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wigeon jim

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Everything posted by wigeon jim

  1. I will take the 16 bore one please, Jim.
  2. Lots of help here, http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/ Jim.
  3. Sorry posted wrong photo, can someone on forum please remove it for me, Jim
  4. Still for sale Gunmark Kestrel side by side 16 bore 1/4 and 1/2 chokes and 2 3/4" chambers, bores clean but blueing on barrels is a bit thin, good woodwork, now only £140 can RFD at buyers cost, can sent pics to your email, Fife Scotland, Jim
  5. Sold to the above pending payment, Jim
  6. As new Manu-arms single shot bolt action 3" 410 now only £50, can RFD at buyers cost, can send pic to email, Jim.
  7. For sale Gunmark Kestrel side by side 16 bore 1/4 and 1/2 chokes and 2 3/4" chambers, bores clean but blueing on barrels is a bit thin, good woodwork, £175 can RFD at buyers cost, can sent pics to your email, Fife Scotland, Jim.
  8. I have a bolt action marlin 10 bore and a single shot 410 bolt action as new for sale looking for £80 each, can email pics, Jim.
  9. Ahh your back, what happened to your last listing for these items when i sent you a pm regarding your lead shot, last i heard you were going to check the weight, Jim.
  10. Oops,eye sight not what it was, but i will buy your 1/4 choke, Jim.
  11. hi, are they the invector plus browning chokes, jim
  12. Well said Ali, its not all about money thats what is wrong with shooting nowadays ££££, Jim.
  13. If you still have them can you tell me what make they are, Jim.
  14. hi all, looking forward to using this forum, Jim.
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