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  1. If the lever comes left of centre its not the bites .Its wear on the lever /bolt connector .I've seen numerous B25's with very worn bites but the lever still stopped at centre
  2. Depends on whether you trust the dealer . Always a risk buying unseen even when you are in the trade ,buying from unknows, RFD's or not . If possible try to get someone local to look on your behalf ,or, Have it sent to an RFD on approval with a 7 day purchase or return agreement . It is not fair to ask the receiving RFD for an opinion as they are acting solely as a go between and could be loosing a sale so may be biased against the gun or the seller . In the past when I (we) acted as agents in this sort of transaction we would open the package in front of the customer and let him make up his own mind .
  3. Probobly needs the pins replacing .If memory serves they are disc set strikers . Not a big job if you have the key to remove the disc.
  4. What ever you like .But why anyone would need multi chokes in a 410 is beyond me .
  5. Only way to gauge chokes is to measure the bore behind the choke and compare to the degree of constriction in the choke .Marked bore size is usualy a fair indication but it may not be the same as the bore behind the choke . Full choke on a .410 is .018" so take it from there .
  6. Shcnarbel and beaver tail are very different things . Possible to take wood off a beavertail to make shcnarbel .But not the other way round .
  7. Is there any letters in the serial number ? these are a date code these work in reverse alphabetical order , so Z=1 / Y=2 / X=3 etc.
  8. On the bright side with a top lever spring , if you cant get an exact match you can usualy find one that can be fitted .Seen many guns that have had non original springs fitted as I have done myself .
  9. Try Franco Beretta or Bettinsoli in Italy . You may have to buy minimum quantities ,as all of us that did sleeving had to do . Those that have sleeving tubes will be very reluctant to let them go as they are loosing a job .Those that have some that they will sell are probobly tubes they dont want to use themselves .
  10. Its the unnecessary over loud and intrusive music that drowns out dialogue gets me ! No matter what the sound level is .Thank goodness for mute and sub titles .
  11. Without knowing your height , build ,overall physical condition ,the sort of shooting and how much you intend to do it is very difficult if not near impossible to make anything but the vaguest of recommendations . There is a huge choice of guns and people will tend to suggest guns they favour . To say one gun fits better than another is misleading as they do not know you . Having done a lot of gun fitting I have seen too many novice shooters sold the wrong gun or have bought the wrong gun believing it is correct .Its difficult . Personally I would in general suggest a basic game/field model 28" ,if multi choked fit the 1/4 & 1/2 then lock the rest away till you can shoot the gun well , stick to one brand and load of cartridge until you feel confident . Take a few lessons with a competent shooting coach , then and only then can you make a sensible decision as to whether you need a different gun and take your time in looking around and deciding . Do not be swayed by magazine articles and people trying to sell you something , telling you that you need this length barrels , these coloured chokes etc.etc.etc.
  12. Is it in the barrels , the action or the stock ?
  13. Very hard to tell .I have vague memories of seeing a stock with similar carving some years ago on a B25 Note sure about the gold initials So is it an up grade or was it an original custom gun .Browning's did make some guns that did not fall into any exact grade norms so I would guess this was made i As you are in Belgium I would suggest you contact Paul Pletsus ( not sure of spelling ) or Jan Bliki or if near Maastricht then Rolofe Lucas any of these would be to Tell you exactly
  14. I cant open your link .But . It should be possible to obtain a lock from Spain in the white ,but the amount of work to fit and finish it then engrave it , would almost certainly outstrip the guns value . Finding another gun that can be canalised could be a solution but finding one of the correct age and engraving pattern may be next to impossible . Returning the gun To AyA in Spain would be an uneconomic proposition. Sorry to say it but unless you can get some detectorist/s to go out and look for it tracing your path ( A reward may induce a few takers ) I think you have to face the fact you now have a scrap gun . Insurance ?
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