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  1. Not a watch expert, but have had one of these for the last 5yrs. Worn every day. Keeps good time and seems bombproof. Various colours to choose from. https://www.hamiltonwatch.com/en-gb/h82365141-khaki-navy-auto.html
  2. Ah, but some things never change 😀
  3. Hi Fargo, I will take the Swatcom ear defenders please. If you PM me payment details we can take from there. Many thanks.
  4. I will take if still available. Please PM me to discuss postage and we’ll take from there. Cheers.
  5. Apologies Minky, I didn’t mean to hijack your interest and genuinely thought it must’ve been the wrong size for you.
  6. Hi, I will take if still available. If you PM me your details and postage costs we can take from there. Many thanks.
  7. Hi, would be interested in the Waidmannsheil, depending on distance. Where do you live?
  8. Second dibs please if T & T changes his mind. Many thanks
  9. I'd love the spaniel training book, if still available. PM me your details and I'll PayPal payment and my address. Kindest regards
  10. I don't know anything about the blank firer you mention, however the usual starter pistols are perfectly legal and are now brightly coloured to resemble a toy. There is also the added advantage of having a 6 shot capacity, meaning you don't need to faff around reloading after a single use. Quest Gundogs do an Olympic starter pistol for £35, virtually half the price of what you're looking at.
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