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  1. What’s wrong with what I typed??? 2 sentences??? nothing to hide trope, what would you suggest?? I think you may need to reevaluate the situation at hand and see how serious domestic violence can be. I’m absolutely gob smacked by some of the replies to this thread, I bet non of them that have replied would go on to tell their Feo what they really think.
  2. I think your over thinking this, anyone who hurts a child on purpose in my eyes are not fit to own a gun. The only people who will fear it is the people who have something to hide. i myself have got nothing wrong with it, ask any questions you like and my partner I have nothing to hide. we don’t live in a fairy tale world where everyone is nice, some people are a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Just asking a question of are you a nutter tick yes or no obviously isn’t the way forward. just my views
  3. It relates as the lady was being abused by a gun owner by shoving a semi auto shotgun in her chest.
  4. Out of curiosity why do you believe it’s absolute rubbish? Did you read or watch the program?
  5. Absolutely loved the look of a gold e, got the first tIme to shoulder one on a clay shoot, couldn’t believe how light it felt. Soon fell out of love with it.
  6. Have used a tec mods twice one for a 223 and another for rimfire. Will never buy another.
  7. I’ll be honest the search function is bringing bits up over 2 years nothing recent. what do you mean by struggling with volume? I know what you mean, thing is they told me they can’t gaurentee anything so last resort me thinks 👍🏻
  8. Good evening I have received my renewal pack from my local constabulary and inside it has a form in which I give it to my gp to fill out it also states I can use a private gp to sign it etc. my question is has anybody used any private company that will fill in the form, I would use my gp but they are so overrun I know I won’t get it back for weeks. looking online I see a few company’s advertising they do it but would like any recommendations. thanks
  9. 325 rounds of v-max up for grabs £60. licence required located in Harlow Essex
  10. Too easy for someone to attack. Having the lock on the inside is a lot more difficult.
  11. Can’t go wrong with hawke, had mine for the past 6 years. Still as crisp as the first day I got them.
  12. 100% in agreement with you, and I will continue to support basc. but to accept that legal cover is obsolete and holds no value in up and coming times, unfortunately I can’t agree with. I do believe that it did hold some crust, others believe it holds nothing. ive taken out another insurance for legal cover just to protect a what if approach.
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