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Everything posted by NatureBoy

  1. As i have also said in past SBS Well worth supporting! They do a lot of good science based stuff. There latest Autumn/Winter publication got some really interesting articals in it. Cats etc. Whoops! forgot we ant allowed to mention cats on here.😉 Tried loads of wild bird seed mixes over the years. Best i have found and no i am not connected to this company is No Waste from Charnwood MIlling Co. There High Flyer mix good to. Both no husks so don't attract rats. Everything gets eaten. (Turtle doves love it)! Have also used to seed rough ground with great results. 20kg bag about £18.00 Discount on more than 10 bags. NB
  2. Yep! She very much an anti and looks like she's already affecting policy (trophy hunting)! Was part of puffin gate. Plenty of pics them both at bird fair. She done her first speech there and on a Q&A panel with him and others. She also mates with Avery, Dom Dyer, Tingay, George Monbiot, Guy Shrubsole etc. Defo another one to watch however you may vote. This election has shown it's more about politics than conservation with all of them. NB
  3. It's the same here in Suffolk PC. And i have been thinking the same. Other years the rape has been nearly nee high until the first frosts. Yet again and for about the 3rd year we have very few pigeons tho or signs of movement. My theory of them getting in to and staying in the many maze covers that are on many shoots in the area now isn't holding up as seeing very few in them on shoot days on the shoots i go brushing on. Outings producing very few. !5-20 odd birds sometimes from 2 or 3 different locations. Not hearing any gas banger's or shooting. Plenty of jays about and seeing several woodcock. Still hammering several squirrels where poss and getting back on top of jackdaw numbers. Looked far and wide today and saw very little activity. Saw something i had never seen before though. A white red legged partridge. NB
  4. Perfect! Just ordered the hoodie! Says to day is last day of offer so get in quick!Thanks for posting Ho! Ho! Ho! NB
  5. DEFRA's call for evidence/GL survey run's out Thursday 23.45. Bit long winded but worth doing! Have many of the PM massive responded? Avery promoted it from the start and said he would be advising his people how to fill it in. NB
  6. good pub. great grub and staff. Rooms good to. Dodgy locals tho.😉 Enjoy! NB
  7. Not jel at all! Much! That bottom pic would make a great Xmas card. NB
  8. Plenty in Mid Suffolk still! In there usual places. Often see them and them moving at dusk. Plenty of hare's about to. See loads when brush;n on local shoot and have taken photographers out in hide when decoying to get pics of them.They almost know the routine and escape routes on shoots. Comical and often in no hurry to get out of the way. Have had them run in to my legs on tramlines in some covers. Some farms have really knocked numbers back though as fed up with so much trouble from threatening gangs with long dogs and little action being taken against them. . . . BTO ringer got barn owl in nets at weekend. A first for farm. A well over average weight new bird to. Still plenty of voles about. He had record numbers of blue tits last week. NB
  9. They have been around the broads and breeding/ introductions with varying success for several years. First time i saw them was in 1995 when fishing a bit further down the Bure near the famous St Bennett's Abbey stretch opposite South Walsham dyke. 7 came over and landed on the marsh opposite and started calling. Was an amazing first for me and to see such big unusual birds flying low over the reeds against the sunset. Seen several since. The odd spoonbill to. . . . . Were you after pike? Mates get some real whoppers through Horning from now till end of season as they follow the silvers/prey into that sheltered stretch and boat yards. St Bennett's great for big bags of bream and roach in the warmer months fishing early/late or at night. NB
  10. No one else thinking this could be faked/set up then? Clearly a stoat in a trap but don't look right to me!To exposed and that stone would of been off the top there if it had been struggling in there any time in that location. Very well filmed/edited to! Where is the rest of the evidence or that it is even on a moor? Interesting that there is fresh feathers from what looks like a small bird in the clip? Once again! Strange it's always them or peps connected to them who find and present these things when it suits them and there agenda with limited other evidence! We have been due for something else to pop up from them to keep public interest and there supporters/funders on board. NB
  11. Seen odd ones about Mid Suffolk since the beginning of October. More about in last 2 weeks. Green sandpiper flushed from pond on shoot i was brushing on last week. Very late for them. NB
