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Everything posted by NatureBoy

  1. I hope not IG! They have stired up a lot in just the year they been going with just 80k of funding? Still wonder if there's Someone else behind/funding them and lets not forget Bojo's gal on there side. I remember peps laughing dismissing them when they launched last year and said GL would be there first target! They haven't done shooting and certainly not conservation any good! Just causing more division between all the the orgs and us which i think is what they want. They a slick devisive lot with sharp legal team! But like a lot of would be players at the mo they have no answers or a positive way forward! I find it strange WJ/ Avery are so quick to dismiss/judge/criticise other orgs CRT SBS etc and farmers who are and can be seen doing practical conservation and making a real difference!? Robin Page still calls them out on whether they tried to infiltrate CRT!? . . . We can't be the only ones who find it strange the way the seem to find some very convenient evidence of alleged wrong doing around there targeted campaigns! As i have pointed out to folk a lot of birds of prey die naturally in the first year just like other birds and thats with out the stress of being fitted with a sat tag. Good on Fieldsports Britain and The Gun Shop for what they have done to get word out there! We can all do our bit tho. A lot of the public /birders/ conservationist ant a stupid ignorant, fluffy anti lot! They don't like being told what to do/think by Packham and co! If you give them the facts a lot are supportive of both shooting and conservation. As i have said before! It's up to us to start that conversation and educate them! I started years ago when i gave up my membership of RSPB! Had been a member and YOC since i was a boy! Support is out there if we give, tell, show people the facts! It's not hard! And it works! . . . Stood chat'n to a family new to the country at weekend. Gun over arm and blood on my hands. Gave them pigeon breasts and mushrooms to try. Kids were amazed watching me brest the pigeons and looking at the magpie i shot! Some may not agree with us, but they not against us! We got nothing to hide! No Agenda! Rant over!πŸ˜‰ NB
  2. Was that recently Ditchy? Spoke to fella other day ( we were talking about that chaps Youtube channel actually) who swears he saw some off Dunwich/MInsmere earlier this year. Found a harbour porpoise washed up at Benacre a while back that had clearly been butchered. Another the same on Southwold beach the other winter with police tape round it NB
  3. As he explains well in his vid Chris. Other countries have the quotas to take them in our waters. Crazey! Top channel he has! Very informative in many ways and top bloke! Worth a sub. NB
  4. Yep! There AGM was Saturday! Hypercrits! Been coming for years tho! We have been ignoring it! Avery's loving it!Saying he thinks shooting folk will be joining RSPB to affect policy! Really? Then they wonder why shooting orgs and farmers don't trust em! They happy to used data from ringing ,RBAP trials, and sat tag red listers on farms and shoots that are doing the real conservation and trying to find a way forward tho! Don't see that in there reports! None of it would be possible without shoots and pest/predator control! Just this year locally the growing numbers of turtle doves, english partridges and other farmland birds even with there meddling has proven that! And they know it! Reluctant to engage on it! Dosn't fit with there agenda! They want control! They want the funding that goes with it! They want the MONEY! I think we have got a lot more to worry about than footage of Peter Carr waving up a few birds or a odd camera angle on Dave Carrie shooting! Many don't seem bothered! Think DEFRA are on our side and our orgs have got this! I hope they right!!!!! NB
  5. Not sure where your going with that one! Your bigger gun did a tidy job. NB
  6. Good insight! Even with him feeding them they were hunting and killing song birds. Martins on em to. He good artist. NB
  7. Yes.Them in partnership with RSPB, Orkney Island Council etc. But they getting funding from NLF and Eulife. Clip on FSC explains it better IG. Saying real problem caused by to many geese knocking back pasture causing them to have to bring in fodder and the stoats coming in with it. Did they take advise from or ask you guys with the experience to get involved! Mink project an interesting read. thanks for putting link up. Any idea of numbers eradicated so far? You must all be rich and wearing furs.πŸ˜‰ Hope it works for the stoats! Do you think it will be harder to do? 250sq km. It just seems a lot of money? Would they be using farmers, keepers countrymen or bringing more controllers in? NB
  8. They got 7million quid for stoat eradication project on Orkney. Using 20,000 traps.but only have 30 staff on Orkney. NB
