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Everything posted by islandgun

  1. sorry never done it, where did you have in mind? Norway, Alaska, there was a time the scarpa flow would have yielded a few,
  2. I remember watching spring watch and one of the presenters said it was time to go and look at Michaela's tits, imagine my surprise when the next shot was in a bird box !
  3. labour and conservatives turn up wrong-uns with a monotonous regularity seems par for the course
  4. I agree, I really like the the things that Christ is reputed to have said unfortunately i seldom live up to them, The old testament seems to be full of contradictions and often not very christian, Do I believe Christ lived ? yes .guess that makes me a christian. Amen brother
  5. I reckon your tales of east anglian fowlers are going to run and run
  6. I luv my 20yr old 2.8 shogun, timing chain not belt i'd luv it even more if i could afford to fill it up
  7. He was probably looking for the member of his dairy herd that nicked the boat that phillp saw
  8. I don;t even know what astrophysics is, good for her, young people are definately cleverer than my generation
  9. Hello mate, You could have look at another post in off topic about coypu theres a few blokes from your neck of the woods would be interested in your experiences
  10. Did anyone see a piece on TV yesterday about Bomb disposal teams in mosambique using rats as sniffer dogs! they (the rats) were attached to a system of overhead leads and rewarded with food when they found a mine, the rats didn't weigh enough to set off the bomb, The were a different variety to our rats
  11. Funnily enough whilst waiting for the goose flight this afternoon/ evening i saw meteorite or something similar i can only describe it as a shooting star in daylight It only lasted about a second or two and I have never seen one before i also saw several 100 geese at about 200m distance which is less unusual
  12. thought i might go down the shop if the weather improves
  13. I saw coypu as a lad in the 60s in essex also remember trappers, supposed to have been eradicated by the 80s i think
  14. Fair difference in size, see other thread on vermin control? shooting (and eating!) coypu in germany, coypu going several kg, unless voles are getting bigger just looked up thread there saying 20kg
  15. you forgot being a gay Romanian christian vet with an otter
  16. I should also say it allows sad old bxxxxds like me the chance to take part in the broader world, cheers
  17. wow, Your strong views are proof that we are not a nation of subservient tools, your ability to speak out is a result of people standing up to self serving minorities i.e. governments, ruling classes, etc. often in the name of tolerance, I'm glad people like you do speak up. whether or not I agree
  18. how does gay marriage effect anyone but the happy couple themselves, Don't make it compulsory and don't ask me to do it, mind you there are lady gays as well !
  19. because everyone has an opinion, some of which are good
  20. o well thats me out of business and half the population of the Western Isles. I'm pretty sure you can find a quote in the bible for and against just about everything if you know where to look, Thou shalt not make a fool of yourself demonstrating !
  21. a slice of porridge, followed by scallops wrapped in bacon with free range eggs and black pudding
  22. hello Marsh Man. Good story I remember 63 in Essex i was 10, The creeks in the Blackwater estuary were frozen, all rivers were solid and we had drinking water delivered by tanker, a lot of wildlife died that winter. proper winter though!
  23. alright mate i'll try an imagine ( No I think I'll just leave it)
  24. good job you didnt go straight home, also how did you find out?
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