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  1. I used them earlier this month, but had the package ( a stock) sent to France just to keep the admin costs down!!. It turned up fine
  2. You won’t get an answer from that one , been trying to touch base with him for a few weeks now
  3. I have never had any issues with the MET, certainly not been required to do most of that!-seems some standardisation is in order!
  4. My FEO said to take them to RFD as Police may not have right facilities!!. A west London RFD charged me £30 a gun.
  5. I use them, never had an issue but also never had to contact them so can’t really tell.
  6. The likes of me, I said 1000 birds in Africa , pigeons and pest control. At best I could stretch to a 200 bird in the uk after that I would rather spend the money on something else. So not really a commercial shoot as you describe although I do pay for the pleasure
  7. Then why not just go down the pub instead? I do this because I enjoy it from 1000 birds a day in Africa to the syndicate days, I can do all you say without without having to shoot things. I am new to shooting compared to most of you. I am only on my second renewal, but have had many a debate on this at our syndicate dinners. The shooting fraternity is backward facing IMO ( my intention is not to offend but I guess I will). We face IMO two choices be proactive address change and have a chance of being at the table or get dragged forward and take what we are given. There are no guarantees either way but I know which I prefer. Shooting will change, it is a fringe activity ( please don’t call it a sport as I believe that only hastens our demise) many don’t understand and never will . I don’t agree with how the this change has come about but if I am honest I don’t think any other approach would have worked given the perspective of many shooters.Lead is toxic that is undeniable and we can go around in circles about levels and research etc. We are not being progressive only defensive. I would like to keep shooting as long as possible and I think for that to happen we need to be looking forwards. Obsolescence and change are inevitable and are often beyond our control but damage can be managed
  8. Absolutely, we all keep a couple of big loads in the bag but reality is you’ll shoot what’s loaded
  9. I understand that, I bought a slab of gamebore DS steel last season and retuned after 2 boxes - they were awful I couldn’t even use the for Claus, won’t use Gambore again - probably excessive but confidence and wallet dented. I am very happy with these
  10. I have a slab of 32 4’s , only 2 boxes in but all have gone bang
  11. Indeed I have to return mine to the dealer
  12. Hi , I have a recent issue and I thought combined wisdom of the PW would be able to assist . I had a relative pass away very recently who had a number of shotguns. Unfortunately we were unable to transfer due to my license currently in for a change of address ( it’s been over 2 weeks! ). How can we secure the guns and get transferred once I get my license back. Can the partner of the deceased leave them with an RFD? To facilitate this? thanks in advance
  13. No problems using them from me, better result that the gamebore ones . I had 2 out of 25 go fizz rather than bang
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