  9. Great interesting piece again in this weeks episode of Fieldsports Britian! Covering a lot of topics that could be expanded on! Need to get it out to a wider audience/the public what we have known about the RSPB etc for a long time. They are loosing members. Shame any of them don't want to work with people with real knowledge that know what they are doing! No mention of the sea eagles failing on IOW in the media! Strange that! How do they manage to check daily 20,000 traps on Orkney? 7 miillion for what! There expertise! Joke! Friends were there in summer found traps randomly placed all over the place, Have always said it strange/convenient how and where they find so many alleged incidences of wrong doing when it suits them. Packhams gate/life threats, dead harriers/traps missing eagles etc. would think be happening/finding stuff weekly the way they bang on. Surly police must think that to, as they have been known to tamper with evidence. Amusing/petty that they are demanding an apology from NE/DEFRA after what they have been saying about and calling us! Well done the Harrowgate protesters!!! NB
  10. And beach huts go for Β£100k+! Half of those places second homes to! Customer of mine paid 480k for 3rd floor 1 bed flat in old rope house and hardly use it. NB
  11. I see that it's only on there sites they saying that police had to be called because of the protesters at Harrogate. While it's fine for them to encourage protest disrupt peps lives name call spread miss information lies about us and support XR! On WJ site they demanding an apology from NE/DEFRA for Lord Blencathra (dep chair) calling them disingenuous back in April over the GL! How dare they!!!! As there friend Greta would say!!! Why are they NE/DEFRA still having meetings and discussing policy with WJ (2 weeks ago) after there and Packhams actions!? I still think WJ etc are far from done and are hoping for a seat at the top table to influence so much more! With support from Bojo's gal! They seem fairly pleased that we seem to be rolling over easily regarding the banning lead shot!!? One of the tagged young harriers " killed by keepers" has turned up again with a faulty sat tag. Strange they not mention that! I have met very few peps who have responded to DEFRA/GWCT call for information on GL?. Sum seem indifferent or think shootings safe!!! I don't!!! NB
  12. Crack'n common! Bet he's buzz'n! Great to see a carp angler smile'n in a catch pic to. Lol. Face says it all. NB
  13. A lot of those birds you saw South of Diss have turned up in last 2 weeks OB. Have been very few about till recently. They lean birds in very spooky flocks not interested in decoying that split up and don't come back as i found out again Saturday. There were 350+ when i set up on a promising field. I only managed 2 a jackdaw and a squirrel in the 2hrs i sat it out. Packed up and shot a hedge line between there and other drilling's and block of stubble's for another 6 before they just left the area. Walked the hedges for another 3 squirrels and 2 rabbits. Despite what the shooting press been reporting saw wild English partridges on 3 farms doing well still. Despite loads of dumped foxes harassing wildlife locally. Also saw flock a of 20+ lapwing 2 little egrets and 4 late swallows heading east. Mixed flocks of hundreds of finches buntings larks and pippets on the stubble's. . . . Were you in the Ram? NB
  14. Some are getting paid to protest! Can claim up to Β£400.00 a week from XR depending on what they do and skills they bring! Packham on BBC ( again) this AM as there spokes person. Boris labelling them crusty's smelling of hemp ant gona help. Bet him and his girl have some interesting pillow talk as she one of them and an anti. NB
  15. NatureBoy


    Seen more of them in Suffolk in recent years. Autumn/Winter a good time to see them along the coast here. Minsmere, Dunwich, Sizewell and Walberswick. late in the day best time. If the murmorations of starlings are over the reed beds and marshes you would be unlucky not to see any. They harriers. hawks and sometimes peregrines have a go at them before they get in to the reed beds and bushes. North wall Minsmere, coastguard cottages Dunwich and Dingle marshes good spots to view some times at close quarters as they all loose a lot of caution when after starlings. Worth it just to watch the starlings. Thought i saw an eagle locally earlier this week. Was at distance and big! Bird life went mental calling departing or hiding and crows really mobbing it. Expected to see handler but watched till out of sight heading North. Have heard of no other sightings in Suffolk tho? Also poss escaped Chilean buzzard about. Been told they are big. Local male turtle dove RSPB put tracker on earlier left over night 5th Sept travelled by night and since the 8th was in olive groves in southern Spain. After being tagged it had spent the Summer and probably bred on another local farm i shoot on. they had amazing year. Lot of urban fox's being dumped locally again! Causing havoc and more work on farms. Amazed they keep doing it! Clueless and will not be told. Shame after such a good year for english partridges birds and hares locally! lot of spooky birds and hares about! Gangs with long dogs been driving the fields again to. Hummingbird hawk moths of different sizes on last of my budliea flowers on 23rd. Very late for them unless they are over wintering? Actually noticed a few more pigeons about my way this week! Even a few on stubble's. Been lean times and not expecting the coming months to be great unless more turn up as don't think they have bred well locally for last few years. NB
