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Everything posted by NatureBoy

  1. Must be! So long as we all enjoyed viewing. NB
  2. This has been running a week! They got nearly 60,000 in a week We have got to up our game! They only asking for a ban on driven grouse shooting. I don't think this will help or do us any favours and may even benefit them if don't do well. Anyone know who Neil Jones is? NB
  3. 😉 That's the one! On now! NB
  4. Tip! If you hit and pick up anything or road kill make sure it's dead! Over the years have had a pheasant come to and go mental in my van. Mallard bombing round a crew bus at busy junction in town that look some explaining! And most recently a big ol buzzard that had been sparko in the foot well in my truck for 2 hrs that i still have scars from! Oh and a woodcock that someone gave me that i forgot about that had been in my van all night. Lot of critters get on some roads cos of warmth retained in tarmac over nite and for the spilled grain off trailers. There was a open cattle grided common in north Suffolk where horses and ponies often slept on the road at night for the warmth and you had to drive/ride round them. Freaked my townie mate out one foggy night and he thought they were all dead. NB
  5. River Deben in Suffolk on this week If anyone interested. Tonight BBC1 7.30, NB
  6. Someone thieve'n scum had a good weekend locally. Stealing load of sun flowers of all things out of RBAPS experimental crop on local farm! Total low life ignorance when farmers trying to do there best/new ways to help NE and wildlife! No sunflowers no payment for farmer! . . . . . See in media BBC producer (Jane Mcmurran) was seen and filmed letting and encouraging her dog to worry sheep! Even after being challenged twice and offered a lead, told it was being filmed and dog could be shot she told folk where to go! NB
  7. Cheers again for chat help and advice earlier fella! NB
  8. Cos we Suffolkngood boi! 😉 For what it's worth MM my weekend carp! Ta. Shingles really done for me. No energy, pounding head, sick dizzy, no appetite, blured vision, constant pain, little sleep and the weirdest vivid surreal dreams! Clock watching to keep taking meds and painkillers. Feels like having severe sunburn being thrashed with nettles and with what feel like random wasp stings thrown in! Pins and needles sensitive to sunlight and heat to. So didn't go far or feel up to doing much. Scabbing up to day not so red but itching bad! Well cranky and wouldn't wish it on anyone! NB
  9. I think you have got it Panoma1!😁 The worn lettering mainly the L's threw me and others, I had shown it to peps, asked and tried looking without success. Should of known to ask here first! Ta very much! That's cheered up a carp weekend for me. NB
  10. Well they both amazing capture if real! Light and lines in hare pic look wrong to me. Maybe we view/see them different because we see birds. hares and countryside more than most and pick up on it. Simon King rated hare pic tho and he ant no fool! . . . Sounds perfect! Lot of tourists then? Friend wants me to go Orkney with her. Suffolk get'n crowded now! . . . .What part of East Anglia was that? Have seen 10+ doing that! They ant all "after worms" ! Waiting for leverets or partridges to move. Recon most parishes have at least one pair. See them most days. on some farms they have learnt that decoys and shooting mean pigeons. Some with little fear strike and take birds off cradles. Less sparrow hawks and little owls because of them. The thug and mugger of the raptor world. . . . Never used to be so many corvids about either! NB
  11. Got a much loved little 20 bore Spanish sxs off an ol boi that was packing in shooting a while back. Well used pretty side lock double trigger with a few dinks but still in good working order. Not as old as he or i thought going by proof marks M1. Think 1961. But also has what looks like a + and G1 beside it. Has manufacturers name on top of right barrel. But it's well worn and very hard to read; Have looked but can't can't seem to find a manufactures name that looks like it? Under magnifying glass on top of the right barrel it looks like it reads , , , Fca DE MIGUET T. APRAMAGA __ PLACFNCIA (ESPANIA) Number under barrels read 35887 What would choke be? Right barrel reads 15.5 over 15.8 Left 14.6 over 15.8 Guess 1/4 n 3/4 Also further down under both barrels has 15.5 Under right barrel has what looks like AY or AV? Under left barrel has what looks like an H in a diamond? I can even hit pigeons with it and fun to shoot. But it feels more like a gun you tuck in your jacket and hold up banks with. Any help appreciated! Ta! NB
  12. I was thinking maybe both them pics tho good maybe heavily Photoshoped or faked? Something not quite right about em to me. That looks amazing IG! Bet it a bit wild in winter tho. Yeah rabbits seem to of really bounced back this year every where along with numbers of buzzards this way. NB
  13. It's strange how it's slowed down so much after over 60k signed in 1st week!? And they have had 2 of there publicised events, CP doing QnA live on FB and lot of media exposure to. Hopefully peps have been doing there own research and realise it's been tried before and a lot of what they have been saying repeatedly is the same old half truth's and lies based on very little evidence or facts attacking a countryside and community they actually know very little about, understand, like or part of. Just like Avery n co did last time and failed! Plus a lot of people are on holiday in the countryside at the mo and maybe realising it's not the wildlife depleted desert full of people with blood lust they would have the urban masses, media or anyone that will listen believe and only they can save! NB
