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About nighteye

  • Birthday 29/09/1977

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  1. In all honesty , I would build a publicly accessible rifle range , and anyone with a fac could practice till their hearts content . I would buy a great deal of ground and employ a farmer to sow crops year round with the sole purpose of attracting pigeons to be shot , by anyone who was willing to help teach youngsters the art of shooting . I would buy a shooting truck just for me , nothing special just functionality sound . I would enrol my children in a private school to get the very best education and good well brought up peers . I would build a house roundabout the most secure gun room money can buy and have a selection of good guns which could be used (under supervision of course) by the youngsters who came to the range or farm. I would then lastly (and I am assuming I have won multimillions) challenge the ludicrous gun laws in court so as to make life for those with fac's and sgc' a little easier .
  2. I thought I had bought a pile of horse manure when I first got my howa , now with my homeloads sorted I'm getting sub inch groups at 290 yards and I like it so much that I bought a Swarovski x5i instead of a better rifle for fox , deer and target
  3. The OP asked for opinions , I gave mine , you proceeded to nitpick at my statements , which were in the vein of your round doesn't need to be grouping thumb nail sizes to be capable of humane dispatch
  4. As I said "around" and considering that the .22 is "around" twice the weight of a very very easily blown off target .17 round , it makes sense to me . If I am needing to I can use .22 shorts , .22 subs .22 hp , .22 standard and velocitors or stingers . How accurate do you really have to be with over 100ft/lbs at 100 yards on small vermin ? This is why most fac holders who hunt have at least one .22 in the cabinet
  5. Very true , BUT , I shoot target , fox and hopefully soon deer with the same rifle so the "Jack of all trades " label suits me very well .
  6. Don't disregard the new x5. Got one this week and it's truly a fantastic piece of kit !!
  7. Just my tuppence worth mate. .22 lr with cci velocitors will get you around the same ft/lbs as .17hmr . That will get you to extended ranges for the 22 as in 80-130 yards Get the .223 , there is more ammo choice and a better range of head weights and makes if you decide to reload . My .223 will group 1/2-3/4 inch at 200 yards with my pet home load . It grouped 1-1 1/4 with PPU ammunition right from the get go . I have only had my certificate about 18 months and I think that you would be best to start with the above and take it from there , atb Nighteye
  8. Move to Texas and buy guns and land till I ran out of money
  9. Please correct me if I'm wrong but I would be breaking the law if I TOLD my wife where the spare keys are kept , on the other hand if she FOUND them whilst tidying the house I would still be on the right side of the law ? Before anybody jumps on this or me for that matter , my keys are kept with the club keys in a safe to which nobody knows the combination but me !
  10. Tell the feo and if they are not happy then tell them "well if I come home and the cabinet has been broken into but the house is secure we will know where to look for my guns , wont we !" Does anybody else think that the common sense of the FEO'S lately has diminished somewhat ?
  11. Somebody on my Facebook account said that if you had a closed group and nobody complained then how would they know anyway , I would still be apprehensive about buying a gun on Facebook , that is just in my opinion though
  12. Totally agree, air weapon certificate is a waste of police time and resources, even the police are shaking their heads. To think that I can have a car with 2x.22 rimfires .223,.308.38,.22lbp,.44 pistol and two shotguns but I need a certificate for a air rifle beggars belief!
  13. I was 10-10 1/2 months for a grant . Granted I do have a neurological disability, BUT both my referees and my doctor green lighted and whole heartedly supported my application. There were other issues , but , I did speak at length to the FEO for about two hours . But a kick in the **** off a year , should have been quicker than that IMHO .
  14. Honestly , seeing the cutbacks the police are having (such as losing FEO'S ) and waiting 10 months for my department to visit 2 people and phone 2 , for them to then phone me and grant, I don't think forgetting to notify (when he was a certificate holder who already had been cleared fit and proper to possess said class of firearm)really is that big of a deal as long as you explain yourself and say sorry , a little give and take is what is needed
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