  12. Heads up! Guy Martin up to his antics again tonight playing with tractors! C4 9PM. NB
  13. Thanks for posting that link Old'un! Great artical and sums them up, what is happening and how it will go if we don't up our game! They are so savvy and have a slick and sometimes targeted very subtle media campaign going on! Undermining a lot of good work thats being done by shooters and the real conservationists! You are Right! This and other articals like it need shareing to a wider public! Think some of it about age and that a lot of older shooters are county folk with no interest in wider social media. Not big fan of myself and not that social😉. But i try and do my bit. I was brush'n on an average size (150 bird) shoot my way the other day and at 55 felt like a youngster! It was a shoot that does a huge amount for conservation. Showing by example! Results are there before your eyes and for wider public to see and enjoy! I find if you push to much science and to many facts at folk, both other shooters and general public they will switch off. Show and tell them a little and and the real facts to compare to a lot of the antis miss information. If you have still got them and they ask/ want to know more guide them towards that information CRT SBS BTO and selected good shooting progs on youtube etc. Even better get them to join! It's great when folk come back to you with facts and more info to support what you told them that they have found themselves. Even better when they then share this new retained information with there family friends ,work mates, and groups. It's not hard to do and it works. They may not agree or will ever shoot themselves but they will understand better and most can be supportive. Since i cancelled my membership of the RSPB a few years back and the GL fiasco i been ramping it up and taking it to the birders etc. I live close to minsmere and other reserves and wildlife trust sites so easy to do. Take away the rabid key board trolls and arm chair birders and a lot i have spoken to face to face are not so different to us . just use bino;s/camera instead of gun. A lot are not happy with the RSPB at mo or fans of Packham, Avery and WJ. The fact they put up a in your face (350k) predator fence after Springwatch was filmed there didn't help! Or the sudden huge cull of the red deer in the area! Some did need culling, but was one of the few places you could see reds on the beach. NB
  14. What hole /gaps? What do you think is lacking to you? Give them feed back! Can only improve!. . .There's plenty of evidence of good practical science and data out there! Besides the bigger orgs have a look at just look at what CRT and SBS are doing! Tony Juniper said himself a while ago said that what CRT are doing at Larkrise Farm etc and there other projects is a blueprint for a way forward for farming, wildlife and shooting! I don't know whats happening where you guys shoot or are involved in? But round my way a lot of farms and people are doing huge amounts for real conservation, shooting and on going growing wildlife population! Using and adapting proven habitat management and creation. Selective planting of the right wildlife mixes game covers RBAPS trials etc. Supplementary feeding when necessary and more importantly using targeted vermin and pest control! Providing and monitoring protecting nest boxes and sites for some species. RSPB BTO Trusts ect have been involved know this and why! They keen to harvest the data that suits them and from the targeted ringing and taging it allows them to do. Farm clusters locally really doing well growing numbers of turtle doves, woodcock, snipe, english partridges, many other red listers, water voles, harvest mice etc. . . . Away from this where i and few others are doing the same stuff ourselves with equal or more success they don't want to know (no funding/grants available). Because i/we are not land owner/manager/farmer is doesn't tick there box and because we are doing it by thinking outside the box!!!!!!! Showing up there tunnel visioned arrogance! Making there funded big moneyed meddling and lock of local knowledge very lacking! No schemes or grants involved for free and in our own time! Getting great/ better results for wildlife and shooting off smaller patches of land water and habitat by tweaking things from those results because we know the ground, the wildlife and what works! It's not hard! Doesn't really take a lot of effort! I use it to help educate folk (public and shooters) who can see the positive results and explain how/why i have done it and sometimes get them/more involved! Plenty of evidence of conservation and shoots in GWCT's Working conservationists and there other publications! BUT! Anyone know (connected to) why our orgs are being so low key at such an important time for both shooting conservation and the environment!??????? I hope they are not paying us like the RSPB WJ etc play there membership and