  16. You know us so well! It's all about the bells i tell the! Morris quit dancing and is on a diet tho! So maybe have to venture north over the border and take on the legendary North Norfolk chubby challenge.. NB
  17. There ya go OF! Daivids answered that one! Cheers David! Didn't realise BASC or GWCT running it. I am a member of both to but had no notification. I only found out from farmer mate earlier today that had done survey who is as passionate as me! Guess they inform different levels of membership first? Lets keep on top of this folks and NE DEFRA etc support us and realise who the real conservationists are that have no political agenda! But they have got to support and work with farmers and shooters to find a balance that will work! NB
  18. Where does this go on Mel? Cud do with some of that as single again at mo. Certainly not in rural Suffolk! Tho sum of them horsey gals look a bit feisty! πŸ˜‰
  19. NE/DEFRA 12 week GL review underway! GWCT calling for evidence. Either direct or through them New survey up on there site worth filling in. If you are not a member of the shooting and conservation orgs join!! WJ have just got a review on releasing pheasant/partridges easy enough! If they reviewing possible effects of game bird release near these sensitive sites they should be looking at the effects of walkers, dog walkers, runners and cyclists to. Going Minsmere/Sizewell near me Sunday. Big birder gathering there to protest/stop Sizewell C Power station being built! Hoping to have some more interesting banter with and educate a few folk. I wonder if Packham will turn up! πŸ˜‰ Will take a few copies of GWCT's Working Conservationists 2 i have to show folks! As it has in it a local example of whats being done by us who are real hands on conservationists! That are shooters. farmers and country people with no agenda! People that have a genuine passion for and knowledge of the countryside wildlife and conservation that few would understand because a lot of us have been born to it! NB
  20. Brilliant!! Well done TGS team!! Thanks for posting Mudpattern! Already friends that have viewed it on youtube who are not shooters but real conservationists saying how good, informative, factual, and well made it is! Needs sharing! . . . Also a good video up on Fieldsports Channel of CJ interviewing Robin Page of CRT. NB
  21. There was also a very good prog on BBC4 during the week presented by that hippy vicar Peter Owen Jones. It was about life and wildlife in the new forest where Packham live. Amongst other interesting stuff it showed how the national trust burn of rank heather on rotation for regenerating, grazing, wildlife and for fire breaks like this clip. Have never heard Packham complaining about it on his door step. Strange that! I think he wanted to stop commoners grazing though? NB
  22. Great post Olsson!! And very true! We all need to do more if we want to keep what we have got! The threat ant going away! Doing nowt is not an option! As you say they are very social media savvy. Folk are interested and supportive if you give and show them the facts and where to find out more! TGS have, are doing a great job of not only informing folk about the GL, WJ etc, But also about shooting and guns in general! It where i send folk. Particularly younger folk and peps that may be interested in getting in to shooting! This generally leads them to FC to and the good interviews/debates they done. We are all busy! But it's not hard to start a conversation. I have learnt to give people a little information but encourage/direct them to find out more for themselves and the real facts! About both shooting and conservation!! We have got nothing to hide! They may not agree but more will understand! NB
  23. Well! They have there 100k+. So it gets debated, It the most popular looked at/signed gov petition over weekend. They talk of petitions that have not reached target will be pulled in 9 days because of whats going on with gov/parliament at mo. Still think this ban one strange! Odd wording and petitioner (Neil Jones) not known or promoting it? Yet they ( Avery and co) have put it on and all over there social media and ramped up there campaign. Something wrong me thinks! But hey! If the thinking is these petitions don't mean anything then we have nothing to worry about! Right!? Remember folk saying that about hunting! NB
  24. Filled screw heads can flex and pop. Particularly on floors that are frequently washed or get moisture on them. Recommend Filltite a good 2 pack filler. Easy to work with shape and sand with a bit of flex. No more fumes than than any product you will be putting on floor. Don't mix to much at once and clean tools and mixing palete off before it goes off. NB
  25. He been chatting to BASC members again! (Are they stalking him)! This time an all nighter with 2 members in a hotel bar. Debating what corvids should come off the GL apparently. NB
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