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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. Anybody catch the Radio 4 Food Programme on rabbits today?




    It seemed reasonably sympathetic to shooters.


    Question though, not having done it myself yet, is the advice they offer on preparation of newly shot rabbits what you experienced blokes do?


    Is there a case for someone posting the definitive "How to do it" for rabbits on here?



    Second thing you do is push the piddle out of it, whats the first thing you do?? :yes:


    :lol: D2D

  2. just got back to my room after having a few social ones with some mates, to find that ive completely screwed my phone over. there is a huge crack in the bottom corner, spreading up across the whole screen.

    i dont have insurance with o2, but dad has home insurance, which covers everything in the house im guessing.

    how do i go about getting a replacment, through the insurance, bearing in mind i need it as soon as possible.






    Flash its a nice day and Im feeling good...... I have an Ericson phone in front of me that I packaged up for a member a few months ago in a similar situation, to cut a long story short he p*ssd me about and didnt send payment, you can have it FOC pm me your addy and its in the post sameday.... howsat??


    :lol: D2D


    Flash let me have your addy and I,ll get it off to you tomorrow.


    :yes: D2D

  3. . Any chance of modifying it to go further?



    I have heard from a couple of sources that if you add an additional good quility IR you can get them to see a charlie at 300yrds :lol:


    I have a small pocket one very similar from LIDL, I have used it with my Deben max and an IR filter and it doubles the range, but you do have to look along the IR beam for best results. IMO its worth the money.


    :blush: D2D

  4. I am more than a little suprised that no one has picked up on the fact that he hit an animal stood behind his target that he was completely unaware of , what if that had been not anathor fox?:lol:???Are we not supposed to ensure a backstop before firing, irresponsable I think at tyhe least.


    Not being there I think it a little unfair to assume that there was no safe backstop, as said on here many times we do not take unsafe shots, Sniperdaz in his profile indicates he is in the guntrade and not a youngster, so all in all my money would be on it being a safe shot.


    Just my opinion for what its worth.


    :blush: D2D

  5. not talking them down ,their cracking little round,no doubt that a round will go through a fox at 200 yds plus no problem,but a fox actually dropping on the spot cosistantly at those ranges after being struck in the chest are slim imho. horses for courses i reckon,fair enough if your out after rabbits like everyone says,a fox appears,what do you do?? well personally id try and call him in to 40 yds ish,or leave him go on his way till i bump into him with .222. :lol: each to their own i suppose.



    I enjoy reading these recollections and usually can relate to a similar experiences, I normally carry a 5 shot mag loaded with HV .22 for just such instances its a simple matter to switch mags, just remember that the rifle is scoped in at maybe 50yds using subs, very different to 80yds+ using HV.


    I think I must have misunderstood the above but a .22 round going through a fox at 200yds plus?


    :blush: D2D

  6. my biggest concern was it being an automatic...



    Despite what my friend Cranfield says, You could be in major poo with an auto in serious offroad conditions also I wouldnt touch it if it were LWB.


    It depends ultimately on your usage of course, fine for the occasional foray across grass fields but beyond that you takes your chance.


    :blush: D2D

  7. just got back to my room after having a few social ones with some mates, to find that ive completely screwed my phone over. there is a huge crack in the bottom corner, spreading up across the whole screen.

    i dont have insurance with o2, but dad has home insurance, which covers everything in the house im guessing.

    how do i go about getting a replacment, through the insurance, bearing in mind i need it as soon as possible.






    Flash its a nice day and Im feeling good...... I have an Ericson phone in front of me that I packaged up for a member a few months ago in a similar situation, to cut a long story short he p*ssd me about and didnt send payment, you can have it FOC pm me your addy and its in the post sameday.... howsat??


    :drinks: D2D

  8. I was going to keep this in case I got into clays and due to the hassle I got trying to sell it, but now deffo changed my mind and its for sale.


    New synthetic .17hmr came yesterday and now need to put cash back in piggy bank :yes:


    All previous enquirers welcome on board, Im due a trip along the M4 to Camarthen Wales soon if you want to save on carriage costs?