folk to gain followers and MONEY!??? We can all play our part with the science and data regarding GL by doing the surveys for requests for evidence from DEFRA and GWCT! The latter make more sense and easier to fill in. Again i have met very few people (6) who have or are bothered doing either!? Not even mentioned on PW??? . . I personally think the surveys are not aimed at or bothered about folk like me. The grass roots, non land owning pest controller, conservationist, rough shooter. Shame! Because i think they have very little idea of how much a very few do for real conservation! The RSPB coming out against shooting have just undermined that even more! Unlike those against us! I don't mind if folk don't agree with me what i do or my way of life and enjoy the debate and banter! BUT! If they disagree and still want to stop what i do! My way of life or tell me what i should/shouldn't be doing/eating while still claiming to know better, care more about wildlife, conservation and the environment after what i have told or shown them. I simply ask them! SO WHAT DO YOU DO THAT MAKES OR IS GOING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! ??????????? Very few have an answer and/or are doing nowt! Easy for them to talk the talk. It's up to us to walk the walk!!! Another longer rant over! NB
  15. Natural England are recruiting for 4 new positions on the board of NE. 3 days a month, £328.00 per day, £11,808 pro rata. closing date 14/11/19. NB
  16. The other vid they have just done on shooting/social media also very good. Maybe it will push our orgs to catch up and push it harder? Like they say, they are the ones with the money and connections. We can all play our part tho. If you don't stand by what you do, you should be doing it!! NB
  17. Brilliant! Once again! Well done Johnny and TGS. Great balanced factual view! Thanks for posting TG! NB
  18. Great post IG! Totally agree with you! Why is that with our orgs? A lot of folks seem to think they got it sorted and every things ok. If they have perhaps they would let us know and reasure more of there members. WJ saying they and there legal team been in talks again with DEFRA and there legal lot regard policy on the GL. Were/have our orgs been involved? Why are they even talking to/involving WJ after there actions and what they have said about them/us and there support of XR!!? WJ have no answers how they would things and say it's down to DEFRA NE etc. Avery seems to get off on having a go at everyone! But still recons he's not anti shooting! NB
  19. Interesting that tuna and the prospect of tag and release tuna fishing off our shores is mentioned in this weeks Angling Times. Only info/pics i could find of tuna caught off Norfolk/Suffolk coast was 2 smaller ones (look about 10/15lb and dead) caught by inshore herring boat? Interesting that such different year classes are showing in our waters now tho. Also! Surprisingly In Keith Arthur's colum in AT is a pic of Tony Juniper ( head of NE) with a cracking 2lb 1oz roach he caught amongst others fishing with Keith and the Angling trust from the famous river test. NB
  20. Lot bigger than that! look up the Tunny Club. Rich and famous flock here to fish for them. NB
  21. I totally agree IG! Only i give or barter mine to folk! Never have any trouble getting rid of anything. Even the squirrels. Falconer and taxidermist takes crows. Others have the squirrel, fox tails and feathers for fly tying and hat making etc. schools artists, photographers and film makers have/borrow skulls, bones, antler, skins and a very old egg collection i have. Took some fresh shot still warm rabbits to a gal once and she paunched skinned and preped them with her young kids there and then in her kitchen like a science lesson. Liver heart and kidneys straight in the pan. They cured the skins as an experiment to. Always tell her i wished we had filmed it. Would never be able to recreate there sense of wonder. Shame Avery enjoying getting the boot in regarding lead and Waitrose's new labelling warning of lead on there game products. Always thought he more trouble than Packham! Least we have got the new series of Autumnwatch to look forward to tonight. Not. NB
  22. Interesting! Were they very big? Were they released or in the press or angling mags? NB
  23. It think it was more to keep people and dogs away IG. As it was on town beach. Both looked like been done at sea chucked back and washed up. skull bashed. Guts still in, fleshed from back of head to tail. I didn't realise till a few years back they dolphins and whales are notifiable. Another i saw washed up at Covehithe ended up being reported as poss shark attack off Suffolk coast in local paper by boffins. Was clearly not. Sent them my own snaps of it clearly showing a fox and big gulls had been at it going by bite marks and the foot prints round it. Heard nowt back. NB
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