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About Fil

  • Birthday January 14

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    Both sides of the pond
  • Interests
    Everything outdoors... and cooking....outdoors.

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  1. I had an issue getting on it when they changed the domain name to guntrader.uk from guntrader.co.uk. It was saved in my favourites and when I clicked on the tab the page wouldn't load. I too thought the web site was down. After a few unsuccessful attempts I then physically typed in guntrader.uk in and hey presto. Then I saved that address and deleted the old one and have no bother now. Just went on there and it's working from me. Perhaps that's your issue.
  2. Any marking created by non lead shot in the forcing cone area is visible without gadgets in my experience. If you can't see with your eyes it's not normally worth worrying about. Although I do admit when I show a customer they struggle to see it as they haven't been trained how to look and what to look for.
  3. I know someone who is on meds for ADHD. He was granted a certificate because it's all documented and the GP was happy about him. So the police were okay with it. He's a good lad. Wouldn't hurt a fly. So go fo it. As others have said it's documented that you are okay with it then shouldn't be an issue. But no one can answer but your FEO really.
  4. Big thanks! I am a sole trader and it is one more thing to add to the never ending amount of costs just to keep trading\working. Business insurance has rapidly crept up. Alarm security has gone up £15.00 over the last 3 years to £70.00 a month. This just takes the biscuit. I will forward the response. Cheers.
  5. Cheers Conor Can BASC also spare a thought for the RFD certificate holders out there. A rise from £200.00 to £466.00 and STILL only valid for 3 years. It has been my livlihood for 40 years this year and will obviously pay the new fee when my registration comes up for renewal. However I make the point that renewing an RFD certificate takes absolutely no longer than renewing a shotgun certificate so how is the new cost justified? Also why was the registration period not extended to 5 years in line with the section 1 and 2 certificates when they were extended. I would have not minded so much if the new fee was to include a 5 year certificate but this a **** take. I have emailed my PCC and his response wa prompt and helpful I must say. But I'm not expecting any changes.
  6. Otherwise known as the Laporte Swing Gun. Never had one but have my own version that I built on the same principle.
  7. Happy memories of GT Shooting. I used to buy my pistols and ammo from there back in the day.
  8. You the certificate holder brings them to account. I'm sick of hearing people telling me they have been waiting months but don't like to say anything in case the feo gets offended and puts their application to the bottom of the pile. Uh uh. No. You are paying for a service, and at least as of Feb. you ARE paying for a service so hold them to account or nothing will get better. Be polite. Be respectful. But do hold them to account. Don't be afraid or it gets worse. As a gunmaker/gunsmith who's livelihood goes on stop when my RFD has run out because they are busy, I politely ask, "who do I send the invoice to for all lost revenue until I receive my certificate?" It soon appears.
  9. And they only last three years. I have been campaigning to get them in line with section 1 and 2 certificates to the 5 year period but it falls on deaf ears.
  10. And considering it's been 50 for an iceage. It's the reasons they publicly give that burns me though.
  11. Alkanet root or "red oil" is the traditional way and very hardy and brings out the best in both colour and figure. But if you can't make your own and want an off the shelf finish with a shine use Tru oil. If you are patient that is. A little applied twice daily until the grain is filled then you will see a shine appear but maybe in patches. This is when you cut it back to even out the finish then repeat. No wax after desired finish just leave a week to go "off". Patience is the key! Beautiful old school finish mate.
  12. Oh no. I never knew. Chris is a top bloke.
  13. There is W. Richards. Pocklington. Chris Caine is the gunsmith there. Really nice guy. Worth visiting.
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