    :oops: D2D

  9. you cant beat that smell can you .nice shooting



    We were out on an extended trip for most of the night covering several farms, next morning I could smell the landy from 20ft away, the mudpluggers were full of cow manure, sheep **** and duck slurry thank goodness we have no near neighbours although the wifes parting comment was "hose it down pls by the time I get back" yes dear :lol:


    IMO its all part of the patna together with the moss and mould from the conifer trees I deliberately allow to grow on it :lol:


    Sort of 3 Dimensional cammo scent and vision, just got to disguise the motor to sound like a farm animal :look:


    :good: D2D

  10. what are the rules on carrying a gun around at a game fair?



    Everything regarding safety has been mentioned, as said you only get one chance and anyone who takes the **** out of you for checking is a fool.


    One thing that I was taught and you may have noticed it at shoots, on the telly (Emmerdale :look: ) and even in shooting magazine adverts is the number of so called experienced shooters who carry the gun slip upside down, putting the weight of the gun on the strap, should one day the stap fail or come undone the stock could well be damaged falling out of the case onto a hard surface, expensive and certainly embarrassing.


    :good: D2D

  11. taking account of mods learnt from my mock up 1st attempt happy with this, no more poking a loaded rifle about the truck



    Looks very tidy, hmmmm :lol: how about rigging one up on each door and having a ring sight mounted, say on the interior mirror,


    bandits at 4 o,clock and all that :lol:


    It would be an improvement on my Lewis Gun mounted up on my sunroof, its wet and cold up there :good:


    :look: D2D

  12. The only thing I would add to NTTF,s post is that initially imo the Right and Left commands should be practised against a fence or wall so that the dog must run in a straight line at 90deg to "the pitchers plate". Gradually increasing the distance and the dogs confidence.


    Once this part has been achieved 100%. Go backs should be instilled by using the same fence or wall gradually increasing the distance the dog is sent back along the line of the fence..


    Finally bring the whole thing together by returning to the "baseball" set up with lefts, rights and go backs all together.


    AS NTTF says keep the praise going, keep the lessons short, always quit when your ahead and everyone is happy.


    :rolleyes: D2D

  13. Mate paid £325 2weeks ago for 16"blued synthetic in preston



    Spoke to Edgar Bros only days ago chasing mine (been waiting months) they said only 20" silhouette being made in .17 HMR, collecting mine on Friday.


    Originally I wanted a 16" for use in truck cab but whats 4" lol.


    The price seems to be £325 as said.


    :hmm: D2D


    Since posting this EE has passed on info he has received from Edgars, it would seem that Richard of Edgars may have misled both myself and my dealer in telling us that 16" in .17 hmr is not available.


    If anyone has any positive info please let me know ASAP.


    Cheers D2D

  14. looks great :whistling:


    easy once you get into it.



    Cheers guys


    Yeh it was a lot easier than I thought it would be, I followed a how to guide from another forum and the method makes it easy to do, I managed to find some straw that was stuck in a net from a previous session masked the bits and sprayed away - worst case would be to start again but it turned out quite well for a first effort - quite pleased with myself


    That looks very neat and yes you should feel pleased :wacko:


    Could you point me towards the forum article, thanks.


    :innocent: D2D

  15. I woke up this morning with the sore throat

    And now i have the runny nose.

    I think suzy might be going down with her first winter cold. :good:

    I always find if i start the winter with the cold then i always end it with one.

    But if am lucky and manage to not catch one at the beginning .

    Then i stay lucky all winter. :good:


    So now all i need is the miracle cure and mansize hankies



    You and every parent in the country, the kids bring it home from school every year at this time, just rub some vick on your chest and you,ll live :)


    :good: D2D

  16. we went two yrs ago very good indeed lots of side stalls for her in doors . dog trials.fishing display by bob nudd clay shoot two arenas l not going this year to much on. :good:



    TAKE YOUR WELLIES AND RAIN gear weather forecast not good






    ian :good::yes::yes::lol:



    Had a brilliant day on Saturday the sun shone all day, the beer tent was busy :wacko:


    :| D2D

  17. Having just posted details on another thread I thought It should be posted separately so that Its not missed ???



    Kent Wildfowlers are having a special open evening, FREE to all those interested.


    The BAE Social Club Bell Lane Hoo nr Rochester Tuesday 23rd Sept ME3 9JB 7.15PM


    Trade stands including John Forsey Guns, Sporting Optics, Bar etc etc remember to take certs for ammo bargains and other goodies on the night.


    Films Shooting Times/Sporting Gun stands should be a good evening.


    Anyone going from Ashford/Tenterden let me know and maybe make up a carload.


    :lol: D2D

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