  14. Shoot 1st dive later!😉 Must of been some scary muff around in those days that they needed there own calibre! NB
  15. Gt pic. Saw it on CF earlier. Standard high this year, What you make of oystercatcher shot? Hare's to? Hell of a perm! Not jel at all! They taste any different off there? NB
  16. Some do and venrson. 2 have pigeons and game etc off me, Another rears game and supplies one of the shoots he shoots on and has whats left of the bag at the end of shoot days and sells thro the shop. Can't get more traceable than that. I'll take whatever birds i can on shoots i go brush'n on and beaters days. Especially partridges. 40 plus some days. Have no problem getting pigeons and game into food chain. Just takes a bit more effort at times and to get word round. Can't get enough at times! Never charge country folk or shops as barter system alive and well my way. Especially with two local pig clubs, cheese, wine,cider and beer makers and one fella makes some wicked calvodos with a very dodgy still. 😉 Got a growing local beef herd of redpoll cattle . Another got Guernsey herd and sell milk, cheese and beef and veal off farm, NB
  17. Got a bit of a different and unusually job coming up shortly. Refirbing an old K6 red telephone box institute that's listed. Has any of the pigeon watch massive done one? Box itself not in bad shape. Windows pollycarbonate and had it tho. Got to remove them prep and paint box and replace with toughened glass. No prob getting replacement glass, beading and rivet kit or paint as can still get all. What i was wondering is there a special tool available for removing/replacing the rivets and colletts? i have looked but no joy. Is there an order to replacing glass, beading and rivets to make it easier to get them and rivets in?? On one side they have been allowed/ want leaded stained glass panes put in as well ( i tried to put them off). These will go behind the toughened glass to protect them so no room for beading. Both will be held in with sealant. But i think gap between will condensate. discolour and go mouldy as leaded panes will not be airtight?? Any help or ideas appreciated. Ta. NB
  18. I meant some farmers i have spoke to don't seem to know or worried about loosing shooting or any threat from WJ. I hope they are right because i don't think it's looking good! I agree farming sector doing great stuff to promo meat, animal welfare. traceablity and how and where food is produced.. They certainly doing OK and farmers /farm shops getting plenty of support my way. NB
  19. As above. Get em in the pan! a good year for them. They are everywhere at mo. NB
  20. If they on it and we have nothing to worry about i wish they would tell us IG!? I have spoke to a few farmers and game shooters and they don't seem bothered like they know something we don;t! NB
  21. Packham live on his Facebook from 7oc tonight doing QnA if anyone interested or want to have words with him! NB
  22. Anyone watch Packham Post match analysis on FSC? Far more interesting than the debate i thought! It like they (WJ) dumbing things down to cause more division in shooting and with the orgs. Also maybe to try and make them more credible to get a seat/voice/influence at the top table with Juniper and co! Before turning the screw more to try for a total ban! Interesting they now say they agree with some forms of recreational shooting at mo. Strange they gone quiet on the release of pheasants front! Dominic Dyer seem to be more in there gang after his call to arms (encouraging active disruption) at Hen Harrier Day. We all need to start a conversation and educate folk if we want to keep what we care about! There is more support out there to be won! Just my thoughts! NB
  23. Glad to hear you OK now Wymberley! Your experience of it sounds horrendous! Doc gave me the impression that the aciclovir tabs and pain killers would clear it up in seven days. Went back to work and yesterday to finish job! Proper struggled and defiantly shouldn't of been on ladders! Didn't realise it can affect folk so bad and for so long! Apparently jab only free if you over 70. I'll pay for one if i can get one. What i have read since that the jab don't stop you get'n it . just lessens symptoms. Well rough today! This on top of bad reaction to insect bite has really pulled me down! Told not to put anything on it while it at the weeping blisters stage. Old gal in village recon laying in the sea (salt water) helps. Be another restless hot night. NB
  24. Congestion round Ipswich to all this weekend! Ed Sheran doing 4 gigs in Chantary park. NB
  25. NatureBoy


    Swifts still had young in the box's up farm last week. House martins still got young in nests. hope they all do well and make it! Not been so many swallows or martins around at all this year. Jackdaws and squirrels cleared out a lot of early swallow nests. Plenty of insect food around for all so maybe some will hang around longer and feed up. Young turtle doves doing well. Still plenty of all species of butterfly about and had hummingbird hawk moth in house the other night. More stag beetles been seen locally to. NB
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