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Everything posted by ShootingEgg

  1. Have had a trap out for a mate with chickens, this morning got the call, trap had done it's job. 410 up close and personal to the back of the head.
  2. You say that, but damn they are a great little car, i had one for 6 years, 1994 mk1 import and it went sideways for fun.. Enjoy it davyo... Will put a smile in ya face in the corners.
  3. Well tried a mod i have just to see and it was shooting fine, so today got a chance to go back to Braces in Bristol, and they swapped it out no problems. So now will be able to get it back shooting straight and bashing the bunnies asap.
  4. Definitely get where you are coming from. But why rely on a small mechanical part that could fail at any given moment?
  5. This.. The biggest safety feature on any gun is the user. A safety catch is just a piece of metal that can corrode and break. Never assume because the little S is visible that the gun is safe. When in a hide and sat, the gun pointing straight up and muzzle above head height. Safety sometimes left off. Is this unsafe?
  6. Which will be a little more money making him a little more profit.. Good sales man he is
  7. I love my UO berettas but SA I went for the sx3. At 500£ you have a big pool to choose from.
  8. Id agree with this, the hall was massive but they had crammed it in so for the amount of people there it was hard to move around and see stuff. I went up knowing what I needed and came away with it all. Was a good day out and got to meet some new faces and bump into people I knew.
  9. You could of gone onto the avs website and its on there. Glad you have found it now, ive found them very helpful.
  10. Have an sx3 and have no need to go to a 4, absolutely love it as a s/a.
  11. Thats another story and another problem, as they arent wild they are kept by inept owners who have no regards for others, as status dogs.
  12. Metro headline reads, "Killer fox attacks baby" they love to over exaggerate.. The baby was not killed. Yes I believe that a fox would and could easily kill a child but to put that kind of headline is a bit OTT
  13. This isn't a new problem though, I have read this article. Potentially the same fox took a cat the night before. And urban foxes are becoming a problem everywhere and the more confident they get the more attacks will happen, a baby is no different to a lamb in the foxes eyes.
  14. we've had a Labour govt, it was 5years + of free stuff for everyone, then we run out of money as a country and will be 15 years of picking up the pieces and blaming the current govt for said carp created..
  15. Just read that a fox has killed a cat and attacked a 7month old girl in Plymouth. Was only a matter of time before this was going to happen, and im sure its happened before when foxes have got into houses etc.
  16. Cheers, took a while but not done it alot and not had any form of butchery training, used to work in kitchens but still dont buy in a haunch haha... The dog got the bones, and was living the dream haha.. You will have to show me how to skin that quickly... Couple more from tonights stint..
  17. Think this is the same topic in effect. And Labour arent just saying stop resring, they are saying stop any form of fox hunt that ends with a dead fox (loop holes in the laws) and end the badger culls. It is a way of gaining yet more votes, they've targeted students, now the animal rights groups are getting their dose of corbyn.
  18. Thats cool, thought i might of worded it wrong.. But yeah not great. The main BBC headline about pets is also an issue, I currently rent my house out due to my circumstances, luckily have a good family network so stay with them. But I know from experience pets can be a nightmare if you have the wrong kind of owners. Alot of money spent fixing problems, so yes its great that Tennants would have that guarantee of being allowed pets, but landlords will just raise the rent accordingly. So that lovely pledge will push rental pricing up. Obviously thats just my opinion.
  19. Where in my post did I say they were banning shooting? I said the rearing for shoots... Also if f the rearing is banned it wont be big corporate syndicates it will be ALL shoots big or not!
  20. Labour will only peddle theor own agenda, to get votes.. If that means targeting animal rights groups by saying they will do x y z then that is what they will do, only have to look at the election manifesto to see this.
  21. One haunch butchered by myself, very much an amiture at this. Two rolled joints, 4 steaks and a shank. upload image album
  22. Was a BBC article on how Labour want to make allowing pets in rented properties the default, not the landlords choice. It went on to list other things including ditching the badger culls, loop holes in foxhunting and the rearing of game birds intensively.
  23. Just read on news that they are looking at stopping the rearing of game birds for shooting and closing loopholes in fox hunting law. So looks like corbyn is targeting the animal rights wing now. After failing to get all the students to vote for him twice..
  24. So will be looking at checking this at the weekend due to work commitments. Any one know of a gunsmith in southwest (Bristol area)
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