out as there is no rush really .its a crying shame to have a dog like this sitting in a run all year as he is so willing to please and he aint got a bad bone in his body the new owner will be very pleased with him i only had him for two weeks last year and i slimmed him down a bit and he got better by the day if you think you have seen a dog jump into the water you aint seen nothing ,wait till he loses a few pounds :good: then you will see him jump he has no fear of water at all ..just wish i had a use for him my self but i dont ..thanks rob


    Good to hear that alls going well for Bill, just one very small thing thats niggling the back of my mind when I have watched the videos and that is his apparent eagerness to please his Handler by leaping headlong into water, any water......... obviously Bill loves water but Dogmen should be aware of the hidden dangers to their dogs that could lurk below the surface, anything from a Tesco trolly, Barbed Wire on a sunken fence even an underwater tree branch could impale the dog . Always assume the danger is there and be safe.

    I know its a gloomy thought but if my mentioning it saves an accident, then worth bringing it up I feel.


    Rgds D2D

  16. Did i ever tell you the tale of the 8x4 original acme shingle clad allotment shed ,no .? Harnser .



    Ahh but you can always tell a real man by the pitch of his roof :good:


    Sorry Harnser but which way do you lean, apex or pent?


    Rgds D2D

  17. I've got a Sako Quad and have both .17 HMR and .22 LR Barrels. So far I have only put max 50 rounds through the .22 barrel and since I changed it over to the .17HMR I haven't used it at all.


    What do you guys think should I sell it off or keep it.


    The only bonus I can think of over the .17 HMR is the noise reduction (the .22 is totally silent.. with my sak mod on) but I don't seem to use it that much.


    What sort of money do you think its worth - It has a had no more than 50 rounds through it. Secondly what should I buy with the cash??



    I was recently asked to source a sako .22 barrel for a friend as they seemed to be in short supply.


    The going price, if available was £120 new, I eventually found an as new one similar to your situation and happily paid £100 posted to RFD.


    Hope this helps if you decide to sell but I would keep it If I were you.


    Rgds D2D.

  18. Hi imo the run

    in sight of family traffic to keep the dogs interest during the day.

    long and narrow as opp to square, gives more excercise.

    Concrete floor for better cleaning and drainage, not slabs.

    roofed for shade and protection when raining.

    have a few feet of boarding up the sides to stop draughts.

    if space permits a slightly raised sleeping platform in a sunny corner.

    6ft headroom for ease of cleaning.


    the kennel

    4x4 min but not too big that the dog cannot get warm.

    insulated if possible or least raise the bed.

    site the bed away from draughts behind a baffle plate.

    drop down night door for really bad weather.


    consider the number of hours the dog will spend in its kennel alot of problems stem from boredom, a raw shin of beef bone keeps a dog occupied.


    Hope this helps and good luck.


    Rgds D2D

  19. Good man :good: for takind the time to rehome what looks to be a really good dog, I hope it works out for Bill and he has many years of the real thing with someone who appreciates an obviously well bred working dog.


    Please let us know the outcome and maybe Bills new owner will keep us all posted?


    Rgds D2D

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